
Remote Procedure Call

Idealogic’s Glossary

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is an approach of accessing a service or invoking a procedure on another program located on another computer in a network. RPC hides the details of the network communication so as to make it look as if the procedure call is being made locally even though it may involve a network. This allows distributed systems to interconnect and work effectively, thus programmes can call on remote services as if they are part of the same local program.

Key Concepts of Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

1. Client-Server Model:

- The major characteristic of RPC is that it uses the client-server model. The program which sends the request is the client and the program that responds to the request is the server. This means that the client makes a request to the server and the server in turn gets the request, then gets the response back to the client.

2. Transparency:

- The above discussion shows that RPC has several benefits, the most important of which is its transparency. The fact that the client does not have to know how the network communication is achieved or the location of the server is not an issue. These disadvantages are not directly visible to the client: from the client’s point of view, the remote procedure call is no different from a local function call.

3. Stub Generation:

- The client-server model of RPC utilizes the use of stubs (or proxies) in facilitating the connection between the two. A client stub is the representation of the server’s procedure on the client side and its function is to marshal the procedure’s parameters (encode them into a format that can be transmitted) and then send them to the server. A server stub de-serialize the received parameters, call the procedure and then returns the results back to the client.

4. Marshalling and Unmarshalling:

- Marshalling is the procedure of arranging the procedure’s parameters in a format that can be easily sent over the network. Unmarshalling is the process where the server demarshade the received data and put it in the form which the procedure can understand.

5. Synchronous and Asynchronous Calls:

- There are two types of RPC:-Synchronous:-Asynchronous. In Synchronous RPC the client will have to wait for the server to process the request and send the result back before it is allowed to proceed with other operations. In an asynchronous RPC, the client is free to perform other tasks while waiting for the server’s response.

6. Error Handling:

- When it comes to communication errors which include network failure, server down or timeout, RPC has error handling techniques to deal with them. The client must be prepared to deal with these errors as these are likely to be encountered more often in distributed systems than in local calls.

7. Platform Independence:

- Such protocols are usually developed in a way that will facilitate the interaction between clients and servers that run on different platforms or even on different hardware. This is done through the process of defining the format of the messages that is exchanged between the client and server.

Common Use Cases for RPC

1. Distributed Systems:

- This is because RPC is used in distributed systems where different parts of an application are usually located in different computers in a network. This also enables these components to communicate and coordinate the tasks easily thus enabling the development of large scale, distributed applications.

2. Microservices Architecture:

- In microservices architecture in which an application is divided into numerous interdependent and loosely coupled services, RPC can be used for service to service communication. Every single micro-service can have its own functionality that it offers to other micro-services through calling procedure, which belongs to the first one.

3. Network File Systems:

- The most typical application of RPC is in the network file systems, where a client is able to demand file operations in the remote server. These are implemented in terms of RPCs thereby giving the client the illusion of working with local files.

4. Remote Management Tools:

- Currently, RPC is applied in remote management tools which enable the administrator to manage and supervise systems from a distance. These tools are capable of invoking operations on the remote machines to collect the system details, apply patches or alter the settings.

5. Web Services:

- Some of the web services employ the RPC like protocols, for example, XML-RPC, and JSON-RPC to establish communication between clients and servers over the internet. These protocols enable clients to make remote procedure calls on the web servers and most commonly, HTTP requests.

Advantages of RPC

1. Simplified Communication:

- RPC hides the details of network communication thus helping developers to develop distributed applications easily. It frees the developers from the necessity to implement networking issues of their applications.

2. Transparency:

- It is an efficient model of communication since it gives a chance to remote procedure calls to look and work like local function calls. This is advantageous as it enables the incorporation of remote services to applications without extensive modifications on the code.

3. Interoperability:

- Most RPC implementations are developed with the view of ensuring interoperability between systems which are running on distinct operating systems or which are developed using different programming languages. This has implications to the construction of heterogeneous distributed systems since this interoperability is critical.

4. Reusability:

- This means that RPC helps in reusing of procedures and services in different applications or systems. This is the case because when procedures are exposed through RPC, developers create components that can be invoked by different clients.

5. Efficiency:

- In general, RPC is considered to be more efficient than other techniques of remote communication including message passing and file transfer due to the fact that RPC enables direct invocation of remote procedures with minimal data marshaling and unmarshaling and with little or no need for complex communication protocols.

Disadvantages and Considerations

1. Network Latency:

- Remote procedure calls are a form of communication that happens over a network and thus there is always a delay as compared to calling functions locally. According to the type of network traffic, RPC can be slow due to the speed of the network, congestion and distance between the client and the server.

2. Error Handling Complexity:

- In this case, RPC needs to have a good method to handle errors that are related to the network for example, timeouts, disconnections or server failure. These problems can make the remote procedure call based systems more complicated and even more difficult to troubleshoot than the local systems.

3. State Management:

- Because RPC is often stateless, controlling state across several remote calls is a complex process. State is an area that developers need to manage in their applications particularly when there are several procedures that are called in sequence.

4. Security Risks:

- The use of RPC is hazardous due to the fact that it passes information over a network, thus putting procedures and data to risks of being contaminated or attacked. In order to protect RPC based systems, it is necessary to use the authentication, encryption, and access control.

5. Dependency on Network Availability:

- Those systems are based on RPC and it means that they critically depend on the network environment. If the Network is down or there are some problems within the Network then the remote procedure calls may fail which in turn may lead to the failure of the application.


To put it simply, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol that enable a program to request a service from a program that is running on another computer in a network. Due to the simplification of the network communication, RPC allows the distributed systems to work together in the same way as the local process would with remote services. Despite these benefits associated with RPC that include simplicity, efficiency, and transparency, the use of RPC also comes with the following problems: Nevertheless, RPC is still a rather popular and quite efficient means of constructing distributed applications and services.