

Idealogic’s Glossary

In computer science, Library is a set of pre-written codes, sub-routines, functions or classes that a program can call to accomplish a particular task. Libraries are aimed at containing the code which can be used repeatedly in different applications to decrease the development time and effort. Libraries help to prevent the so-called ‘rewrite of the wheel’, meaning that instead of coding something new, a developer can use pre-written, already tested and efficient code to achieve a certain goal.

Key Concepts of Libraries

1. Precompiled Code: A library comprises of code that has been pre-compiled that is code in its final format that has been transformed from the source code into machine code which can be interpreted by the processor of the computer. This static linking of libraries enable programs to link to and use the library without having to compile the library by themselves which is time consuming.

2. Reusable Components: Libraries are intended to be developed for the use in other applications. It enables developers to avoid writing the same code again and again while at the same time enable them to use functions or routines from a library, thus enhance code management.

3. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): Functions of libraries are provided through APIs which specify the way through which the developers will be able to interact with the library. APIs are set of predefined functions, classes, or methods that can be called by a program in order to solve particular tasks including mathematical, data processing, or input/output operations.

4. Static vs. Dynamic Libraries: There are two major categories of libraries depending on their relationship with a program:

  • Static Libraries: It is possible to link these libraries to a program at compile time and that is why the code of these libraries is directly placed into the final EXE file. Static libraries make the program larger but it does not need any other files to be present in order to execute the program.
  • Dynamic Libraries: These are also referred to as DLLs which stands for Dynamic Link Libraries in the context of Windows operating system; these are linked to a program when the program is running. This code is loaded into the memory only when required and hence it helps in reducing the size of the executable as well as it allows several applications to use the same code.

Common Uses of Libraries

1. Mathematical Computations: In different programming languages there are libraries for example Math library that contains functions for complex mathematical computations including trigonometric, logarithmic and exponent functions. One does not have to write the algorithms from the scratch in order to use these functions.

2. Data Structures and Algorithms: Most libraries contain ready-made code of lists, trees, and hash maps, as well as sorting and searching algorithms. For example C++ Standard Template Library (STL) contains myriad of template classes and functions that are pertaining to the manipulation of data structures and execution of algorithms.

3. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development: APIs and or toolkits like Qt, GTK and JavaFX exist to help developers in creating GUI applications. Such libraries provide developers with pre-built widgets like buttons, text fields, and menu which can be used in the creation of applications that will interact with the user.

4. Networking: Networking libraries help in the creation of network connections as well as managing of the same. For instance, Java Networking API or Python’s socket module enables programmers to implement TCP/IP Communications, manage HTTP requests and responses together with other network operations.

5. File I/O: The next one is that libraries contain methods for reading data from the file and writing data to the file. This entails creating and managing files of various forms, managing file streams and performing I/O operations that can be done on any operating platform.

6. Cryptography: Some of the common features of security libraries include encryption, decryption, hashing and secure communication. Some of the libraries that can be used include OpenSSL or Bouncy Castle that provide the implementation of several cryptographic algorithms, thus allowing developers to add features of security into their applications with ease.

Examples of Popular Libraries

1. Standard Libraries: Most of the programming languages provide a standard library that contains the set of pre-defined functions and classes necessary for the majority of tasks. For example:

  • C Standard Library (libc): Includes the basic facilities used in C programming language like handling of strings, management of memory and file handling.
  • Python Standard Library: It also has the features for file handling, system calls, networking and data types and other functions that are quite useful for a Python developer.

2. NumPy: Numpy is a library for Python which gives a multi-dimensional array object for storing and manipulating data and a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on arrays. It has been used over various fields such as scientific computing plus data analysis.

3. React: A library in JavaScript which is used for developing the view layer of an application especially that of SPA (Single Page Applications). Created by Facebook, React helps the developers to build the UI components that can manage their own state.

4. jQuery: It is a small and extremely fast and feature rich library that provides easy to use interface to work with HTML document traversal, event handling and animation. It allows the developer to avoid many of the complications of JavaScript which in turn helps in the creation of dynamic web sites.

5. Boost: A collection of libraries that are used in C++ and used to perform various operations like linear algebra, multithreading, image processing and regex. Boost libraries are mainly used to enhance the features which are provided by the C++ Standard Library.

Advantages of Using Libraries

1. Efficiency: It helps the developers in saving time as they don’t have to write the code from the scratch and also optimizes the code as it is pre-written and can be used in different projects. This helps in avoiding development of common features from scratch which in turn makes the developer to concentrate on specific issues.

2. Reliability: Libraries are generally quite stable and have been used for quite a while which means that they are less likely to contain bugs than code that has just been written. Application of libraries decreases the chances of making mistakes which in turn enhances the quality of the software.

3. Code Reusability: Libraries are very useful to developers since they enable them to import code into various projects and, in this way, avoid repetition of code and enhance integration. This reusability also makes it easier to maintain and update code bases as the newer version of programming languages is released.

4. Modularity: Libraries help in encouraging and supporting the use of modularity since it makes it easy for the developers to develop a given application. This modularity provides an easy way of coding, testing and debugging the code.

5. Community Support: Some of the libraries are popular and are used by many clients and have many people who are willing to provide documents on how to use it etc. This community involvement may assist the developers to know how best to apply the library and how to obtain solutions to the issues they encounter.

Disadvantages and Considerations

1. Dependency Management: Using external libraries makes use of a considerable amount of dependencies within a project. It is not easy to handle these dependencies and this becomes a problem when there are version or compatibility concerns.

2. Security Risks: This is because third-party libraries are often sources of security breaches because either the library is not updated frequently or it has some hidden defects. Libraries should be and need to be updated from time to time and this include the consideration of the security aspect.

3. Performance Overhead: Some libraries might add certain level of performance overhead as some of the libraries may be built to accomplish generalized operations instead of optimizations. Developers have to decide whether a library provides sufficient performance for the application being developed.

4. Licensing Issues: Libraries are released under certain license and the user is not allowed to use, modify or distribute the library in certain ways. Such developers must also ensure that they adhere to these licenses especially in the commercial projects they are developing.

5. Learning Curve: Some libraries can be quite complex to use and this is especially the case if the library is big or if it has numerous features. Sometimes, developers can spend time in order to learn how to use the library properly and then implement it into their applications.


In brief, a Library is a set of compiled code, subroutines, procedures or objects which can be used by a program to achieve certain tasks. Libraries are a critical component of today’s software development process since they offer pre-written code that enables developers to work faster while at the same time delivering more reliable software. In computation of mathematical results, data structures, graphical user interfaces among others, libraries provide numerous APIs that help in development. But this is not all; there are also such issues as dependency management, security, performance, and licensing which have to be taken into consideration when working with libraries. In a nutshell, libraries are essential tools that enable developers to design and develop quality software that is reliable, scalable and easy to maintain.