
Quality Assurance

Idealogic’s Glossary

Quality Assurance (QA) is a process of ensuring that the products, especially in the software development context, conform to certain standard in the development life cycle. QA is concerned with enhancing the development process that is free from defects and the end product that is efficient, effective and that meets the needs of the client. QA is an important process that is involved in SDLC and it plays a significant role in ensuring that products that are developed are of high quality and meet the customers’ needs. 

Key Characteristics of Quality Assurance (QA) 

  1. Process-Oriented: The most important focus of QA is the activities that are undergone in the creation of a product. It seeks to improve these processes so that the application is designed properly in the first instance to help minimize problems later on in the development phase. 
  2. Prevention Over Detection:  This is because QA is more conversed with the prevention of defects than just identifying them when they are present. The main tasks of QA are to enhance the processes, introduce standards, and carry out the reviews and audits on a regular basis in order to decrease the number of defects during the development process. 
  3. Standards and Compliance:  QA follows certain principles which set certain quality parameters that have to be met by the product. These standards may be developed by industry associations, regulating authorities or the company in question. Maintenance of the following standards as a way of ensuring that the final product is standard, safe and reliable. 
  4. Continuous Improvement:  QA is a never ending process that aims at enhancing development practices in the course of time. This entails a continuous assessment of the processes through checking on earlier experiences and integrating new techniques to improve on the output of the product. 
  5. Testing as Part of QA: Even though testing is one of the most important activities in QA, it does not cover all the aspects of the process. Testing is checking the product and its functionalities to find out whether it has any defects or not but QA is much more than that, it includes checking for process, documentation and standard compliance. 
  6. Documentation and Traceability:  QA is characterized by proper documentation of the procedures, rules and outcomes. This documentation provides for traceability in that every step of the development process and its outcome is well documented. This is important towards establishing the areas that may be vulnerable to the occurrence of defects. 

Common Activities in Quality Assurance 

  1. Process Definition and Standardization:  The QA teams come up with guidelines and best practices that are to be followed in the development of the given project. It may include such elements as coding standard, design standard and procedural standard involving code reviews and testing and deploying cycles.
  2. Audits and Reviews:  Such check and balances are performed from time to time to determine if the development process is in compliance with the set standards. Such audit exercises may center on code quality audit, process audit or the audit of testing methods. 
  3. Testing and Validation:  QA consist of a number of activities that are performed during the software development life cycle such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). These tests prove that the product is working correctly and fulfill the set of requirements. 
  4. Defect Tracking and Management: QA entails identifying, documenting, and tracking of defects throughout the course of the development. This includes the identification of defects their status tracking for quick closure and the analysis of the trends of defects. 
  5. Quality Metrics and Reporting:  The quality assurance teams apply several indicators to estimate the quality of the product and the performance of the development approach. Using defect density, test coverage, and code quality scores, one can also get a feel of the general health of the project. 
  6. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): QA is often a part of CI/CD pipelines in today’s development processes where testing and quality assurance is done in intervals as code is merged and released. This way, it is possible to hold high quality level throughout the whole development process. 

Common Use Cases for Quality Assurance 

  1. Software Development:  In software development, QA is responsible for making sure that applications are functional, safe and conform with the user’s needs. The QA team collaborates with development teams in the definition of quality, testing, and control of defects from the beginning to the end of the project. 
  2. Product Manufacturing:  In manufacturing, QA is employed to guarantee that the products produced are of quality standard and meet the required quality of the consumers. This entails checking on the raw materials, checking on the manufacturing process and checking on the final product in order to ascertain its quality. 
  3. Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare:  This is especially so in the pharmaceutical and health care industries where the safety and effectiveness of the products is an issue. QA is focused on the checking of products to find out if they are in compliance with the set rules and regulations and are safe for use by consumers. 
  4. Telecommunications:  QA in telecommunications can be defined as the process of checking and verifying that networks, devices and services being offered are adequate in their performance and efficiency. This includes checking on the existing network, checking on set standards and also overseeing on the service delivery. 
  5. Aerospace and Defense: In aerospace and defense, QA ensures that products and systems, especially the ones used in military and aviation sectors, are free from risks. This comprises of a lot of testing, paperwork and following of set rules and regulations in order to make sure that the right systems are in place. 

Advantages of Quality Assurance 

  1. Improved Product Quality:  QA results in better quality products and this is through not allowing defects, making sure that the product meets certain requirements and providing a good end product. 
  2. Increased Customer Satisfaction: This means that products conform to the customer needs and wants and that there are no defects therefore improving on the customer satisfaction and confidence in the brand or organization. 
  3. Cost Savings: Through the QA, defects are easily detected in the development process and not at the later stages of the development or even after the product has been developed. 
  4. Regulatory Compliance:  QA checks that products meet legal and specific requirements, that is crucial for such fields as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, etc. 
  5. Continuous Improvement:  QA keeps the atmosphere of constant evolution by evaluating and improving the processes every now and then thus leading to better processes and quality products in the future. 

Disadvantages and Considerations 

  1. Time and Resource Intensive: QA processes are not easy to put in place and may require a lot of time to do so especially when the project is complex. The extra work that has to go into the process through the additional auditing, testing and process improvement may slow down the development. 
  2. Potential for Bureaucracy:  It should be pointed out that QA processes can occasionally overcomplicate the working process and slow down development. This means that while aiming to provide quality assurance it is also necessary to ensure that it does not slow down the development process. 
  3. Resistance to Change:  The employees will also not embrace QA practices since they may feel that they are unnecessary or even hinder their work in some way. There is the need to communicate and train all the stakeholders in order to get them to support the program. 
  4. Initial Setup Costs:  Setting up a well-organized QA process may be associated with considerable investments in tools, personnel training, and process development. Nevertheless, such costs are usually compensated by the enhanced quality and decreased levels of defects in the future. 
  5. Risk of Complacency:  There is a potential that teams may over reliance on QA to identify defects instead of using the processes that help develop quality product. QA cannot be considered as a good substitute for good development practices. 


To put it simply, Quality Assurance (QA) is a process that involves the assurance that products are developed to certain quality levels. It is a quality approach that is established on the principles of identifying the defects then working towards improving the development process, and making certain that the final product meets a specific standard. It is vital in software development, manufacturing, health care, and other spheres where the product quality is of great significance. Despite the advantages that QA brings to the table which include enhanced product quality, reduced costs, and enhanced customer satisfaction, its downside must be well managed to prevent the inefficiencies that come with it such as the time and resource commitments. If well incorporated into the development process, QA is a vital component that will ensure that the end product that is produced is releasable and compliant to the customers and other regulatory standards.