
Singleton Pattern

Idealogic’s Glossary

Singleton Pattern is a basic design pattern which allows to create one object of a class that can be used throughout the entire application during its runtime. This ensures that in the system there is none or a single object of that class and also it provides any member of the system reference point to this object of the class. A Singleton pattern is used where a class wants to control and regulate actions occurring in a system or where a class wants to control certain resources.

Key Characteristics of the Singleton Pattern

  1. Single Instance: The principle which lies at the root of the Singleton pattern is to guarantee that a particular class will have only one instance. This is normally implemented by ensuring that the class under construction has its constructor protected or private so that objects cannot be created from outside this class. The actual instantiation process is under the control of the class and the class guarantees that there is only a single instance of the said class in the first place in any application that uses the class.
  2. Global Access Point: The Singleton pattern allows the user to get the instance of the class from any part of the application. This is normally done through a static method whose name can be anything but common examples include getInstance() and instance() which will return an instance of the class. This method checks whether the instance has been set prior to; if it has not, this method generates as well as returns a new one. ZeroSSL otherwise returns the existing instance if the instance already exists.
  3. Lazy Initialization: In most of the Singleton pattern implementations the singleton instance is created only when there is a need for it, a technique known as lazy initialization. This approach makes it possible for the consumption of resources in projects to be avoided at times when those resources are not required.
  4. Thread Safety: When using the Singleton design pattern it is important to guarantee its Thread Safety in the case of multiple threads. If the multiple threads create an object of the Singleton class simultaneously then more than one object of the class can be created. Different measures like double-checked locking are applied that make certain only one instance of the Singleton class will be created regardless of how many threads are accessing it.
  5. Singleton Variations: There are several types of Singleton patterns and they include the following:
  • Eager Initialization: It is set at the time when the class is loaded into the memory.
  • Lazy Initialization: This instance is generated on the fly from the data that are requested and is accessible only to those who require it.
  • Thread-Safe Singleton: It helps to avoid any possible issue concerning the instance creation in a multi-threaded operation.
  • Bill Pugh Singleton: Holds the Singleton instance in a static nested helper class in order to implement the lazy initialization with reduced synchronization costs.

Common Use Cases for Singleton Pattern

  1. Configuration Management: It is most commonly applied in an application for dealing with the configuration setting. Configuration data is often used in many parts of the system and having a single access point for the data makes perfect sense.
  2. Logging: Loggers are usually global so all components of an application use the logger of that component. This allows the logs to be managed in a centralized way and dispenses with the need to establish many logger instances.
  3. Connection Pooling: When it comes to application systems using databases, a Singleton pattern can be applied for the purpose of controlling the connection pool. This is done to make the connections in the database accessible to all parts of the application so that it can be utilized many times before it is closed.
  4. Caching:Singletons can be used for instance in C# to manage a cache of frequently accessed data. Since the cache is for the application and all the related information is maintained in the cache object, having only one instance means less amount of memory is utilized.
  5. Resource Management: The singleton has a broad application in any time you need to manage a resource such as a file system, a printer, or any communication channel, it’s usually imperative that only one resource manager exists.

Advantages of Singleton Pattern

  1. Controlled Access to Resources: It keeps the count of the resource manager to one as the name suggests Singleton and only then controls resource access like a file, database, or any connection like network, etc.
  2. Reduced Memory Usage: Based on this, the Singleton pattern limits the number of instances to one, hence decreasing the number of class instances, and subsequently, decreasing the amount of memory that is required, especially for classes, in which instantiation is costly.
  3. Global Point of Access: This is good for creating an application where one object has to be shared between many modules – any data or resources that need to be shared between the modules can be accessed through the single point, the single instance.
  4. Consistency Across Application: The Singleton pattern provides an opportunity to use the same instance in all the application windows, which guarantees that all these instances will behave and act in the same manner.
  5. Ease of Implementation: By following the description above, Singleton can be implemented and adopted into the program with little difficulty.

Disadvantages and Considerations

  1. Global State: Singletons can bring into an application a global state that makes it more difficult to comprehend and… debug. There is a disadvantage since every part of the application can inadvertently influence the other part Globally.
  2. Difficulty in Testing: The problem with Singleton patterns is that they complicate unit testing because they include global variables. Using code that employs a Singleton can be difficult for tests since the Singleton’s state may persist across the tests, and it can be complex to set up and tear down the environment that is needed for the test.
  3. Concurrency Issues: As has already been discussed, making a Singleton thread safe is not always easy, especially when working in a multi-threaded environment. This may result in the creation of many instances, race conditions, or any other when handled inappropriately.
  4. Hidden Dependencies: Modularity is sometimes sacrificed in singletons; that is the code structure is flawed as the dependencies of the singletons are often concealed. This means that, since the Singleton instance is global, it can be used at any place in the code, thus leading to copious coupling between components.
  5. Overuse: The Singleton pattern is one of the most commonly overused patterns, which runs even where a more basic design will do. Using too many Singletons results in programs with rigid structures and close coupling, hence making the software less effective to use.


Hence, the Singleton Pattern is a pattern that restricts the number of instances of a class to one and also provides a global access point to the object of the class. This is mainly used where there is a need to consolidate the control of resources, configuration, or shared data. But there are some fundamental issues that are related to the Singleton pattern and these are; managed global state, testability issues, and concurrency. This is why, if one does not want to get all the listed above disadvantages while receiving all the advantages of the Singleton pattern, it has to be implemented and used properly.