AddMed mobile app for medication management.


AddMed – is a convenient mobile application that can help avoid missing the time for taking medication and track health state, as well as schedule the convenient time for seeing a doctor.

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In healthcare, the organization and convenience are two of the most important factors and this is particularly true for medication. Idealogic, as a company with extensite healthcare experience, implemented AddMed, a mobile application that will help anyone, including people with no knowledge in technology and retirees who struggle taking their medications in time and on schedule.

The main aim was to develop an app that would guarantee a complete functionality of medicine management, making it uncomplicated, trustworthy, and affordable for everyone.

Business challenges

Designing AddMed required consideration of several issues related to medication management, including:

Effective Pill Tracking and Reminders

An efficient means of monitoring the medication intake schedule and alarming the users to take their medication on time.

Monitoring Drug Side Effects

An option that allows the patient monitor the results of the medication and record the side effect.

Motivation for Medication Adherence

Informing the users about the effects of sticking to their medication schedule in a consistent manner.

Access to Doctor Consultations

Integrating a way in which the users can seek assistance of medical practitioners during hard times. 

Intuitive and User-Friendly Desig

The usage of the app must not be complicated for people of different tech-savviness, including those not used to advanced technologies.

Cross-Platform Support

Ensuring the app is downloadable and is fully operational on both the iOS and the Android.

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To overcome these challenges, Idealogic used a combination of the following strategies to design AddMed:

User-Friendly Interface

AddMed was devised in a relatively simplistic yet efficient way for easy and efficient navigation with intuitional user interface that requires no technical background or extensive experience with similar apps.

Health and Pill Schedule Monitoring

The app offers the users the possibility to manage their health, medication timetable, and the effects in a much simpler way, thus increasing the app engagement and ensuring better treatment outcomes.

Online Drug Guide and Doctor Chat

An easily modifiable online drug reference and a function for talking to doctors in the application were implemented, providing constant assistance.

Personalized Medical Parameters Tracking

Idealogic installed a system to monitor and record all user’s medical characteristics, to open the possibility for individual control of morphology of dosage and time.

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The development and subsequent updates that have been made to AddMed include: pill identification, drug schedules, side effects observation, and direct interactions with medical practitioners. All of that comes as a package in the management of the treatment plan throughout the app.

AddMed was designed in a user-friendly manner and was available in several platforms, crating a broad customer base, offering a vital tool to users who require a medication reminder and management app.

Awareness of the need for more individualised health tracking and treatment, and the capacity to immediately speak with doctors in AddMed, has made it a complete health companion that guides people on their medication regimen and general health.


AddMed is a perfect example of the Idealogic team capabilities in modern technology. We can meet critcal requirements in the sphere of healthcare, making an accessible, easy to use and fully functional application in the field of drug management, improving the quality of life of our customers' users.

This case showsour ast knowledge in customer mobile software development, including cross-platform mobile development, and commitment in expanding health solutions. Ths is a true example of how digital solutions can help enhance the general wellbeing of patients.

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