
Executable Code

Idealogic’s Glossary

The term “executable code” can be said to refer to code that is in the final form of code which is compiled and can be directly fed into the CPU of a computer. It is when the high-level source code that programmers develop converted into low-level code that computer can run efficiently without needing further compilation.

Characteristics of Executable Code

Much of any software is in a compiled form, which is easily understood by the computer processor. This code is mostly produced from source code in higher level languages such as Python, Java, and C++. In the next step, compilation or interpretation is exercised letting the source-code be converted to binary instructions that are executable by the computers. Some of the executable files are named as follows: These have extensions like “. exe” in the Windows operating system or is generally of no extension in Unix based operating system but needs specific permission to run.

The main feature of executable code is that the code is ready to be executed without further compilation or interpretation like source codese or scripts.

Performing Code Execution

Executing code can be defined as the process in which the computer’s CPU performs the binary instructions disseminated in an executable file. The process includes:

  • Loading: Start up program is a part of os which helps the os to load the program into the memory and assists in organizing the memory for code, data and control stack.
  • Linking: The operating system actually evaluates all the dependencies and binds all outside assortments and libraries with the existing program.
  • Execution: The CPU achieves the execution of the machine code instructions which inter alia may involve data manipulation, existence of interaction with the users or even other systems in the computer.
  • Termination: After the program is done, it releases the memory as well as other resources used, while OS terminates the other ways of allocation.
  • Software Development and Executable Code: Originally, in Software Development, such executables were got through compiling and linking of source codes to machine code.

The process

  • Source Code Development: Generating a set of instructions in higher level of languages that are easily understandable by a human being.
  • Compilation: To fashion source code for machine code which the computer is capable of executing.
  • Linking: This connects the process that is the code execution, the libraries or the modules that help to solve the dependence and get the executable file.
  • Testing and Debugging: Testing of the program to ascertain that is functioning as is expected and with the efficient functioning of the program.
  • Deployment: By providing the executable to the users or by uploading on any of the software distribution sites.


Compiled code is the last thing that is produced by the software development process to get the software operational out of a set of written instructions. Knowledge about it is significant for developers to design and implement high-quality software that can meet its designed functions.