
Data Structure

Idealogic’s Glossary

Data Structure as the name suggests is a way of presenting the data and manipulating it in memory or storage of a computer. It refers to the organization of data into an optimal form in terms of need for use and storage space. Data structures act as some of the most important tools that are used in the designing of the particular efficient algorithm and software systems. They include lists, arrays, stacks, and queues; trees: binary, n-ary, and graphical models.

Particular data structures including hash table can be viewed as being specially designed to suit particular problems and therefore carry some advantages and limitations as shall be seen next. The choice of data structure depends on certain factors such as types of operations to be made, capacity and performance needed, and these aspects are very important for restrarch and reducing the memory usage.

It is impossible to refer to many subfields of computer science – from algorithm design and database management to compiler design and artificial intelligence – where the concept of data structures is crucial.