
Observer Pattern

Idealogic’s Glossary

Observer Pattern is a behavioral pattern of software design in which an object, called Subject, holds a list of dependents (Observers) and notifies them about the changes in its state. This pattern is quite helpful in a situation where an object desires to modify several other objects which are dependent on it without being tied directly to them, thereby enhancing the modularity of the given system design.

Key Characteristics of the Observer Pattern

  1. Subject and Observer Relationship:
    - Subject: The subject, also referred to as the ”observable,” is the entity in which the state of interest resides. It is responsible of managing a list of observers to notify each of them as soon as there is a change in the state of the object.
    - Observers: It is objects whose existence depends on the subject. They sign up to the subject so that they will be notified whenever the state of the subject changes. New observers can be attached while old ones can be detached as and when required.
  2. Decoupling: The Observer pattern is a behavioral pattern which makes the subject independent of its observers; that is, the subject does not depend on the details of the observers. This loose coupling is beneficial in the sense that the subject and the observers can be written and modified without affecting the other.
  3. Automatic Updates: When the state of the subject changes it immediately propagates this change to all observers. This makes sure that the observers get the most updated information at any certain time thus no need for frequent Refresh or Polling.
  4. Event-Driven: Observer pattern is mainly used in application that have event based architecture and changes in the subject cause events that are handled by observers. This makes the pattern ideal for use in interfaces, for instance, where changes in data or state must be actualized without delay.
  5. Push vs. Pull Model:
    - Push Model: The push model involve the subject passing information of the change (for instance, the new state or specific details of the change) to the observers.
    - Pull Model: In the pull model the subject inform the observers that a particular event has occurred and the observers have to request for new information from the subject.

Common Use Cases for the Observer Pattern

  1. User Interface (UI) Components: In the graphical user interfaces, the Observer pattern is often applied in order to update the view as the content changes. For instance, in case where there is a change in the data model, all the views or components using this data will receive notification and update.
  2. Event Handling Systems: The observer pattern is commonly used in event management systems; you can see this in solutions like javascript DOM or java’s swing. When an event happens for example when a button is clicked, all the observers that are in the list are informed and can take relevant action.
  3. Real-Time Systems: In real-life applications such as stock exchange systems or weather tracking programs, the Observer pattern is employed to inform all the observers of any shift in data (for example, stock quotes or weather conditions).
  4. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture: The Observer pattern is a particular important in the Model View Controller architecture pattern. The model (subject) informs the view (observers) that the data has changed and consequently the view changes in the user interface.
  5. Notification Systems: In the notification systems that are used in the social media applications or the messaging applications then the Observer pattern can be used to notify the users that there are new messages, updates or any change that has occurred in the system.

Advantages of the Observer Pattern

  1. Loose Coupling: Observer pattern provides flexibility to the system by de-coupling the subject from the observers which are present in the system. The particular subject is aware that it has a list of observers but it does not have to know who the observers are.
  2. Scalability: The pattern enables the adding as well as the removing of observers and hence it is quite easy to expand the system when new observers are to be included or to reduce the system size when existing observers are to be eliminated. It is especially helpful in systems that must be modified as new requirements are identified.
  3. Automatic Synchronization: Observers are updated on the fly whenever the state of the subject is changed in any way, thus, no part of the system gets out of sync and needs to be manually updated.
  4. Improved Code Organization: It is useful for the code structuring because it splits the responsibilities between the state management (the subject) and the state change handling (the observer). This separation of concerns results into producing cleaner and more manageable code.
  5. Reusability: This is because observers are independent of the subject that is being observed and can hence be used in other parts of the system or in other projects hence eliminating the need to write the same code twice.

Disadvantages and Considerations

  1. Memory Leaks: If the observers are not un-registered from the subject when they are no longer required then memory leaks may be created. This is especially true in languages that use manual memory management where an observer is left forgotten can cause the unnecessary objects to be left in the memory.
  2. Complexity in Large Systems: In large systems where there are many observers, the Observer pattern can be cumbersome especially in the management of the relations between the subjects and the observers. Great attention should be paid to the design of the system, so that it would not become uncontrollable.
  3. Performance Overhead: This is may be a source of inefficiency especially when a large number of observers have to be alerted or when the subject of observation undergoes frequent changes or the observers undertake complex operations upon receipt of the notification.
  4. Potential for Unexpected Behavior: This is dangerous in a way that if the observers alter the state of the subject in response to a notification then one can experience some unintended effects or update chaining. Thus, the developers should pay attention to the fact that the subject-observer interactions should be designed in such a manner that does not lead to such complications.
  5. Difficulty in Debugging: The Observer pattern is a perfect example because the interactions between objects are not as explicit as in the other patterns and it is not always clear which object updates which other object in the system. This can cause the debugging process to be rather complicated especially in the large systems.


In other words, the Observer Pattern is a design pattern that involves an object (the subject) which has a list of dependents (observers) and updates them on its state change. This pattern is common in those situations where several elements should be in harmony with the state of some certain object, and it meets in user interfaces, event handling systems and real-time applications. The Observer pattern is quite useful when a system has to deal with changes and relationships that are not tightly bound to each other due to loose coupling, and is easily extensible with the capability of automatically update the object. Although, there are some issues that the developers need to consider in order to apply the pattern in their projects withoutmuch problems like memory leaks, performance overhead and complexity.