
A Complete Overview of the Latest Trends in Software Development

Alex Saiko
March 8, 2024

The 21st century is characterized by information technology as the world goes digital. Today it is possible to name a number of SW development trends that the users, and sometimes the IT specialists themselves are hardly able to track the further evolution of this industry.

As developers and project managers, as well as stakeholders, transition into 2024, there needs to be remarkable trends in software development to sustain the uniqueness of the working process. So, if you are concern in Technical ConsultingMVP development, hiring a Dedicated Team, or any other issues connected with IT, knowing these software development trends will greatly ease the working process and bring clarity to the general IT business outlook. 

Today in Idealogic, our skilled team of professionals will inform you about everything in programming, from AI and machine learning to cybersecurity and its influence on developers. Don’t miss your chance to find more detailed information about the tendencies of the modern software development!


Trends in Software Development: AI and Machine Learning

AI as well as machine learning have become more popular eras in software development than before over the last few years. Based on GitHub's 2023 State of the Octoverse, the rate of development of AI and ML projects went up by 40% which created a realization and urge to embrace these technologies in the development community. 

Now, let’s look closer at these promising technologies.

Integration into Development Tools and Processes

AI and ML are no longer restricted to concepts that are discussed in the scholarly field or in the organization’s specific settings. They have received the real trends in software development, making the developer’s working process noticeably lighter. For example, the AI code completion GitHub Copilot, created in 2021 is now widely used and provides suggestions that can greatly enhance the rate of coding. Another survey done by GitHub organization after the release of Copilot noted that developers coding with the help of AI-based tools gain 55 percent output.

Besides, AI and ML are used for testing and quality assurance automation. Deep learning algorithms are developed to detect the indicators of problematic code. They make it possible to correct mistakes before they appear significantly and decrease debugging time. One of the most famous examples of AI’s help is the known tool, the Chat GPT. After OpenAI created the modern version of this tool, GPT-4, it is quite difficult to define coding mistakes and receive recommendations regarding all the steps in development.

The general trends that have emerged in using AI in developing processes only make the work more efficient and allow developers to focus more on creative aspects of their job, in addition to technical and problem-solving aspects.


Future Projections for AI's Role in Development

This role among the contemporary tendencies of software development continues to expand and actively develop. Forecast calculations provided by industry thought leaders indicate that in the year 2026, more than 70 percent of the development teams will be incorporating AI into some or the other phase of the development process while in early 2023, this ratio was only 33 percent. AI and machine learning have equally significant opportunities in the context of software development professions as it pertains to automation and more profound user experience.

As the readiness of such technologies moves up, the percentage of gurus proficient in different AI technologies increases and they become more embedded in development platforms, there is likely to occur a shift of the kind of expertise needed for developing software. The largest development companies will also need candidates to understand and apply capabilities belonging to the AI realm. Thus, there will be an emergence of what may be termed as blended positions, the developers of the present world will not only be good coders but also AI deployment agents.

Trends in Software Development: The Surge of Low-Code/No-Code Platforms  

The relatively new entry into the scene is the low code and no code themes which are an innovation in application development. They facilitate the creation of applications by clients without having to master the programming languages thus enhancing software development.  

A report by Gartner also reveals that the market for these tools is on the rise and anticipates that the market size of the low-code development platforms will expand by approximately 23% in 2024. So the principal advantages of low-code/no-code platforms are non-quinquenniality in development time and component cost, utilization of graphic interfaces, and drag-and-drop technologies for creating applications. 

Democratization of Development 

The democratization of software development can be considered as having the most significant benefit among the low-code/no-code phenomenon. By approaching app creation with these platforms, it means many people, especially those across vast industries can develop applications and close the gap for technical and non-technical persons.

For example, a recent survey showed that 65% of the low-code developers that took part in the survey have put and deployed applications in less than one month since they began using a low-code platform or tool hence providing the efficiency of the low-code tools. By applying this approach, new opportunities for the expansion of innovative activities in different spheres appear, as employees of various fields, including marketing, finance, and operation, can create specific applications for problem-solving without the constant delay caused by the IT departments.

