

Idealogic’s Glossary

Array — conceived as an organization that accommodates elements in a tabular form characterized by one or more indices that operate within a given set of values.

Array dimensionality is the extent of indices, which are used to distinguish an element from another without getting confused and its common types include 1D, 2D, 3D, and so on depending on the indices needed.

Arrays are unidimensional/preallocated and are qualitatively constant in size in all dimensions, which for the most part, contain one data type unless stated otherwise. Dynamic arrays present in many programming languages may be modified during runtime of a program and the elements of dynamic array may be of different data types in different instances.

The first of those can be very impressive. Indexing system of arrays and element retrieval is always effective since elements of an array are always arranged, in a sequential manner.

An array is a data structure which is used to store list of elements in the form of table where each element is assigned by one or more than one subscripts. All these indices have the potential of being used to refer to specific elements in an array and modify them, without creating confusion. The concept of order of an array which may be 1D, 2D, 3D, or even higher order means the number of coordinates required to point to an element. For instance, a one dimensional array is simply a list in contrast, a two dimensional array is made of rows and columns. As a result, arrays have become some of the most vital data structures in any programming language because they can hold various types of data in the best possible way.

Arrays are usually initialized, that is, they are given a certain size when they are created and this size does not change during the use of the array. This is an advantage since it means that arrays are well suited to memory usage and access since the system is informed of the required number of bytes and the position of the array within the system. However, dynamic arrays which are available in most of the programming languages are easier to use since size of an array can be altered during its execution. These dynamic arrays can also hold elements that are of different data types and this makes it to be very versatile in the program. Arrays are linear data structures that are characterized by their order and sequential nature, a property that makes it easy to access and retrieve any given data with a lot of ease as may be required in tasks that involve frequent data access.