
Data Structures

Idealogic’s Glossary

Data structures are among the fundamental aspects in degree of challenging computer science; they help in sorting of data, storing and manipulating them. These store information in a form that facilitates effective management and operation including operation such as search, sort and index. Structures of data increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the algorithms and applications to deal with large volumes and types of information.

Selection of data structures is considered to be at the heart of the better software or algorithms’ implementation. On the same note choosing the right data structures will play a pivotal role in lifting the performance and scalability of the applications on hand. These are crucial in numerous aspects; artificial intelligence, databases as well as operating systems. Overall, understanding of data structures is imperative for writing the optimized, clean code which is essential in today’s market and therefore mastering data structures should be the core aim of any student – a technologically inclined citizen.

Types of Data Structures

Data structures are of many types and each type has its own characteristics and usage. Some of the most common types include:The following are some of the most general and frequently used ones:


Arrays is one of the simplest data structures. It is a collection in which the elements are stored in memory locations that are next to each other and hence, allows for fast accessing of elements using indices and easy modification of the elements. But arrays have a considerable drawback: they have a fixed size, so if you need to change the size of an array, you have to create a new one and copy the elements which takes time and slows down the program.

Linked Lists:

In contrast, linked lists are made from nodes in which each node is made to contain the data element together with a pointer to the next node in the list. Linked list can allocate memory at runtime and it is more efficient in insertions and deletions than an array. Some of the types are the singly linked list, the doubly linked list and many others.


Stacks are linear data structures in which the elements are inserted and/or removed from one end which is called the top, that operation follows the last in first out (LIFO) rule. This structure is beneficial particularly in conditions where the decrease order management is needed, for example, in the function calls in the recursive algorithms or in the actions undoing in applications.


Queues are data structures that are based on the queue data structure which has the property of First In, First Out (FIFO). This structure is most useful for the case where the tasks have to be performed in the order of their occurrence, for instance in scheduling of tasks or buffering of data.


Trees are the data structures in which nodes are connected by edges in a way that one node is superior to another node. The first node is termed as the root and every node can have one or more children nodes. Some of the most frequently used trees are binary trees where every node has at most two children, binary search trees where the left child is always less than the parent and the right child is always greater than the parent, and AVL trees which are self-organising binary search trees.


Graphs illustrate relations between objects; they are hence seen as networks. A graph is a two dimensional system that contains nodes and edges in which nodes are aligned with edges and it is used to portrayed relations between items.

Because of their significance to the software system and algorithms, data structures are critical. Recognizing the type of data structure that is appropriate for a particular use and when that structure is most effective in solving a particular problem, goes a long way towards making a program run the most efficiently that it can.