
Open Source

Idealogic’s Glossary

Open Source as defined is a software that has its source code released to the public domain. It means that everybody can have the opportunity to use the software, change it and even share it with others according to certain conditions set in the license. OSS encourages the sharing of code, code review, and co-creation of the software that encourages the involvement of developers across the globe.

Key Characteristics of Open Source

  1. Accessibility of Source Code: The main characteristic of open source software is that the source code of the software is available for anybody to see. This implies that anyone can check the code and know the functionality of the software and make changes to it according to their passion. This openness helps in creating trust and enables developers to use the previous developed software to develop new ones.
  2. Freedom to Modify: Open source software is such software which can be easily edited by anyone. It allows the developers to modify the software in accordance with their needs, correct defects, enhance functionality or enhance the efficiency of the software. This flexibility is one of the main factors which contribute to the popularity of open source software in different spheres.
  3. Redistribution Rights: Most open source licenses provide the users with the right of distributing the software either in its original package or in modified version. This implies that changes or enhancements done by one developer can be passed on to others enabling a cultures of development and creativity.
  4. Community Collaboration: Many of the open source projects are developed by users who work in teams and contribute to the code. This can result into producing better, secure and enhanced software since the code is reviewed and checked by many people.
  5. Licensing: The open source software is made available through open source licenses which include the GNU General Public License (GPL), Apache License and the MIT License among others. These licenses state the usage, modification and distribution rights concerning the software in question. While the details differ, it is possible to state that the majority of open source licenses guarantee that the software will remain free and accessible to everyone.

Common Use Cases for Open Source

  1. Web Development: There are many best web development tools and frameworks that are also open source in nature like WordPress, Django and Ruby on Rails. These tools are commonly applied for construction of websites and web applications because of the mentioned advantages and large number of enthusiasts.
  2. Operating Systems: Linux is an open source operating system that is well known across the world. It is used in different types of devices, including servers and desktops and even in embedded systems. This makes it easy to port it for specific hardware or for particular applications due to the fact that it is an open source code.
  3. Software Development Tools: It is also important to note that many programming languages, compilers as well as software development tools are open-source, the examples being Python, Java and Git. These tools are widely used in the software development and are also recommended for their openness and the support of the community.
  4. Database Management: There are many open source databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB etc. which is used in enterprise application, web application and big data. These databases have high capacity and are quite flexible and this makes them suitable for data management.
  5. Security Software: Some of the popular tools which are open source are OpenSSL for encryption, Wireshark for network analysis and Metasploit for penetration testing. Such tools are open-sourced and therefore security experts can review the code and rely on it when implementing them.

Advantages of Open Source

  1. Cost-Effective: This is because open source software is usually free of charge and this can be of great advantage to people and firms. This software does not charge any license and anyone using it can tweak the code to suit his or her requirements without having to part with more money.
  2. Flexibility and Customization: Since open source software is a free product it can be modified according to the needs of a particular project or organisation. This is because the users can be able to modify the software depending on their preferences or requirements like enhancing its features, linking with other applications, or even enhancing the overall speed of the application.
  3. Security and Transparency: The source code is not closed which makes it easily accessible for examination by anyone who would wish to do so. It also allows security loopholes to be discovered and closed faster and users can be assured that the system does not contain any backdoors or malicious code.
  4. Community Support and Innovation: Most open source projects have a large user base which is very involved in the creation of the software in question. This collaboration results to frequent development, frequent release of new versions, and a lot of materials that users may find useful including documentation, forums and tutorials.
  5. Vendor Independence: In open source software, one is not limited by a single vendor for updates, support and new features of the software. This gives the organizations the freedom of not being tied to a single vendor hence more control on the technology they are using.

Disadvantages and Considerations

  1. Support and Maintenance: However, many open source projects have a community of users, this does not mean that the users are professionals and that such a support might not be as easily obtainable as in the case of commercial software. The support and maintenance may require utilization of internal resources of the organizations or outsourcing services.
  2. Complexity: It is also a fact that some open source software is difficult to install, configure and manage and requiring technical knowledge to do so. This may mean that more training may be needed or you have to hire people who are more experienced.
  3. Documentation Quality: Documentation of open source projects is not always very good and could be seen to be of high quality. Some of the projects are very well documented and have all the necessary information that a new user may require to get started, there are those that have very little or almost no information at all.
  4. Compatibility Issues: It is however important to note that while open source software is freely available, the software or system it is to work with may not be. This means that organisations may have to spend a great deal of time and effort to ensure that all the tools are compatible.
  5. Licensing Compliance: All open source software is free but they are released under certain license that has to be complied with. These terms should be understood by organizations to avoid legal problems especially when redistributing the software or when integrating it with other proprietary software.


To put it in simple terms, Open Source is a concept that applies to software where the underlying code is released to the public and anyone is allowed to use it, alter it or distribute it. The open source software principle embraces openness, sharing and creativity since developers can participate in the development of software and improve it. It can be applied in areas like web site design, operating systems, security, and many more and it has several benefits including; it is cheap, flexible, and secure. However, users need to be aware of at least some limitations like availability of the support, complexity and compliance with the license. Finally, it is possible to state that open source software is one of the key components of the modern software development process that enables people and companies to develop new applications and contribute to the global collaboration.