
How to Choose the Right Mobile Applications Development Company

Artem Zaitsev
March 18, 2024

Presently, technology has embraced the society in ways that everyone is seen with a smart phone in their hands. It is present in the society and every time people need any information through the digital system. Because of this, businesses throughout the globe have incorporated mobile app development technologies into their working processes. Need more customer interaction, better performance or new market? The appropriate smartphone application development company can greatly facilitate the company’s performance.

However, the path from an idea to a working mobile application is filled with difficulties, including selecting the proper mobile application development company that will help you turn your concept into a reality. It is necessary to stress that this choice is crucial. The right development partner can not only turn the vision in your head into a contemporary application but also help you navigate the tod’s app market, technologies, and user expectations. Choosing the wrong one on the other hand will mean that the resources used in vain, the time and other assignments done will have been done in vain and the product developed will not meet the intended goal.

Luckily, with Idealogic, you can eliminate all these challenges with ease!

In this article, you will read a detailed guide on the selection of the best mobile application developers and how it can contribute to the further development of your company. Hence, the book contains anything starting from the technological definitions on the subject up to the samples of the most successful case studies. Let’s read on to know the different types of mobile app development services and expertise, how can you get the app and service, and how you can incorporate mobile app development to your business strategy.

Let’s begin our mobile app development journey right now!

Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Company Step 1: Defining the Project Requirements

The process of mobile application development starts with a realization of goal and objective that you would want to accomplish. This step is very important for determining the right company for the development of your mobile app since it is used to predetermine the entire process of development and also aids in the sharing of your vision with prospective development partners. As it has been established in the survey by, the clarity of project specification is the most critical determining element of business satisfaction with software development firms.

What Is the Idea of Your Project? Understanding Your Business Goals

Every magnificent app begins with a concept, nevertheless, the spirit of transforming an idea to a great product is to clearly define objectives of the business. Before starting the mobile app development, you should be very specific on which result you are likely to achieve at the end of it all. Do you want to expand customer base or have more satisfied consumers, or enhance organizational performance? These all questions will assist you to learn the whole picture of your project.

This report from Statista shows that by 2023, there are estimate of 4. Currently, taking into account the number in millions, approximately 2 billion people use smartphones. Also, the globally smartphone user base is envisaged to get touched 6. 4 billion users, and peaking anew in 2029. This figure reveals the app’s potential audience, meaning that it’s more crucial than ever to determine realistic goals that would correspond to target users’ needs and activity patterns. Goals that are outlined at this state should be specific as well as measurable; they will assist you to identify the right development company for your project and act as a guide on how to achieve success throughout the project.

Some of the Complicated Issues: Technical Requirements

The techTechnical details may include such decisions as native, hybrid, or web applications, definition of the set of features and functionality of the future application. According to a report by the Gartner group, customer engagement for most companies is still below 0. Developers have predicted that only 1% of applications on mobiles falls under the financial success category.

Consideration of the latest trends, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or blockchain, would also make your app stand out. Elaborating these requirements will help in evaluating what extent and how complex the project is going to be as well as ensure that the development company of your choice has all it takes to give life to your idea. P. S. : Idealogic should be your mobile app development company if you want a company that does not give you a hard time when it comes to the technical side of the project.

Mobile application development company.

Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Company Step 2: Several Service Models

Selecting the right mobile app development company is much more than a mere qualifying of the company based on the skills of the developers that it hires. An important decision which has to be made during this process is to familiarize oneself with the various service models which are utilized by mobile app development companies and then decide on which of these models is the most suitable for the particular project, taking into consideration the latter’s cost, schedule, and performance requirements. Next, let’s dive into the details of the given service packs which are commonly offered; help with choosing the right strategy for the process of creating a mobile application.

Product Design

As a rule, the concept of the future mobile application should be elaborated before a single line of code is written, the main initial stage is product design. In this phase, the ideas formulated are refined into a logical and attractive layout of the app, which is under the category of the UI/UX design. Did you know that as much as 94% of the first things people notice are tied to design? But this fact simply underlines the need for a coherent concept and as simple design as possible for the given application to become successful. 

