

Idealogic’s Glossary

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a software design pattern commonly used for developing user interfaces that separates an application into three interconnected components: The architecture of the system is divided into the Model, the View and the Controller. This separation of concern enables the code to be arranged in a better way, controlled and can be easily managed in a large project. The MVC pattern is popular in web development and in any other situations, where it is efficient to separate data, interface, and functionality. 

Key Components of MVC 


  • Data Representation: The second component is the Model component which is in charge of dealing with the data of the application. It is the blueprint of the application and shows the application’s data model and how it behaves. The Model: controls the data, the logic and the rules of the application all within the Model itself. 
  • Data Handling: The Model is in charge of acquiring and preserving data, regardless of whether the data is obtained from a database, an API or any other source. It also verified the data and applies the business rules that are needed to be applied. 
  • Independence: The Model is not dependent on the presentation layer which is the View. It does not manipulate the user interface but just passes on information to the View on the occurrence of any change in the data. 


  • User Interface: The View component is in charge of presenting data that the Model has generated in such a way that the user will be able to make sense of it. It is the presentation layer which deals with the arrangement and the look of the user interface. 
  • Data Presentation: The View does not hold business logic. It merely displays the information to the user, or translate it into a visual or web format for instance. 
  • Updates from the Model: It means that The View part waits for changes in the Model and changes the interface that is displayed to the user when the data is changed. 


  • User Input Handling: The Controller plays a role of a mediator between the Model and the View. It accepts the input from the user, processes it and modifies the internal ‘Model’. The Controller translates the actions of the user interface such as clicks or key press into actions on Model. 
  • Logic for Interactions: The Controller holds the application logic which defines how the view should respond to the input provided by the user. It decides what action will take place when the user performs an action on the View like submitting a form or clicking a button. 
  • Directs the Flow: When the information is entered by the user, the Controller alters the Model and consequently the Model alters the View. This flow of the data and control makes the user interface effectively and efficiently to respond to user’s command. 

How MVC Works Together 

  • User Interaction: The user communicates with the application through the view for example by clicking a button or filling a form. 
  • Controller Response: The Controller takes the input from the user and forms a suitable request that has to be passed to the Model (e. g. , modifying the data or getting information). 
  • Model Update: The request is passed to the Model where tasks including data validation, updates or retrievals are done. 
  • View Update: The View part of the architecture waits for changes in the Model part of the architecture and changes the view according to the new data or state. 
  • Feedback Loop: This cycle is persistent as the user is in an active engagement with the application which enhances the usability of the application. 

Advantages of MVC 

  1. Separation of Concerns: MVC is a technique which divides the application into three different parts and therefore enables developers to tune in to one part at a time. It becomes easier to control the complexity, to test different parts of the application and to work with it in general. 
  2. Reusability: Each of the components of MVC pattern can be shared between different sections of the application or even in other applications. For instance, the same Model can be associated with different Views or on the other hand, several Views can be developed for the same Model. 
  3. Scalability: It is easier to scale applications with the help of Mvc architecture. This is because the components are decoupled; the developers can easily increase the Model, View or Controller size depending on the size of the expected user base or complexity of the data structure in the application. 
  4. Parallel Development: The feature of separation of concern in MVC makes it possible to work on different aspects of the application at once. Several developers or teams can work on Model, View, and the Controller at the same time without having to step on each other’s toes, thus improving productivity. 
  5. Easier Testing and Debugging: MVC help in testing and debugging the application since it separates the application into three sections. Every module of the application can be tested separately and problems can be pinpointed to a particular section of the application hence cutting down on the time and effort used in testing and debugging. 

Disadvantages and Considerations 

  1. Increased Complexity: However, MVC also brings in its own complexities which are not present in traditional applications and can better be handled when the application is relatively larger. 
  2. Steeper Learning Curve: For the developers who are not familiar with MVC, the pattern requires more time for getting accustomed. Appreciation on the best approaches towards the Model-View-Controller design and management of their interrelational operations is best gained through experience and exposure to design patterns. 
  3. Potential for Overhead: As a consequence of the clear division of components in MVC, an extra amount of code and potential performance cost is introduced when using the pattern improperly. For simple applications this overhead can easily dominate the potential gains so that it is not worth the effort. 
  4. Rigid Structure: There is the disadvantage of the MVC in the fact that it can act as a bottleneck and impose a certain structure on the application, which is not always efficient. At times, the more general or the easier ones may be more suitable. 

Common Use Cases for MVC 

  1. Web Applications: MVC is a very popular in the web application development framework like asp. NET, Ruby on Rails and Django framework. It offers a proper way of developing the web application that is interactive and components of the application are easily distinguished by their roles, i. e. , data, presentation, and business logic. 
  2. Desktop Applications: This model is also adopted in the development of the desktop applications, where it assists in controlling the interfaces’ complexity and make sure that the display does not have any contact with the data processing. 
  3. Mobile Applications: There are some mobile application frameworks that employ the MVC architecture to organize the code in a way that the view part of the application can be easily handled, how user’s actions are to be managed and how data has to be processed. 
  4. Gaming Engines: It can be seen in game application, where the game logic is divided into Model, the control of the game is in the Controller, and the display of the game is in the View. 


In summary, Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a software design pattern that structures an application into three interconnected components: The three-tier architecture includes the Model (data and business logic), the View (user interface), and the Controller (input handling and application logic). This division of responsibility for different components enhances the modularity, maintainability and scalability thus making it ideal to be used in the development of Web, Desktop and Mobile applications. As illustrated above, MVC has many benefits in application to the organization of complex applications, but it also has its shortcomings, including complexity and learning, which requires consideration when choosing to use this pattern.