

Idealogic’s Glossary

Anomaly — an event, a product, a result that differs from what is typical, from the norm. Anomaly in the software testing context is really a term that encapsulates anything that is different from what has been set forth in the standards and specifications, whether it is a software system, design system, user case, and so on. As for such defects, a software engineer has to follow particular best practices that can minimize or eradicate these abnormalities.

Errors can be made anytime from the time when code is being written, designed, tested, or even when it is in the process of being maintained to name just but a few. These we can see as we observe it as bugs, errors, crashes, and glitches among other things.

Software engineering anomaly could be defined as a deviation from the expected behavior of a system in as much as it is defined by the system’s requirements and specification. These can appear in the form of bugs, errors, crashes, and glitches, and they can happen at any phase of the SDLC; that is, during the coding and designing phase, the testing phase, and even the post launch and maintenance phase. They are very important to detect and correct because they hinder the normal functioning, efficiency and usability of software.

Some of the measures that they have to adhere to in the management of the anomalies include; testing, code review and integration. These are good to identify the anomalies at the early stage of the development cycle thus reducing the chances of these anomalies appearing in the production environment. Also, engineers use automated testing frameworks and anomaly detection techniques to watch the software in use with a view of detecting any variations from the expected behavior and correcting the same. In this way, the development teams can prevent most of the anomalies and improve the stability and reliability of the software that fulfills the given specification and works as expected in the actual environment.