Outsourcing the service of product design to a mobile development company which provides a service pack can boost the interaction level of users and the adoption of your mobile application. For instance, with Idealogic you can develop an identity and basic brand, fine your first presentation pack for pitching, redesign the product before its launch, and perform many other essential services during the first stage of the mobile app development.

Technical Consulting

Many technical consulting firms provide their expertise to the clients in making a right choice of acceptable technology, architecture, and development processes that can be implemented for their specific app. A rather surprising fact to mention here is that more than 60% of the projects built for the application domain must重新Consider their technologies halfway through the development due to the scalability and performance concerns. Therefore technical consulting services right from the beginning are helpful since it eliminates a lot of flip-flopping and redoing of work in the development phase.

Idealogic delivers the technical consulting services to your business, which may include the following benefits: The involvement of Idealogic will help your business to plan its further development, minimize risks, manage the budget, etc. Drawing on the experience of working with a wide range of business fields, including blockchain, fintech, logistics, aviation, real estate, etc. , our team is always ready to pass on the results of our analysis. It is for sure that, the experts of Idealogic can contribute a lot when it comes to the visualization of future product.

MVP Development

The minimum viable product model has gained noticeable attention, allowing businesses to test their app concept in the real world with minimal risk. An MVP is established to create a basic version of an app with a few features enough to attract the first consumers while offering information for development. A recent survey shows that MEP strategies during the full-scale development are 50% more likely to get funded as it shows the proof of concept and the demand for the product.

Choosing an MVP development service pack can be a great idea to check if your mobile app concept is going to be successful or not and improve it according to the feedback. Ideologic is always ready to assist you to test the ideas with less exposure, bring your application to the market quicker, and leave the rivals behind. Thus, our team is prepared to create an MVP that will help your startup start, show investors and test your target audience’s reaction.

Dedicated Team

If an application needs extra care and constant updates, constantly practicing, and improving, then dedicated team service model is appropriate. It gives you a set of specialized employees who are dedicated to your project only, which leads to continuity and, as a result, better understanding of your business goals.

As stated by some sources they say that specialized teams may work 70% more effectively as a result of team cohesiveness and considerable concentration on the particular job. Long-term subscription and perspective app development can be significantly boosted with the help of a development company that provides a dedicated team service package. Our specialists are willing to meet your product’s demand in the shortest time possible so as to enable you release your product in the market faster. We can alleviate the burden for the internal team, facilitate the definition of working requirements, and ramp up your project.

So, do not forget that selecting the proper service model is one of the essential factors of the successful completion of the mobile app development project. There are seven types of services focusing on the level of involvement: if you are at the conceptual stage of the project, require professional consultation, wish to build a prototype, or need a permanent development team, there is a service pack for each case. If you make a list of all the factors of each option and apply the on your project, you can lay to set up a good foundation for building a fruitful partnership with the mobile app development firm.

Mobile app development company.

Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Company Step 3: Which Expertise Should Be Included

It is vital to consider the following when selecting the mobile app development company - the technical competence available. Ideally, your selection should correspond to the niches and technologies that your project will require. Notably, every development domain contains its competency profile, market slices, and users’ demographics. Familiarity with these areas can considerably affect the performance of your mobile app in a saturated market house.

iOS Development

Experience in IOS development is one of the important competencies that can help achieve viewers in the target segments of digital markets, especially in the United States and Europe. These regions have the tendency of using iOS in owning proportionate market share on the available smart phones. Another thing about iOS, it is necessary to mention, is that iOS users usually have higher incomes and in addition, they spend more on applications’ purchases than users with Android devices.

That is why iOS became highly popular among the companies, which set their sights on the premium market segment. When hiring mobile app development company, ensure that the company is well and familiar with Swift or objective C and also through on iOS human interface guidelines to meet the expectation of iOS users.

Android Development

Android development brings your mobile app to a greater audience as Android accounts for more than 70% of the global usage of smartphones’ operating system. This platform is largely predominant in the third world and it has moderate reach and scalability. Android being an open source has benefited in creating a divergent app market but on the other hand, the need to support many types of devices and screen sizes demands much attention.

