
Tree Structure

Idealogic’s Glossary

Tree Structure is a tree-like data structure in which a node can have one parent node and may have one or many child nodes. ” Tree structure is a data structure which is used to represent the data which has a hierarchical structure having one root node and various number of nodes in different levels. Each node may contain child nodes that are connected to the parent node thus creating a parent-child relationship. This structure is commonly implemented in computer science when it comes to the storage and manipulation of data, especially when there is the need to consider the elements’ parent-child relationships.

Key Concepts of Tree Structure

  1. Nodes: A node is a point, a point of connection, or a vertex in a tree-based system. A node can contain a value or data and can have zero or more children with the link between the nodes being referred to as edges. Nodes can be categorized based on their position in the tree: There are two types of nodes depending on their position in the tree and they include:
  • Root Node: The top level of a tree which does not have any parent node and is called the root node. It acts as the root node with the help of which one can start with the traversal and also take in the entire tree.
  • Parent Node: A node that has one or more nodes that are dependent on it. The ‘parent’ node has a reference to the ‘child’ nodes.
  • Child Node: A node which is connected to a parent node. As a child node may also be a parent of other nodes, it leads to the formation of a new sub tree.
  • Leaf Node: A node which does not have any child node. The last or the lowest level of the tree is called leaf nodes which are the last nodes in the hierarchy of the tree.
  1. Edges: An edge is a line that is used to describe the connection between two nodes in a tree. It illustrates the relationship that is there between a parent and child node. In tree structure edges are most of the time directed from the parent node to the child node.
  2. Hierarchy: A tree structure is by its nature a hierarchical structure, which is divided into levels, each level showing a different level of detail or specificity. The root node is the least specific and is at the top of the tree while the nodes that are deeper in the tree are more specific.
  3. Subtree: A subtree is a sub-tree of a tree which is a tree in itself and contains a node and all its offspring. It is possible to define a subtree of a tree starting from any node and including all the nodes of the tree.
  4. Depth and Height
  • Depth: The level of a node represents the level of the node starting from the root node where the level is the number of edges. The level of the root node is zero meaning that the root node is at level zero.
  • Height: A node’s height is then defined as the distance between the node and the child node which is farthest from another node which is a leaf node. The height of a tree is the height of the root node of the tree of course.  
  1. Binary Tree: A binary tree is a data structure that is a type of tree where each node can have at most two children which are known as left child and right child respectively. The most popular trees utilized in tree-based algorithms and data structures are Binary trees which include Binary search trees, AVL trees and heaps.
  2. Traversal: Tree traversal is defined as the process of embodying all the nodes in a tree structure in one single pass in a specific manner. Common traversal methods include:
  • Preorder Traversal: First go to the root node and then to the left child then go to the right child of the root node.
  • Inorder Traversal: First, it will go to the left child node then it will go to the root node, and then go to the right child node.
  • Postorder Traversal: First, before the traversing, traverse the left subtree, then traverse the right subtree and last of all traverse the root node.
  • Level-order Traversal: To the nodes starting with the root level all the way to the sub-levels, and to the last sub-level of the nodes.

Common Use Cases for Tree Structure

  1. File Systems: Tree structures are used to depict the directory and file hierarchy in a file system and that is why the tree is used as a data structure. The root directory is the root node and the subdirectories and files are the child nodes of the root node. It helps in sorting and storing files in a computer or any other storage unit making it easier to search for them.
  2. Databases: Some of the tree structures include the binary search tree and the B-tree which are used in databases to provide indexing of data making it easier to search, insert, or delete. Some of the most common data structures include B-trees which are employed in Relational Databases to manage large datasets.
  3. XML/HTML Document Parsing: Trees are used in the representation of XML and HTML documents as nested elements in a hierarchy. The tree structure of the document conforms to the structure of elements making it easy to navigate, traverse, and search elements within the document.
  4. Hierarchical Data Representation: Trees are very effective when it comes to data that is organized in a hierarchical manner such as organizations, categorization of objects, families, and even decision trees. Every level is a different level of abstraction or, in other words, a different way of organizing information.
  5. Game Trees: In artificial intelligence, especially in game theory trees are used to represent possible moves in a particular game. These include the concept of a node where each node or point is a state of a game and edges which are the potential moves between the different nodes to make the algorithms to be able to analyze different strategies.

Advantages of Tree Structure

  1. Efficient Data Organization: A tree is a form of data structure that allows data storage in a hierarchical format and hence makes it easier to perform search, insertion, or deletion operations.
  2. Scalability: Tree structures are capable of accommodating large data sets with many relations between the elements. Subtrees can be created and handled separately meaning that one may make alterations or changes to the structure without affecting the entire tree.
  3. Flexibility: Trees are very versatile and can model a great number of different types of data and relationships from simple ones consisting of one hierarchy to more complicated ones like decision trees and syntax trees.
  4. Easy Traversal and Searching: Tree structures enable efficient traversal and search algorithms including binary search in binary trees that makes operations to be done faster than linear data structures.
  5. Logical Representation of Hierarchies: Trees are quite helpful in showing the actual data where data is presented in the form of levels or categories because trees represent them in the best way.

Disadvantages and Considerations 

  1. Complexity of Implementation: While using and applying tree structures especially balanced structures such as AVL or B-trees entails some challenges. This is because for any tree to perform at its best then the insertion as well as deletion activities must balance the tree.
  2. Memory Usage: Tree structures require more space than the basic ones because each node can have several pointers to the nodes of the tree, Binary trees, for instance, or B-trees contain the pointers. This overhead can be large if the memory resources are limited in the platform implementation.
  3. Performance Degradation: When a tree is unbalanced, some of the activities such as search, insertion, and deletion take relatively larger operations and therefore reduce the performance of the particular tree. To ensure that the tree remains sustainable balance must be maintained in the tree.
  4. Traversal Overhead: It is more time-consuming to navigate a tree rather than linear data structures such as arrays or a linked list if, for instance, the tree has many levels of hierarchy.
  5. Complexity in Parallel Processing: One of the difficulties is the concurrent modification and traversal of the trees, because the changes made with one part of the trees may impact the others. In multi-threading, one needs to get good control of the handling of threads, issues to do with the synchronization, and other things such as the locking.


To sum up, Tree Structure is a type of data structure under which the degree of a node is one and the degree of the other nodes is at least one and at most N. It’s a way of structuring data hierarchically, so it can be used to represent file systems and databases, parse documents, and feed AI-driven decisions. Trees provide easy data organization, growth, and versatility which is suitable for managing relations and massive data. However, the arrays also have their drawbacks in the form of complexity of implementation, the amount of memory utilized in their implementation, and the fact that their implementation requires that care be taken in order to avoid instances of imbalance and poor performance. That being said, tree structures are a major and key tool that is still effectively used in computers and data management.