

Idealogic’s Glossary

A bug is a type of fault or mistake in the software application or system that makes it to perform inaccurately or in an unnatural way. There are source code errors, design problems which developers may have included in the software, and problems that come about due to the software engaging with other hardware or software. However, the majority of the errors are caught and fixed during the S/W development life cycle, there will always be a few that escape the net and only show their faces when the application is in use by the end user.

With a view of reducing the effects of bugs and enhancing the quality of software products, debugging tools and automated testing frameworks are used. These tools aid in identifying and solving bugs in the course of the development process so that a majority of problems are corrected before the software is let out. Nevertheless, there are still some defects that can be present and become visible only in the course of using the application in real conditions. In this case, special programs that are used to track bugs are commonly employed to collect the information about the error and the detailed report that may be sent to developers to fix the problem.

The levels of bugs can be divided into two categories; the first one is cosmetic where it only affects the appearance of the text or the user interface of the program, the second one is the critical one where it can cause the program to crash, hang the computer or even damage the hardware. In software maintenance, it is necessary to determine the priority that needs to be given to the bugs that have to be fixed so that the complications that arise out of the use of the software can be prevented. These include ongoing monitoring, fixing of loopholes and updates which may be required in order to work on any bugs that may develop after the software has been released into the market.