
Object-Oriented Programming

Idealogic’s Glossary

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming approach which is based on the notion of objects – they are the instances of classes that contain data (attributes or properties) and functions (methods) which operate on the data. OOP mimics real life and this makes it easy to come up with software systems, hence making OOP a powerful and easy way of coming up with software systems.

Key Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming

Classes and Objects

  • Class: A class is a user defined data type that is used to define various objects. It shows what will be contained in the objects created from the given class (attributes/ data) and what operations (functions) are possible. A class is a blueprint of the objects that are used in the program and in object oriented programming.
  • Object: An object is a member of a class. It is an integrated system that contains data and techniques. Class can be defined as a blueprint which is used in creating objects, where each object created from a class has its own set of attributes and can communicate with other objects through methods.


  • Encapsulation is the concept of packing both the data, (attributes) and the operations, (methods) that can manipulate the data together into a single entity called an object. Encapsulation means some part of the object cannot be accessed directly and this is a way of protecting the data from unwanted manipulation.
  • Developers also have a way to manage the level of accessibility of the data and methods contained in the class through the use of access modifiers which include the private, the public, and the protected.


  • Inheritance is a process where one class sub-class or derived class acquires the properties of another class called super-class or base-class. This enable code sharing and developing of classes that are dependent on one another in a manner that they have a parent child relation ship.
  • Inheritance is the concept that is closely related to the “is-a” relationships where the subclass has all the properties and methods of the superclass and can also have new properties and methods.


  • Polymorphism is the feature of object-oriented programming which enables objects of different classes to be used as objects of a common superclass. It allows the same interface to perform a set of actions while these actions could be realized in different ways in different sub-classes.
  • There are two types of polymorphism: Compile time polymorphism also known asstatic polymorphism which is achieved through method overloading and Runtimepolymorphism also known as dynamic polymorphism which is achieved through method overriding.


  • In object oriented programming language, abstraction refers to a process where the details of implementation of a class are not visible to the user and only the required operations are visible. It reduces the complexity of the front end that a user has to deal with in an object and the backend processes.
  • It helps the developers to work with the conceptual view instead of being concerned with the details of the implementation process.

Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Modularity: OOP improves the process of putting code into encapsulation where code is divided into classes and objects. This means that each class or object can be written, debugged and modified separately from the other classes or objects thus making the development process easier and the code more understandable.
  2. Code Reusability: This means that OOP accomplishes code reuse by means of inheritance and classes. Once a class is created, it can be used repeatedly in different segments of the same program or in other projects and this help in avoiding the writing of same codes twice.
  3. Maintainability: OOPs, encapsulation and modularity of code helps in revising it easily and without much effort. Modifications made to a class or an object do not have an impact on other areas of the program and this minimises the chances of making errors when modifying or increasing the functionality of a given system.
  4. Scalability: It is important to note that OOP is ideal for developing big and composite applications. These are encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism which enables the developers to build systems that can be easily adapted to new changes.
  5. Improved Collaboration: OOP follows the improvement of team work since classes and objects can be coded and tested by different people in the team. This is a parallel development process and helps in accelerating the development process and enhance the team work.

Disadvantages and Considerations

  1. Complexity: OOP can be problematic and can be confusing to some extent especially for the first time users. In order to comprehend and use such concepts as inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction one may need time and some practical experience.
  2. Overhead: When using classes, objects and inheritance there are certain overheads in terms of memory requirement and computation time. This might affect the performance especially in the scenarios whereby the resources are limited or where the focus is on maintainability and optimality.
  3. Steep Learning Curve: Developers coming from procedural languages will therefore have to undergo some form of learning process to be in a position to develop OOP programs. This is a change in perspective which is not easy to make when solving problems in terms of objects and classes.
  4. Potential for Over-Engineering: This is because OOP has its own disadvantage such as over engineering where the developers end up creating a hierarchy of classes and objects more than required. Such code can be less comprehensible and easy to sustain.
  5. Design Challenges: This is the reason as to why we can find it quite challenging to develop a good class hierarchy and understand the relations between the objects. Bad design decisions may result in creating classes which are tightly coupled, hence increasing the system’s complexity and making it difficult to modify or enhance.

Common Use Cases for Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs): OOP is also commonly applied in the creation of graphical user interface where button, windows and dialog are objects which have their own behaviors.
  2. Game Development: Objects in game development are an entity which can be a character, vehicle or an obstacle and all these entities will have their own attributes and actions. It enables setting up of relationships and interactions as well as code sharing within the different sections of the game.
  3. Web Development: Several web development frameworks as well as platforms, for example, Django that is developed using Python language and Ruby on Rails developed using Ruby language are based on OOP. These frameworks utilize classes and objects to represent content of a web page, form and to interact with a database.
  4. Simulation and Modeling: Simulation and modeling is a common area where OOP is applied since it involves the implementation of real world objects and their behaviours. Objects can mimic the behavior of tangible subject and their associations.
  5. Enterprise Software: Therefore, OOP is in extensive use in large scale enterprise applications such as CRM to analyse business processes and their correlation as customers, orders and products.


OOP is a programming paradigm that is based on the use of objects which are collections of data and methods. OOP is a model for designing software which is based on objects and their interactions and it gives some important advantages: modularity, code reuse, maintainability and scalability. This is because the language has a wide range of use in areas such as graphical user interface (GUI), game Development, web applications and business related applications. However, there are some problems that arise with OOP such as complexity, overhead, and learning curve which a developer has to consider when adopting this approach to his/her project. Nevertheless, OOP is still considered as one of the fundamental paradigms in today’s software development, which helps to develop the high-quality, manageable, and extensible applications.