Another rather amazing fact is that the Google Play Store has a greater app assortment compared to the Apple App Store. Development companies skilled in Kotlin or Java with a track record of addressing Android’s fragmentation can help your app stand out.

React Native Mobile Development

Using React Native in development of mobile applications entails the advantage of benefiting from both iOS and Android in the same script. It can prove cheaper than the indigenous institutions for startup firms and companies that want to start the manufacturing of their products the soonest.

Also, React Native has been adopted by colossal companies such as Facebook, Instagram, and UberEats which proves the effectiveness of the framework for addressing extensive applications. It is always recommended to make sure that you are selecting your development partner to make sure that he/she has prior experience in developing in the React Native environment in order to reap the advantages it brings.

AR and VR App Development

AR and VR mobile applications are viewed as a helpful pattern in the present occasions and are extensively utilized in various nations. AR techniques see a market of over $50 billion by the year 2024 and thus the application of these provides a stable base for such innovations. When it comes to gaming, education, retailing industries, and just about any industry, it is possible to raise the bar handy application of AR and VR.  

Moreover, it is pointed out that people, who use AR, have 70% better memory of the contents as compared to those who are not using this tool. The firms specialising in ARKit, ARCore, Unity or Unreal Engine will play a crucial role in realising this opportunity.

Hybrid App Development

A hybrid mobile app employs the web application technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coded in a native shell to access interfaces where it will operate on various platforms. This approach has potential to greatly decrease the amount of time it takes to develop units and costs. Others like Instagram, and twitter, are nearly as fast as native apps and can do almost everything, thereby dispelling the notion that you have got to go native to offer a good experience to the users. A company with specialization in frameworks such as Ionic, Cordova, or Flutter can therefore provide you with quality hybrid apps that meet the different users’ need.

In choosing a mobile app development company, this is the kind of expertise required in those areas important for the project. In case your application is focused on a particular platform or if it is aimed at the broader market with multiplatform solutions, cooperation with a company that demonstrates successful experience in the required domains will become the key to the success of your project. 

Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Company Step 4: Where to Find the Best

Of course, finding the right mobile app development company is one of the critical success factors when you are ready to bring your idea into life. Currently, there are many possibilities to identify such a business that not only suits technical and / or economic criteria but also has vision and values similar to one’s own. Here are two variations of where and how it is possible to commence the search for the best mobile application development partners.

Mobile App Development Companies

Conventionally, this process of searching a development partner is carried with the help of certain numbers of particular mobile application development companies. These are companies dedicated solely to the mobile applications development, which provides a high level of specialization regarding the concepts, implementation, and support. There are more than 100 000 companies that create mobile applications around the world in the last few years, proving the great choice.

To make your search more specific, filter the companies you’re considering, by their specialization in your app’s category, the good words people say about them and actual case studies showing that this company can complete relevant projects successfully. Another aspect for which it is necessary to focus is on companies involving to production of award-winning products or services, which are considered to be the best in the given industry.

Surprisingly, many big app development companies are not from the well-known hard technology zones like Silicon Valley but are from all over the world, with weak prices and rich resources. For instance, Idealogic is a software company that deals with development and has been in the market for many years dealing with different fields of business. The Idealogic team that has many successful cases behind, providing customers with various services, including mobile or web development, blockchain, UI/UX design, cloud computing and AI/ML solutions.

Online Platforms for Mobile Development

In the present age, creation of business relationships with mobile app developers has been eased by online platforms. These platforms are not only a source of numerous development companies, but they also share information about their abilities, experience in previous projects, and clients’ feedback. listed below are some of the platforms that you can begin to look in.

Popular in listing IT service companies, Clutch. In terms of the information provided, co is equipped with a detailed review of the clients, ratings, and company profiles. Another peculiar feature of Clutch is that it sorts companies in accordance with the data and shows you the list of the best performers in the sphere of application development.


