

Idealogic’s Glossary

Queue is a linear data structure which is characterized by the property of queue where elements are inserted only at one end which is also called as rear or back end and elements are removed only from other end which is also called as front or as back end. This structure is similar to a real life queue, where a number of people stand in a line to get a service and the first person in the line is given the service first.

Key Characteristics of a Queue

  1. First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Principle: The main feature of a queue is that it follows the first in first out principle whereby the first element that is entered into the queue is the first one to be released. This order makes it certain that elements are handled in the order of their arrival.
  2. Enqueue and Dequeue Operations:
    - Enqueue: This operation also known as insert operation inserts an element to the last position of the queue. The rear pointer is then set to point at the new element that has been inserted.
    - Dequeue
    : This operation helps to remove a node from the front end of the queue also known as the head of the queue. The front pointer is moved to the next element on the list, which has the effect of ‘popping’ the first of the list.
  3. Front and Rear Pointers: A queue is typically managed using two pointers or indices: There will be one arrow pointing to the front which is the element to be dequeued next and the other arrow pointing to the rear where the next element will be queued. These pointers facilitate in monitoring the current elements in the queue as it is being processed.
  4. Bounded vs. Unbounded Queues:
    - Bounded Queue: A list which has a predefined size, that is it can contain a certain number of items only. When an effort is made to insert an element into the queue while the latter is full, then it leads to an overflow condition.
    - Unbounded Queue: A queue that can expand as more elements are added to it, and can hold any number of elements depending on the capacity of the system’s memory.
  5. Types of Queues:
    - Simple Queue: A list implementation which has elements inserted at the tail and removed from the head.
    - Circular Queue: A queue data structure in which front and rear pointers cycle through data elements once they have reached the end and thus form a circular structure. This is quite helpful as it helps in optimized usage of memory in bounded queues.
    - Priority Queue: A data structure which is based on a queue and the elements are removed from the queue based on their priorities. The following are some key features of a priority queue; Higher priority elements are dequeued before lower priority ones.
    - Double-Ended Queue (Deque): A list which allows elements to be added or removed at either end, which makes it even more convenient.

Common Use Cases for Queues

  1. Task Scheduling: Queues are also very useful in scheduling of tasks for example in operating system process scheduling where tasks are arranged for execution. The first task that is to be added to the queue is the first one to be taken up so that tasks are not executed haphazardly.
  2. Print Spooling: In print systems, a queue is employed in order to handle print requests. Documents that are to be printed are sent to the printer’s queue and the order of submission is followed while printing; the first document in the queue is printed first.
  3. Breadth-First Search (BFS): This is because, in graph traversal problems for instance the Breadth-First Search, a queue is employed to process nodes in levels. The nodes are placed into queue when they are discovered and are removed for processing beginning from the first node discovered.
  4. Network Traffic Management: Here is where Queues are employed in networking to regulate flow of data especially packet flow. Data packets are always transmitted in a first come first served basis meaning that data packets are transmitted in the order that they get into the system.
  5. Customer Service Systems: In the customer service settings, for instance, call centers, and ticketing systems, queues are used to hold incoming requests. Orders are attended to as they come in so that there is no favoritism and timely service delivery to the customers.

Advantages of Queues

  1. Orderly Processing: Queues are perfect for all situations where fairness and order are a priority since elements are processed according to the order they are added to the structure.
  2. Simplicity and Ease of Implementation: This is because the queue data structure is a First-In-First-Out structure which is easy to comprehend. It can be said that they are among the simplest and most common data structures in computer science.
  3. Efficient Use of Resources: In such systems where tasks or data has to be processed in a specific order, queues are useful in ensuring that the resources are used in the right order without jumping or interchanging the order.
  4. Versatility: Queues are flexible and can be used in different contexts for example, in priority queues where tasks are arranged according to their level of importance or circular queues where memory utilization is optimized.

Disadvantages and Considerations

  1. Potential for Overhead: In bounded queues there could be some overheads associated with the size of the queue especially if the queue is quite often full and hence overflows or empty and hence underflows. Overhead may also occur in unbounded queues when it comes to dynamic memory management.
  2. Performance Bottlenecks: In the case of high traffic or high load, the queues can be a problem since the elements are added faster than they are removed. This can result to slowdowns and necessitate the incorporation of other ways of controlling the size and rate of the queue.
  3. Limited Access: This is due to the fact that in queues, only the front and rear of the queue are accessible; this reduces the applicability of queues in situations where random access to elements in the queue is required. There are other types of data structures for instance arrays or linked lists which may be suitable for such cases.
  4. Underflow and Overflow Conditions: In bounded queues if an attempt is made to dequeue the queue which is empty then underflow condition is encountered. On the other hand, if the queue is full and an enqueue operation is performed it leads to an overflow situation. These conditions should be managed well so that there is no mistake made.


Thus, a Queue is an abstract data type that is characterized by the fact that it is a linear data structure for which operations of insertion and deletion are carried out at opposite ends; insertion at the rear and deletion at the front. Some of the most common uses of queues include task scheduling and print spooling, graph traversal and network traffic control. They are easy to use and provide a proper and convenient method of organizing and arrangement of data. However, like any other data structure, there are some considerations that come with queues which include potential bottlenecks, limited access, how to handle overflow condition and underflow condition. Finally, it is possible to conclude that queues are a basic data structure that becomes a key element of numerous computer systems and applications.