

Idealogic’s Glossary

Polymorphism: is a concept of object oriented programming where objects of different classes can be used as objects of super class. This concept is among the basic principles of OOP and helps the programmer to create a more flexible and efficient code. Polymorphism is a method by which the same function can be used in different classes with different actions that are specific to that class while the interface remains the same.

Key Concepts of Polymorphism

  1. Single Interface, Multiple Implementations: Polymorphism is the concept that enables one thing to act as or be used as another or the ability of an object to assume morethan one form. This is the situation when a method is called on a superclass reference and the actual object that the reference is pointing to is of a subclass.
  2. Compile-Time vs. Run-Time Polymorphism:
    - Compile-Time Polymorphism: This is also referred to as static polymorphism and it is a type of polymorphism that is resolved at the compile time. Method overloading is another example where we have a number of methods with the same name but different number of arguments or the type of arguments.
    - Run-Time Polymorphism: Another name for this type of polymorphism is dynamic polymorphism and this type of polymorphism is determined at run time. One such example is method overriding where a child class provides the implementation of a method which is already provided by its parent class.
  3. Method Overloading and Overriding:
    - Method Overloading: This is a type of polymorphism that occur at compile time where more than one methods in the same class share the same name but with different parameters. The method that will be called is not known until the compile time and it depends on the method’s descriptor.
    - Method Overriding: This is another type of polymorphism that is realized at the execution time where a subclass offers a particular implementation of a method which the superclass has also defined. This method is invoked at the runtime and depends on the actual type of the object.
  4. Polymorphic Variables: Polymorphic variable is the type of variable that can be assigned with a value that may be of any class in the course of the program’s execution. The type of the object to which the variable points to will define the type of the method that will be implemented when a method is called.
  5. Interfaces and Abstract Classes: Both interfaces and abstract classes are used to implement polymorphism in Object Oriented Programming Language. An interface specifies a number of methods which must be provided by classes that implement the interface while an abstract class can contain implementation as well as abstract methods that must be completed by subclasses. These mechanisms enable the polymorphism since different classes can be handled in the same way by using their interfaces or the abstract class.

Common Use Cases for Polymorphism

  1. Designing Flexible and Reusable Code: Polymorphism make it possible for the developers to write their code in a way that it can handle several types of objects. For instance, one can define a function that takes a list of objects of the same superclass as argument and which does not require knowing the actual type of the objects. This way the code becomes more general and can be used in other places as well because we are not tied to working with only this data.
  2. Simplifying Code Maintenance: As for code maintenance it makes it easier due to the fact that there will be no need for conditions and type checks. Here instead of writing separate code paths for each type we can write a polymorphic operation that can be understood easily and maintained.
  3. Implementing Inheritance and Interfaces: Polymorphism is very vital in the use of inheritance and interfaces. When a subclass is defined from a superclass it may define its own implementation of the methods of the superclass while still being an instance of the superclass. In the same way, objects of classes which are derived from an interface can be used interchangeably to make the code more dynamic to adapt to any type of object.
  4. Developing Frameworks and Libraries: Poly-morphism is widely employed in frameworks and libraries. It enables the framework to provide the generic operations that can operate on a large number of objects of various classes, thus allowing the developers to insert their own implementations into the framework without changing the code of the framework.
  5. Object-Oriented Design Patterns: Strategy, Factory and Command are some examples of object oriented design patterns that employ polymorphism for dynamic behavior exchange. These patterns are usually based on the concept of specifying an interface or a superclass and then providing numerous subtypes which can be interchanged.

Advantages of Polymorphism

  1. Code Reusability: Polymorphism enables the use of the same code for different objects hence enhancing code reuse. This makes the code more efficient because there is no need to repeat similar code in different parts of the program and when changes need to be made they are made in one place only.
  2. Extensibility: Polymorphism is useful for adding new classes or methods to a system since there is no need of modifying the entire system. New subclasses can be developed which may have certain behaviors and as long as it is compliant with the interface or the superclass, it can be placed into the code without changing anything.
  3. Flexibility: Overall polymorphism raises the ability in developing codes in a manner to cover many various items thus the reason why polymorphism is a useful ingredient to developers. This results into the development of software that is flexible and can easily accommodate changes.
  4. Simplified Code: Polymorphism helps the developers to write the code that is more simple and beautiful. In this way the complex logic and type checks are not required, the code becomes simple and easy to comprehend.
  5. Interoperability: Polymorphism is a way in which different objects can one can achieve for another without alteration of its source code. All objects of different classes can be managed in the same way, which is very helpful in large systems where elements from different developers have to interact.

Disadvantages and Considerations

  1. Complexity in Understanding: Although polymorphism adds more ease to the code in many ways, it also adds confusion as to how the code is actually working. It is difficult to follow the flow of control and determine which method will be called at the variant point especially when analyzing large programs with deep inheritance hierarchies.
  2. Performance Overhead: This is so because polymorphism especially the run time polymorphism may have some performance penalties due to the process of method binding. In some systems, this could be a concern in performance-sensitive applications while its impact is minimal in most of the existing systems.
  3. Potential for Errors: If not properly controlled, polymorphism is a source of some hard to find bugs particularly when working with type casting or when one assumes certain behaviors according to the type of the object at runtime. Polymorphism is a very important aspect and developers should take their time to ensure that they grasp the meaning of polymorphism and its application.
  4. Testing Complexity: Polymorphic behavior testing may be more challenging than testing regular behavior since one has to guarantee that all the possible implementations of a method are correct. This can also lead to increase the amount of effort which is required for testing and validation.
  5. Overhead in Design: In order to create a polymorphic system that can be easily implemented one needs to take into consideration certain principles of object oriented programming. There are some common pitfalls of using polymorphism, where it is quite easy to overuse or abuse it resulting in creating complex and hard to manage code.


To conclude, Polymorphism is one of the most important features in programming especially in object-oriented programming where the objects of different classes can be accepted as objects of the same class. Polymorphism is the ability of performing different actions with the same method and in different classes without changing the interface. It has many benefits which include code reuse, flexibility, and reduced lines of code but it has the following issues: complexity, performance and testing. Polymorphism is a strong tool in the hands of a developer especially when used appropriately to improve the design of the software alongside improving its maintainability.