Impact on Professional Developers

Some might think that due to the appearance of the low-code/no-code platforms, the position of professional developers might become less important or even disappear. Instead of substituting professional developers, these software development trends are simply sparing them from tedious low-level work, and therefore easing professional developers to get engaged in more complicated value-added software development tasks. Thus, 84 percent of enterprises that implement low-code/no-code platforms state that they have achieved an increase in development velocity because their technical team creates projects more efficiently.

In addition, the emergence of new specializations is also observed, for example, professional developers are needed for expanding the capabilities of low-code / no-code platforms. These developers have core responsibilities of adapting and implementing a platform within an entity’s requirement as well as a standard framework for applications in an organization. Therefore, while it is true that low-code/no-code platforms could pose a threat to professional developers, the current situation is that the latter are now searching for even more valuable roles to apply their professional skills.


Cybersecurity Practices in Software Development Trends

Given that cyberattacks are getting more prominent, the incorporation of cybersecurity measures in the software development pipeline is highly relevant. The quantitative evidence from IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023 shows that the average global cost of a data breach has moved up to thirty-five million $. As such underlines how various consequences resulting from poor cybersecurity measures cost fortunes. As such, there is a shift in emphasis to the provision of security from the time the development plan is conceived. 

Secure Coding and Vulnerability Testing

The study has thus revealed that adherence to security coding practices will substantially cut on vulnerability at the source code level. According to the OWASP Foundation, which is the global non-profit organization focused on application security, a vast majority of the common problems may be addressed with a focus on secure coding. Furthermore, the tools for vulnerability testing have been improved so that the developers can recognize and solve the security problems before the application is released. 

Automated vulnerability testing is quickly becoming the new trend as tools are now able to predict threats more accurately as well as in the shortest time possible. In this case, it reveals that automated security testing tools have enhanced the recognition of risks by 40% in contrast to manual approaches of testing.

Emerging Technologies in Security 

We have already informed you about artificial intelligence, machine learning, and these technologies in software development. Now, we want to say that they are also providing some new methods for predicting, identifying, and mitigating cyber threats. To be more precise, AI-integrated approaches in securing the networks can uncover patterns and analyze a huge quantity of data in a shorter interval of time which leads in real-time identification of threats. For instance, threat identification will take half the time when it is conducted under AI automation since it involves an AI algorithm in identifying threats. 

Another technology that has exceptionally gained popularity in software security is blockchain, which provides decentralized security that can guard against data alteration. It is also important to understand that with the help of quantum computing many modern codes can be cracked. AI can design quantum-resistant cryptographic techniques.

Trends in Software Development: Landscapes of Cloud Computing

The global cloud computing market size is expected to grow from USD 626.4 billion in 2023 to USD 1,266.4 billion by 2028 at a CAGR of 15.1% during the forecasted period, according to a report by MarketsandMarkets. Such growth is attributable to the evolution of cloud services and the rich portfolio of cloud solutions and services available to business entities, which enhances the firm’s rate of innovation and security.

Advancements in Cloud Services 

Among the other tendencies in software development, there is a massive step forward with Cloud Services such as the appearance of serverless technologies and platforms, the Kubernetes environment, and the growth of Edge computing capacity. Cloud computing has especially been embraced by the developers due to its flexible nature in providing a server-less computing environment.

This model minimizes the operational challenges and expenses. After a year, a Datadog report indicated that it had observed a 50% rise in the customer adoption of serverless computing. As for container orchestration, Kubernetes has emerged as the preferred option with 88% of organizations using Kubernetes in some shape or form reveals the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

A Complete Analysis of Cloud Provides 

In aggregate, Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the market leader at 32 percent, which provides a broad range of services for various computing requirements. In the second place is Microsoft Azure that has captured a 20% market share, and it is characterized by compatibility with Microsoft’s software solutions. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) currently has a market share of 9% and is known for its good service in data analytics, machine learning, and open-source services. 

What is peculiar is that each cloud provider has its specialties, which imply certain parts of the market segment. While AWS is preferred due to its broad service offering and elasticity, Azure is due to its integration with other Microsoft products; while GCP is deemed suitable because of its big data capabilities and open-source associations. Using the criteria such as the price level, demands in terms of technology, and the current systems employed by the business organization, it is possible to select the most suitable cloud provider. 


Trends in Software Development: Evolution of DevOps and Agile

Such trends in software development like DevOps and Agile are still actively progressing, as per to the 2023 State of Agile Report, 95 percent of organisations actively practice Agile development to a selected degree, proving popularity within the industry. 

