

Idealogic’s Glossary

A computer can be described as an electronic machine which is programmable in a manner that it can perform a specific sequence of operations. It is capable of providing answers to simple queries like addition and subtraction, to the complex of data analysis; it is being applied in nearly every sphere of the modern world. Computer has the physical components such as the CPU, memory, and storage, and the logical components which include the operating system and application software.

Key Components of a Computer

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The CPU is the central processing unit of the computer which is the heart of the computer that does all the calculations. This component processes, evaluates and controls information within the system, it also has the storage of data and the provision of information to other parts of the system.

Memory (RAM)

RAM is the computer’s short term memory which is used to store data and programs that the CPU uses most often. The more the RAM that a computer has the more data it can handle at once and so it is faster.


The peripherals of the computer include the storage devices such as the hard disk drives (HDDs) or the solid-state drives (SSDs) in which data is kept as a permanent storage. Storage unit holds operating system, application software and user’s data and files and is still usable even if the computer is off.

Input and Output Devices

Some of the output devices include the keyboards, the mice and the touch screens through which information is fed to the computer. These are the devices that display or give out the result of the computer for instance the monitor or the printer.

Operating System (OS)

It is a system software that is used for management of the computer hardware resources and also for providing an environment for the application software. The commonly used operating systems are the Windows operating systems, the macOS and the Linux operating systems.

Software Applications

These are programs that are purpose specific such as a word processor for writing a document, a browser for the internet or a game to play etc. These programs are considered to be running on top of the operating system and are thus able to utilise the available resources of the computer.

Functions of a Computer

Data Processing

Computer is an output device which is used to take input in the form of data and provide output in the form of result. This involves arithmetic operation of computing, data or information as required by certain software packages.

Data Storage

Information can be kept in computers in large quantities and in a manner that can easily be arranged, searched for and changed. This involves all the forms of files; the simple text files to the more complex databases.


Computers can communicate with other devices through network channels, for data exchange, connecting to the internet and messaging. This is an essential aspect of contemporary computing since it allows the computers to be linked and; in the process be able to share resources across the globe.


Computers do the monotonous work with the help of set of instructions. It is used in a huge number of applications ranging from simple batch type of operations right through to the highly sophisticated manufacturing procedures.


The multimedia activities include the play of audio and video, image processing and creation of digital media. This makes them highly relevant as far as work in the creative fields and even for leisure is concerned.

Evolution of Computers

Early Mechanical Computers

The first computers were mechanical and were used to solve certain problems for instance, Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine and the abacus. It was such devices that lay the foundation for the modern computational theories.

First Electronic Computers

The first computer also referred to as the electronic computers came into the market in the mid 1900 with ENIAC and UNIVAC. These were large and slow machines that were chiefly used for scientific calculations and for the applications of the government.

Personal Computers (PCs)

The microprocessors that got developed in the 1970s and 1980s led to the development of personal computers or PCs and computing for individuals and small organizations. It transformed fundamentally the working environment and the manner in which people communicate with one another.

Modern Computers

The current computers are more powerful, compact and have more uses than the conventional ones. It is virtually impossible to go through a day without encountering it, be it in the form of smartphones, smart home appliances, education, commerce, medicine or entertainment.

Importance of Computers

Efficiency and Productivity

Computers enhance output and input through delegation of duties, fast data processing and analysis and solving of problems that would have otherwise required a lot of time and energy to solve.


The computers connect individuals and firms and they allow them to interact, co-ordinate and share information. The present world’s largest and most important means of communication is the Internet which is dependent on computers.


Computers are applied in almost every business field today and this is not limited to the following fields namely the medical, engineering and artistic fields.

Education and Learning

Computers have become very essential in education because they provide the students with an opportunity to access a large number of information, educational software, and video conferencing. It has revolutionalized the view on how knowledge is acquired and the process of learning.


In general, a computer is an essential electronic device that has the potential of solving various problems and execute them with the aid of data processing in accordance to the set of instructions. From the concept of being a mechanical device to what it is now a high tech electronic device, the computer has changed the world in the society and in the economy.