

Idealogic’s Glossary

Microservices is an approach to designing and developing application as a suite of small, focused and highly isolated service components. Every service in microservices architecture is responsible for one business activity and can be developed, deployed and maintained as a separate unit. This approach is different from the conventional style of developing applications that are built using a monolithic model in which all the elements of an application are closely coupled and are only deployable as a single entity. 

Key Characteristics of Microservices 

  1. Loosely Coupled Services: In a microservices architecture, services are decoupled which implies that one service does not depend on another service but rather communicates with the other services through service interfaces commonly through APIs. This loose coupling means that services can be developed, expanded and maintained without much effect on the other services. 
  2. Independent Deployment: The architecture of microservices means that every microservice can be deployed individually thus supporting the CI/CD culture. This means that changes made in one service do not necessarily demand the rest of the application to be deployed again, hence less time is lost, and can deploy frequently. 
  3. Single Responsibility: Microservices are isolated by the business capability or the function for which they are intended to support. This way of following the single responsibility principle makes the each service to be small, focused and related to a certain domain or business logic. For instance, in an e-commerce application, several services can be the management of the users and their authentication, the products, and the orders. 
  4. Decentralized Data Management: One of the key differences between monolithic and microservices is how architecture handles data: While the former usually employs a single, centralized database, the latter has its own data management. Every service has its own database or data store which is beneficial in terms of maintaining the independence of each service and each service uses the best suitable data storage method as per its requirement. 
  5. Resilience and Fault Tolerance: Thus, microservices architectures are more resilient than the monolithic ones. This is because services are not tightly coupled; if one service fails the rest of the services are not affected in the application. This fault tolerance is often enhanced by the use of techniques such as circuit breakers, retries, and or graceful degradation. 
  6. Scalability: Microservices facilitate the ability to scale up or down in a very fine manner. Each of the individual services can be sized according to the particular needs of the services for resources. For example, a service that deals with images can be independently scaled than a service that deals with user authorization and this leads to efficient use of resources and costs. 
  7. Technology Agnostic: Microservices are also implemented with different programming languages, frameworks and tools in their development. This flexibility is very useful as it enables the development teams to select the most appropriate technology stack for each service knowing the strengths of each team. 
  8. Communication via APIs: Microservices architecture, on the other hand, use services to implement services and these services interact with each other through APIs with the help of various protocols such as HTTP/REST, gRPC, or messagingqueues. This has the effect of making the communication between services more standardized and thus more compatible. 

Common Use Cases for Microservices 

  1. E-commerce Platforms: Microservices are useful in e-commerce systems since such systems encompass numerous business operations including order processing, product inventory, payment, and customer relations. Microservices help in decomposing these functions and hence can be developed, controlled and modified separately. 
  2. Financial Services: Microservices are employed by the banks and the financial institutions to perform various functions that include account services, transaction processing, fraud monitoring, and customer services. This architecture also enables them to be in a better position to respond to new changes in the regulation and the market environment. 
  3. Media Streaming: Microservices help business actors like Netflix and Spotify to run different aspects of their platforms including content delivery, recommendation, and billing. This approach enables them to provide the user experience in a very smooth and the easily scalable manner. 
  4. Healthcare Systems: Microservices also have their use in Healthcare applications since they can be linked to other systems such as EHRs, insurance providers, and laboratories. Thus, each service is specialized to provide a certain part of the patient’s needs and increase the overall efficiency and the adherence to the legal requirements. 
  5. SaaS (Software as a Service): Microservices are the common practice that SaaS providers utilize for the delivery of a highly tailored and well-organized software solution. The services can be chosen by the customers and tailored for their needs while the provider can increase or decrease the level of service at any time depending on the usage. 

Advantages of Microservices 

  1. Flexibility in Development: Microservices enable the different teams to develop the different services in parallel and use the most suitable tools and languages for the given service. With these it becomes easy to develop new products and come up with more creative ideas in the short space of time. 
  2. Continuous Deployment: This means that services can be deployed without having to deploy the entire application and thus decreases the risk of service deployment and makes it easier to incorporate principles of CI/CD. This leads to a higher frequency of delivery and product update with comparatively shorter time gap between two different versions.
  3. Improved Fault Isolation: If one micro service goes down, it doesn’t mean that it would affect the other micro services. This enhances the reliability and the fault tolerance of the system in that other services can still run in the event that one service has failed. 
  4. Scalability: Microservice architecture allows for segmented scaling where every service can be scaled up or down as per the need of the given service. This results in the better management of resources and may lead to reduction in cost. 
  5. Easier Maintenance and Updates: Because of microservices the code base is split up leading to more modest and special code bases which are not complicated to understand, transform and improve.It also makes it easier for teams to make changes and release updates as well as minimizing the probabilities of changes in one part of the application affecting another part. 

Disadvantages and Challenges of Microservices 

  1. Increased Complexity: Despite the numerous advantages that come with microservices, they bring about more challenges especially in service management, orchestration and communication. Both the development and the operations teams are required to handle a large number of services where each of these comprises its own deployment pipeline, its own dependencies, and also its own data stores. 
  2. Data Consistency: It is not always easy to ensure data consistency across the services that are provided across the different departments. Because each service has its own data, the consistency of transactions that involve more than one service has to be addressed in a very particular way, and this is where distributed data management has to be applied. 
  3. Network Latency: There is often a network in between microservices which might cause a delay in the communication process. This is especially so in those applications that are latency sensitive since they require minimal delay between the input and output. 
  4. Testing: Microservices based applications are more complicated to test as compared to the monolithic applications. Every service should be tested separately and integration testing is required in order to verify if all the services are functioning properly. 
  5. Deployment Overhead: Even though microservices enable deployment of services independently, they call for effective deployment automation as well as orchestration approaches that are needed to address the challenges of deploying, scaling, and managing numerous services. This may cause more overheads to occur in operations. 


In brief, Microservices is a method of designing an application as a set of fine-grained services, which are deployed independently and are responsible for a particular business capability. This approach has many advantages such as flexibility, scalability, fault tolerance and short time to market. However, at the same time, it provides a number of challenges such as the question of the complexity of a solution, problems associated with data integrity, as well as high-level administrative protocols and automation tools needed for the storage and maintenance of the information. Nonetheless, microservices have emerged as one of the most preferred architectural model for contemporary, complex, and distributed applications.