New Trends in Agile Methodology 

The first of the main trends in Agile is increasing the geographical dispersion of workers or teams that implement Agile methodology. This adaptation has been necessitated by the outbreak of the current pandemic that has led to the emergence of the work-from-home model. A survey conducted recently revealed that 70% of Agile teams are in one way or the other working in a distributed environment hence encouraging the emergence of tools and practices that ensure the aggregation and synchronization of Team communication. 

Another trend that can be noticed is the diffusion of Agile not only in technical contexts but also in other compartments of the organization like the marketing and the human resources. Actually, it gives flexibility and also it proves to be more effective in dealing with different and complicated projects and tasks. Thus, the application of the Agile principles in this case is not limited to project team’s work and interactions only but become the driving force changing organizational processes during the work and responding to changes.

AI and Automation in DevOps

When AI and automation are fully implemented into DevOps processes, it alters the development and operation teams and the delivery of software entirely. Machine learning tools and robotic process automation of analytical processes are increasing productivity, decreasing risks, and shortening the time to market. Gartner said in its report that at least 40% of the DevOps teams would be using AI for test automation, deployment, and other operational chores by 2024 up from the current levels of below 20% of the DevOps teams.

Infrastructure as Code and Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment are now allowing for the decrease of manual work and increasing efficiency. However, the same Gartner report explains that if automation is applied to DevOps, one will get a 50% cut in the lead time for changes and a 75% reduction in deployment’s failure rate.

Altogether, the application of AI in DevOps is not only in automation but also in decision-making.

The Growth of Edge Computing in Software Development Trends

There is a need to get application results in a much shorter time, which has boosted the evolution of edge computing technology. As stated by Grand View Research, the edge computing market size reached USD 16 billion at the global level, 50 billion in 2023 and it will be having CAGR of 36.9% in the coming years from 2024-2030.

This software development trend is related to the tendency of the exponentially growing data produced by devices located at the periphery of the networks, it does not pose as high demands for real-time data processing/analysis near the source.

Use Cases and Applications

The one use case is the Internet of Things where edge computing is helpful for the actual-time processing of the device. This increases the efficiency and functionality of software in a great way. For example, in smart cities, edge computing can perform the quick analysis of data gathered through sensors and cameras and regulate traffic to ensure people’s safety.  

Another notable use is in the self-driving car segment because actions must happen in the shortest time possible. Edge computing is the immediate computing of the data collected by the sensors with split-second decisions to enable safety and performance.  

Likewise, in healthcare, remote monitoring and telemedicine are made possible through edge computing through data analysis for better patient experiences and healthcare services.

Challenges for Developers

Edge computing creates new opportunities but at the same time, it comes with new challenges to the developers. One of the key challenges which exists in advance is the difficulty of creating applications that can run successfully in edge settings. Some of these issues include restricted numerical computing, inconsistent and fluctuating network connections, and the requirement for distributed and decentralized data analysis and storage. 

Security is another important factor of equal measure, especially when dealing with online payments. There is a heap of information examined and kept in various edge devices and places, thus, developers should pay attention to data security and breach likelihood. They must put in place power security measures which should correspond to the high security risks at the edge computing settings. 

Additionally, since devices and platforms involved in edge computing are diverse, sometimes these devices and platforms may not be compatible with each other. There is a need to create solutions that can fit within multiple ecosystems by developers. It needs to dive down the rabbit hole of standards and protocols.


Trends in Software Development: Quantum Computing's Influence

However, with the advent of quantum computing, it is capable of beating those traditional methods as can be seen from the quantum computing potential to revolutionise software development. According to Gartner’s report, it is estimated that by 2025, 20% of the world’s organizations will be inciting quantum computing projects in their budgets which was only 1% in 2020. This software development trend is since quantum computing can solve problems immensely faster than traditional computers. 

Quantum Development Tools and Platforms 

These include the appearance of quantum computing which has twisted the evolution of different tools and platforms. Such services as IBM's Quantum Experience are cloud-based and enable users to work with quantum processors for experiments and quantum algorithms without using a real quantum computer.  

Although it is challenging to define the current state of the field, one can confidently state that quantum computing is thriving: as of 2023, users have run over 1 billion experiments on IBM’s quantum computers.

