

Idealogic’s Glossary

NoSQL means a type of DBMSs which are not fully compliant with the relational model and ACID properties. However, NoSQL databases have a more relaxed schema and are built to accommodate a large range of data formats to enable the storage and retrieval of large amounts of data, whether structured, semi-structured or unstructured.

Key Characteristics of NoSQL Databases

  1. Flexible Data Models: While the traditional databases employ the structure of tables with rows and columns, NoSQL databases use the schema-less structure. This allows for storing of data in the form of structure, semi-structure or unstructured data without having to specify how the data should be structured. Some of the most used data models in NoSQL databases are document model, key-value model, column family model and graph model.
  2. Scalability: NoSQL databases are created to scale out horizontally that is they are capable of managing more data by adding more servers into the cluster of the database. This makes NoSQL a perfect choice for applications that involve the handling of huge and complex data within different locations.
  3. High Performance: NoSql databases have several advantages over traditional SQL databases; they are designed for operations with high speed and efficiency, especially in cases where it is necessary to quickly access the information. They are employed in applications which need frequent input as well as output operations like real time analytics systems, content management systems, and online transaction processing systems.
  4. Eventual Consistency: Most of the NoSQL databases provide high availability and partition tolerance with the trade-off of consistency as stated by the CAP theorem. This implies that even though data is not necessarily always the same across all nodes in a distributed system it will be at some point in time. This is in contrast to relational databases which as a rule are based on a strong consistency model.
  5. Schema-Less Design: NoSQL databases don’t have a strict schema which means the developers can store and get data with out defining the structure of the data. This schema-less architecture makes it easier to handle the changing data, or when the data come from different sources.

Types of NoSQL Databases

  1. Document Stores: These databases contain data in the form of documents and which are usually encoded in data formats such as JSON, BSON or XML. All the data are organized in documents where each document is an entity that can be nested and may contain various complex data types and structures. Document stores are best suited for applications which involve content management systems, user profiles and any other scenario where the schema can be flexible from one document to another. Examples: Some of the most popular ones are MongoDB, Couchbase, Amazon DocumentDB.
  2. Key-Value Stores: The actual data in key-value stores is a set of tuples where each tuple is a pair of key-value where key is unique and value can be either a string or more complex structure including an array or a set. Some of the areas where key-value stores excel are caching, session management and simple data access.Examples: This includes; Redis, DynamoDB and Riak.
  3. Column-Family Stores: The column-family stores store data in the form of columns and column families and not rows and tables as in the case of traditional stores. Each column family has several column in it that are accessed at the same time. This type of model is most effective while handling large volumes of data which are characterized by high null values and are commonly used in data warehousing and big data analytics. Examples: Apache Cassandra, HBase as well as ScyllaDB
  4. Graph Databases: Graph databases are used to deal with data that has a strong relationship between them and the data is represented using nodes, edges and properties. This means that they are useful in scenarios where there are many to many relationships such as social media, recommendation systems and fraud detection. Examples: Some of the examples include: Neo4j, Amazon Neptune, and OrientDB.

Common Use Cases for NoSQL Databases

  1. Big Data and Real-Time Analytics: NoSQL databases find their application in big data processing where large and heterogeneous data have to be analyzed in real-time. That is because Hadoop is capable of dealing with data that lacks a specified structure and its ability to horizontally expand makes it ideal for real-time analysis and data mining.
  2. Content Management Systems: NoSQL databases are widely used in CMS, which store data with complex structure and is constantly changing. Document stores, for instance, suit the handling of all forms of content such as articles, images, and other metadata.
  3. IoT Data Management: IoT is well understood to generate massive amounts of semi structured and unstructured data from the sensors, devices and logs. NoSQL databases are employed for these purposes to store and analyze this data with real time processing and decision making.
  4. Social Media and User Profiles: Social media and applications that work with plenty of users’ profiles usually implement NoSQL databases. These databases are also capable of handling dynamic interactions and relationships which are very essential in storing user generated content and maintaining the relationships between the users.
  5. E-commerce: In e-commerce applications, NoSQL databases are applied to store product information, shopping carts and customer’s information. Because they can expand in a horizontal manner and process many transactions in a very short period of time, they are suited for online retail environments.

Advantages of NoSQL Databases

  1. Scalability: NoSQL databases are best suited for horizontal scalability; that is, they can be easily expanded by adding more nodes to the cluster to deal with large data sets and traficking. This makes them suitable for large scale application and distributed systems as well.
  2. Flexibility: The following are the advantages of NoSQL databases due to their schema-less design: This means that when there is a need to alter the data requirements it does not call for a complete overhaul of the database.
  3. Performance: All the above-mentioned databases fall under the category of NoSQL and are designed to give high performance especially where data access is required with minimal delay. They are mainly employed in real time applications where time is of the essence.
  4. Handling Unstructured Data: NoSQL databases are most effective for handling unstructured and semi-structured data including JSON documents, logs, and media files and, therefore, are suitable for modern applications that work with different types of data.
  5. Cost-Effective Scaling: NoSQL databases are more efficient that the conventional relational databases when it comes to handling large data sets and high traffic applications due to their use of commodity hardware and horizontal scaling.

Disadvantages and Considerations

  1. Complexity in Querying: When compared to the SQL, NoSQL databases are not as effective in querying the data and this may pose a challenge in data retrieval. Some of the queries may have to be coded from scratch, or the development may require certain query languages for the NoSQL database.
  2. Eventual Consistency: Some of the NoSql databases offer Availability and Partition Tolerance by compromising with the Consistency; in such cases, data may be different across nodes. There is a disadvantage in the case of applications that require complete homogeneity.
  3. Lack of Standardization: While, on the one hand, SQL is the same for all relational databases, NoSQL databases are notorious for their variety of query languages, APIs, and even data models, which makes the situation rather non-standard. This can add on to the learning process of the developers and the level of difficulty they have to face while coding.
  4. Limited ACID Compliance: Nonetheless, some NoSQL databases support ACID transactions, yet, many of them partially or entirely ignore these properties that could be a disadvantage for applications that need strong transactional guarantees.
  5. Migration Challenges: It is important to note that working with NoSQL database is not easy as it involves different ways of data modeling, querying and transaction management as compared to the relational database. The migration process should be well prepared and the organization should have a good knowledge of the NoSQL model.


To sum it up, NoSQL is a term that encompasses all those DBMS systems that do not follow the principles of Relational DBMS and which generally offer a more agile data structure. NoSQL databases are not designed for large volume of structured data but for unstructured or semi-structured data and offer scalability, performance and flexibility. These are ideal for today’s needs like, Big data analytics, IoT and Real time processing. However, there are some issues with NoSQL databases, such as complex query mechanisms, the so called “eventual consistency”, and the absence of a common language. Although there are several difficulties associated with NoSQL databases, they are considered as an effective tool that is indispensable in the world of modern data management, because they help to solve various problems of modern applications.