
Logarithmic Time Complexity

Idealogic’s Glossary

Logarithmic Time Complexity also referred to as O(log n) is a time complexity which defines the time taken by an algorithm to solve a problem in terms of the size of the input data (n). This implies that the number of operations increases much slower to the actual size of the input as compared to the through put. This is because Logarithmic time complexity is regarded as one of the most efficient time complexities especially when handling large data.

Key Characteristics of Logarithmic Time Complexity

1. Logarithmic Growth

It is denoted as log n time complexity means, the time taken to run the algorithms is dependent on the logarithmic value of the size of the input data. When the size of input is increased to a factor of two, the number of operations that is required is only slightly larger compared to the original size which has a low growth rate since it is a logarithmic function. The most frequently used one is the binary logarithm (log2) that is why the complexity of many algorithms is expressed as Log n.

2. Divide and Conquer

Logarithmic algorithms are based on divide and conquer approach in which the problem is decomposed into subproblems. Hence each division takes about half the problem size and hence in logarithmic terms we reduces the operations by half.

3. Binary Search

An example of logarithmic time complexity is the binary search algorithm which is explained in detail below: In binary search, the search space is divided in half with each step and therefore the algorithm is very useful for large sorted lists. The time it takes to locate an element is nearly proportional to the logarithm of the size of a dataset.

4 .Balanced Tree Operations

On this kind of data structures like balanced tree data structures for example searching, inserting or deleting a node in a balanced binary search tree or an AVL tree, the time complexity is logarithmic. In these structures, the height of the tree is logarithmic with respect to the number of nodes which makes the operations to be fast.

5. Scalability

Regarding the algorithms which have time complexity of O(log N), they are effectient because they can accept big input data. In the case of big data, the difference between the linear (O(n)) or quadratic (O(n^2)) and logarithmic (O(log n)) time complexity can be significant which is the reason why logarithmic time complexity is very valuable in high performance scenarios.

6. Practical Implications

logarithmic time complexity simply implies that no matter the size of inputs, it shall be able to perform the functions without any corresponding increase in the time it will take to perform the same. This makes it ideal for use in database indexation, search engines and any other field that requires a quick access of data from large data sets.


Logarithmic time complexity or O(log n) is defined as a notation that represents the class of algorithms for which the time taken by the algorithm is logarithmic to the size of the input denoted as n.This kind of complexity is often observed in the algorithms which use the concept of splitting the problem space like binary search, operations on balanced trees etc. For the reason that the logarithmic functions have a low rate of change, these algorithms are optimized and suitable for utilizing large datasets since they provide fast and scalable solution.