

Idealogic’s Glossary

Complexity in software development is the measure of the amount of effort and knowledge that is needed in order to create, alter or even maintain a software product because of the numerous interrelated elements. While the term ‘complicated’ can be used to describe something which is not easy to comprehend but not necessarily be design, complexity in software systems is intentional and is a result of the relationships and dependencies that have been built into the system.

Sources of Complexity in Software Development

The following are some of the factors that make a software system to be complex. Another important source of complexity is the integration with so-called third-party code. Today’s software applications use libraries, frameworks and other third-party components to accomplish their goals. Though these external elements can enhance the system, they can also bring in the external dependencies that can make the system complex. It is essential to know the behavior of these third-party components with the system’s internal code but this can be complex especially when there is need to update or modify something.

Another area that causes the complexity is the integration of the software modules and classes in a manner that creates dependency. This is termed as tight coupling whereby components of a system are highly integrated such a way that any alteration in one module will lead to alterations in several other modules. This interdependence creates a challenge in modifying the system as even small changes can affect other parts of the system thus necessitating a comprehensiveness check and modification of the affected parts of the system.

Impact of Complexity on Software Development

This page aims at showing that complexity is an important factor that influences the creation, evolution and sustenance of software systems. When the system is quite large, it becomes hard to comprehend, to alter, or to enhance the system. This can result in longer time of development, more expenses, and higher possibility of several bugs or errors appearing when modifications are done.

In addition, complex systems are not easy to manage in the long run. New features may be added or some of the existing features may be changed and this may make the relationships between the different components to be even more complex than before. This can lead to a condition in which the system is becoming more and more complex and it takes more time and skills to administer the system so that it will continue to operate as expected.

Managing Complexity in Software Development

To deal with and to reduce the complexity, software developers use different techniques and approaches. Another method is to ensure that systems are developed with the aspect of modularity where the components of a system are not tightly coupled thus can work on their own. This minimises the effects of any change in one part of the system on the other parts and hence the system is easier to alter and modify.

The other technique involves employing abstraction in order to reduce the number of accessible points through which the system can be manipulated. This can be beneficial in terms of improving the comprehensibility and manageability of the system while the actual workings of the system are still rather convoluted.


Complexity in software development may be described as the deliberate and intricate relations which exist in a system and which render it challenging to create, adapt, and alter. Some of these factors include the utilization of third party codes and the coupling between different modules which makes the development process a complex one. Controlling complexity is important for the sustainability of any software system and developers apply techniques like modularity and abstraction to cope with the complexity of the system.