
Network Latency

Idealogic’s Glossary

Network Latency is the time taken by data to get from the source to the destination through a network. ” It is a significant parameter in the performance of the networks especially in the areas that require real time transmission of data. Network latency is usually expressed in milliseconds (ms), and depends on the number of physical links between source and destination, the type of transmission media, and the time taken by routers and switches.

Key Characteristics of Network Latency

  1. Round-Trip Time (RTT): The time that is taken for a packet to get to the recipient and the packet to get back to the sender is used to measure network latency. RTT includes a total latency that also takes into consideration the time taken for both transmission and reception.
  2. Propagation Delay: This is the time it takes for a signal to travel through a certain transmission medium for instance copper wire, fibre optic cable or wireless signal. The factor that affects the propagation delay include the distance between the source and destination and the speed of the transmission medium.
  3. Transmission Delay: Packet transmission delay is the time taken to shove all the packet’s bits onto the wire. The time taken will be a function of the packet size as well as the bandwidth of the link in the network. For instance, using the same data transfer rate, it will take longer time to transfer the same amount of data.
  4. Processing Delay: It occurs in network equipments like routers and switches among others. These devices have to check the header of the packet, decide the path this packet should take and send it to the next node. The time taken to process the delay will depend on the complexity of the routing and the load of the device in question.
  5. Queuing Delay: This is the delay that packets face as they wait to be processed, or transmitted by a network device. This may happen if the network is busy or if the device is busy with other tasks and therefore has to manage more traffic which takes time.

Factors Influencing Network Latency

  1. Physical Distance: The larger the distance that the data has to cover the higher the latency that will be incurred. For instance, communication between devices located in two different continents will certainly have higher latency than a communication between devices located in two different rooms in the same building.
  2. Network Congestion: High traffic congestion in a network causes congestion and this in turn results to increased queuing delay since the packets are awaiting for processing or transmission. This is common especially in the times of high traffic or when the network has not be well laid out to accommodate the traffic levels.
  3. Transmission Medium: Transmission media have inherent delays and these delays vary depending on the media in use. For example, the fiber optic cables that convey data at the light speed are often associated with relatively low latency as compared to copper cables. The disadvantage of wireless connections is that they may have higher latency rates as a result of the signal being interfered with or the distance between the device and the wireless access point.
  4. Number of Hops: The number of the so-called intermediary devices, including routers, and switches through which the data is transmitted to the recipient can also influence latency. Every router has its own set of processing and possible queuing delay, which piles up and adds to the overall latency.
  5. Packet Size: Larger packets take more time to be transmitted hence this will lead to increase in transmission delay. But, if the data is divided into smaller packets then the overhead may rise as more packets need to be transmitted in order to transmit the same amount of data, which may result in high latency in case correct measures are not taken.
  6. Network Protocols: Not all network protocols are efficient and some of them may even add more overhead that would cause more latency. For instance, there are protocols that demand an acknowledgment of reception such as TCP while others do not demand this such as the UDP.

Impacts of Network Latency

  1. User Experience: The high network latency is a very critical factor which can lead to poor user experience especially in applications which require the real-time interaction such as video conferencing, online games or VoIP. If latency is high, then the user may experience delays, lag or poor quality.
  2. Application Performance: For instance, applications that involve the fast exchange of data like financial trading applications, or real-time analytical applications may be slowed down by high latency. Such applications require real-time operation and even a few milliseconds of delay can make a huge difference.
  3. Data Throughput: Latency impacts on the overall throughput of a network which is the amount of data that are delivered successfully within a specified time. Latency has a negative impact on throughput since it increases the time it takes to move data from one point to another.
  4. Synchronization Issues: In the distributed systems or the applications where data is shared and needs to be up to date at all times, high latency results in time discrepancies and thus synchronization problem that may lead to wrong output in time-sensitive operations.

Mitigating Network Latency

  1. Optimizing Network Design: Minimising the number of hops and the most effective paths should also be used in an effort to minimize latency. Network design should ensure that data must not travel long distances and it should also avoid many intermediate devices.
  2. Using Faster Transmission Media: Such improvements as switching from copper to fibre optic cables for transmission media can greatly minimize propagation delay and other forms of latency in a network.
  3. Traffic Management: Applying Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms is useful for controlling the flow of traffic, thus optimising time-sensitive content, which means that important data will not be delayed in queues and will be transmitted with the least possible delay.
  4. Load Balancing: Laying down network traffic through several paths and or servers helps in combating congestion and minimize latency hence no overloading of single path or device.
  5. Caching: There are caching techniques which help in minimizing the time that is taken in retrieving some data from distant servers and this can only be effective for frequently retrieved data.
  6. Protocol Optimization: Selecting or tuning the network protocols that would contribute to minimizing the overhead and decreasing the round-trip communications may also contribute to a decrease in latency especially in applications that need frequent data interchange.


To put it simply, Network Latency is the amount of time it takes for data to be transferred from one point to another through a network. Some of these factors include the physical distance between the two nodes, network traffic density, the nature of the transmission channel used and the number of nodes through which data has to go through. High network latency presents numerous problems for all involved parties: users, application developers, and the network as a whole, that is, why it is considered to be one of the important parameters to regulate in the course of network design and maintenance. This paper has shown that by adequately improving the network infrastructure, controlling traffic, and choosing right technologies, organizations can reduce the impact of latency and guarantee seamless transfer of data.