Another remarkable platform worthy of mention is Microsoft's Quantum Development Kit, which provides the audience with Q# programming language as its basis is focused on quantum computing. This tool seeks to plug in the quantum algorithms into the standard software development life cycle, allowing the developers to run their algorithms on the classical computers while doing explorative modeling to the time when they transport their models to the quantum systems.

Preparing for a Quantum Future

The application of this software development trend requires the shift of a new skill set for such developers. For this reason, it is rather crucial to provide the current and the future developers with a core understanding of quantum computing. Academic and corporate institutions and social platforms are also currently providing information and lectures on quantum computing and Q# language. It means that such platforms should give an easier overview of the general quantum ideas and manpower in the form of professionals adequate to control the quantum technologies. 

However, future work and publications are required to determine quantum computing’s effects on business to incorporate quantum readiness as a strategic initiative. They have let us know about the developments in quantum technology, determine which kinds of quantum technology might benefit organizations, and even partner with providers of quantum technology.

The Impact of Software Development Trends on the Developer Experience 

Indeed, as new software development trends appear in the market, these trends create the corresponding bonuses and piques that influence the developers directly. 

One important trend concerning most software development is the interconnection of the development environments and tools that embedded with AI/ML capabilities. They do not just reduce the development cycle time but also assist in the early detection of errors hence enhancing the quality of the code as well as the satisfaction of the developers. 

 Another interesting source of evidence on the changes in DX is the development of remote and hybrid work environments. "State of Remote Work" report by Buffer, revealed that 97% of developers wanted to continue working remotely or at least have the option to do it. This trend has led to the development of cloud-based IDEs and collaboration tools that can help developers in decentralized work. They enable the developers to work remotely and still be as efficient as well as maintain good collaboration. 

In addition, DevOps practices, as well as CI/CD pipelines, have emerged as ways through which individuals in the development process participate in software delivery. The global market for DevOps is expected to grow with a compounded annual growth rate of 18 percent. A compounded annual growth rate of 24 percent is expected and by the year 2030, grow to 90 billion dollars. 3 2% annually from 2021 to 2030, with computer and peripheral equipment shipments being the largest of these. In the same respect, organizations whose practices were anchored in DevOps noted a 60% boost in the time taken to market their software products. In turn this enhances on the business’s capacity to manage change and the market by reducing on complacency that may be enhanced by competition from the market. 

The last one is the trend that affect DX and it is the progression toward open source and community dynamics. Analyzing the data for 2023 the 2023 GitHub Octoverse report established that contribution to open source projects has risen by 25% for each year. This software development trend meets the need for learning, self-development, and networking among developers, which is very crucial.

Idealogic - Your Ideal Software Development Services Provider

What can be concluded is that in the context of an ever-growing software development industry, the choice of an ideal service provider is more keenly felt today than before. Idealogic shall be a technical solution provider, and more importantly, an organization that is committed to the success of business needs! 

This company is the epitome of a holistic, progressive, and client-centric software development services firm in the modern age. As the tech-world continues to keep an eye on what is happening in the realm of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, and more, Idealogic blends and negotiates between analytical and creative approaches to working with all of these. 

 For example, our skilled development department applies AI and ML options to offer individual and time-effective user experiences as the primary advantage in the current world. Our Agile and DevOps strengths entail thorough reporting, full adaptability, quick prototyping, and unending delivery to all fields and forms of organizations. 

This approach helps in offering time-to-market solutions without corresponding negative effects by breaking the large processes into manageable sub-processes. When you choose to hire our dedicated team of developers, you get full client immersion in all the processes that are inevitably connected with development. In this way, you can be confident that it always leads to beneficial results which are not only associated with solid technical premise but also fully compliant with your business vision and goals. 

Irrespective of being into the web or mobile development, cloud solutions, or user-friendly UI/UX design – quality and security are paramount to Idealogic. With regards to testing compatibility and protocols alongside the highest level of security, the team assures marvelous applications that are immune to the new age threats. It then touches on quality and security aspects in all phases from conception, through design and implementation, upgrade, and maintenance, which has led to patrons’ confidence in our firm. 

Ready to transform your digital dreams into reality with a reliable software development partner

Contact us today or book a quick sync up with our CTO, and let's start a journey to find out what is possible in software development. Your future in the digital world begins here!

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