Thus, Upwork has always been a crucial platform when it comes to identifying development companies that are willing to cooperate through the platform. Looking at the recent Upwork, statistics that show more than 12 million registered freelancers and agencies, a review and rating system can assist you in finding competent teams.


GithHub is not a strictly speaking a marketplace but it is possible to find great talent there easily. Looking at developer contributions, portfolio, and the review section you can be able to assess the technical ability of possible partners. Also, it should be noted that today, GitHub contains more than 100 million repositories, making it the leader in the field of source code hosting. 


In case design is sensitive in a project, then there is a list of the best design firms whose portfolios are on Behance, they include those specialized in mobile application UI/UX design. The platform creates an opportunity of discovering the creative aspect of the mobile app development companies. 

All these platforms present a different way of getting the right mobile app development company for your project. In this way, using all the information that is available online and making a proper research, you will be able to determine partners that not only have the technical qualifications that you need for the job but also those that will be interested and eager to start the work.

So remember, a perfect partner is the one who can comprehend your idea, be an effective communicator, and is interested in the prosperous outcome of your application!

Idealogic - Your Ideal Mobile App Development Company

As mobile app development goes mainstream, firms across the globe are always on the lookout for a good mobile app development firm. Spanning through the numerous choices out there, Idealogic sets itself apart as the ideal solution provider to any business organization that seeks to satiate its consumers through one touch of a button via the designing of excellent user- friendly mobile applications. Perhaps it will be interesting to look at some of the successful cases created by the Idealogic team.

Why Choose idealogic for Mobile App Development

Idealogic works on the principles of customer satisfaction, technical ability, and providing solutions that are diverse according to the clients’ individual needs. Here are a few points that will clearly depict as to why our company is suitable for mobile app development.

Expertise across various platforms

By being well-endowed in iOS, Android, and both, Idealogic guarantees your app gets to the right people, be it iPhone or Android owners. The studies show that cross-platform application development decreases application costs by 5-30% depending on the type of app, which makes Idealogic a great investment regardless of the business scale – for startups and big companies.

Focus on the user experience

In Idealogic, our primary benchmark of success is user experience because it is the ultimate measure of value to the consumers. This has a direct impact on engagement because the designs are visually appealing, functional and easy to navigate as compared to others. Sure, a proper and well-thought UI design might increase your website’s or app’s conversion rate by a whooping 200% at least and our main goal is to achieve this.

Innovative technological approach

Whether it is the enhancement of guest experiences AR/VR or AI/ML technologies to offer dynamic application interactions, Idealogic remains proactive with the new age upcoming trends. Since the AR market is expected to be more than $20 billion in 2024, our specialists’ knowledge of these spheres will help Your app become a market leader.

Comprehensive post-launch support

Realizing that development does not stop when the app is live, Idealogic also offers sustenance services to ensure the app dovetails with the user’s demands and technology. The willingness to build a long-term relationship with the customer is still unique in the software development market and ensures the success of your app. 

UBeat mobile application development.

Some of the Successful Case Studies

Let our successful projects do all the speaking. I suggest now looking at some cases of mobile app development we did for our clients.


UBeat is an open musical platform whose tasks are to link musicians with their fans. It is an app that enables users to listen, upload, share audio, bookmark the desired tracks, create the tracklist, and receives the lists of the similar tracks according to user’s preferences. 


The peculiarities of the business model of Pikkup mobile application are focused on the interaction between car owners and car services. Geo-location wise, the application has detailed information about help centers for people who require help with vehicles. It enables users to have that immediate access to service suppliers, the search is done using car register information and it has a high level of service payment security.

Health Life

It was designed by an experienced Idealogic team; the Health Life workout plan offers the user an individual approach. Certabol is used to individualize a sporting schedule, track the training locks, analyze the statistical data of the users activity, and arrange the workout schedule.


Among thousands of mobile app development companies, we successfully separate ourselves through concentration on the technological aspect of the application and the modern trends within the app business.

So, with our experience, creativity, and passion to your project, it is very easy to make all your concepts and visions real! Contact us or book a quick call with our CTO to discuss your project vision!

Let’s create extraordinary mobile applications together!


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