

Idealogic’s Glossary

Dependencies are other applications which are needed in order to allow software’s proper operation and functioning. These enhance the development process through the use of prewritten codes called ‘libraries;’ which are essential functions that do not have to be coded from the scratch. There is a tendency of using ready-made tools since they have been known to work effectively.

These can be used at different levels of software development including writing of code and even installation of a program. There are two main types: These include the direct dependencies which are incorporated directly in the software and the transitive dependencies which are the libraries on which the direct dependencies depend.

Benefits of Using Dependencies

  • These enable the developers to concentrate on the most vital aspects of the applications as well as hastening the process of development.
  • Thus using dependencies makes it possible to decrease the probability of making a mistake.
  • Since the code does not have to be written from scratch, it saves developers’ time and, therefore, clients’ money.

How to Manage Dependencies

Utilize Dependency Management Tools: The examples of specialized programs which can in some way assist in effective management of dependencies are as follows: Maven; pip; Bundler; and Yarn. The choice of which tool to use is contingent on the particular software being developed.

Regularly Update Dependencies: This should not occur but for the sake of safety it is recommended sometimes to perform an audit of the dependencies and possibly update them.

Integrate Only Necessary Tools: New dependencies mean that you are able to get to new functionalities; however, your effort in maintenance goes up. First of all, it is required to examine the efficiency of the library for its application in the given project in order to include the library to the project.

Challenges with Dependencies

Management: Dependents make some part of development easier but, on the other hand, they are hard to manage.

Reliance on External Libraries: If a dependency is absence, or not supported anymore, then this may hinder the performance of the software; this is especially so if the dependency has other sub dependencies that it depends on.

Licensing Issues: It is important to note that not all the libraries are public access libraries thus using these libraries without the right permission one is liable to the law and heavily penalized.

Understanding and managing these factors, developers can use dependencies and avoid possible problems to the maximum extent.