

Idealogic’s Glossary

Kubernetes is an open-source tool which allows users to provide management and orchestration of containers.

It controls the running of application containers in a distributed system of hosts to create an elastic and fault tolerant platform that hides the physical and logical hardware and software layers. Google initiated Kubernetes, and now the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) supports Kubernetes, which has emerged as the leading platform for managing containers in current market.

Key Features of Kubernetes

1. Automated Deployment and Scaling: Basically, Kubernetes is an environment for deploying and scaling applications and services in the form of containers while increasing total capacity on these applications and services based on their resource consumption rates or based on some other parameters. It can provision and deprovision applications to meet changes in traffic load in a given time and with this, resources are not wasted.

2. Container Orchestration: Kubernetes is responsible for the management of containers which includes the creation, deployment, scaling and termination of the containers. It helps in managing placement of containers on nodes of a cluster in a way that reflects their performance and availability.

3. Self-Healing: It is also important to know that Kubernetes will either replace or reschedule containers that fail, crash or get killed. It is always aware of the health of applications and can restart containers in order to ensure the health of the system is as expected.

4. Service Discovery and Load Balancing: Kubernetes have services and their built-in service discovery and load balancing models. Containers are able to find other containers through DNS or environment variables and the traffic can be routed to different instances of the service for load balancing purposes.

5. Declarative Configuration: Kubernetes approach is declarative: the actual state of the system is described in the configuration files and usually stored in the YAML or JSON format. Kubernetes then goes a step further to align the actual state with the desired state and will make the necessary changes.

6. Rolling Updates and Rollbacks: Kubernetes supports rolling updates and that means that the applications can be updated without having to shut them down. In case of any mishap during an update, Kubernetes is capable of rolling back to the previous stable state.

7. Secret and Configuration Management: Kubernetes has a way of handling certain sensitive data like passwords, OAuth tokens and SSH keys, configurations and other settings. This information is securely stored and can be injected into the containers at the runtime.

8. Storage Orchestration: Kubernetes also supports the auto-provisioning of storage including local, cloud, and network storage including NFS or Ceph. This enables the information to be stored in the containers even after the lifecycle of the containers has been completed.

Kubernetes Architecture

1. Cluster: A Kubernetes cluster is a collective of nodes which can be physical or virtual machines that host the containers. The cluster is controlled by Kubernetes and can be expanded or shrunk depend on the load that is placed on it.

2. Master Node (Control Plane): Master node is the node that manages all the Kubernetes cluster. It includes several key components:It includes several key components:

  • API Server: The Kubernetes master component that handles requests from the Kubernetes users is the API server which is also the front end of the control plane and is responsible for processing RESTful API requests, validating them and then changing the state of the cluster.
  • Etcd: A distributed key-value store employed by Kubernetes to store all the cluster data and information, state and metadata.
  • Controller Manager: Coordinates the different controllers that control the state of the system for instance node controllers, replication controllers and endpoint controllers.
  • Scheduler: It manages the assignment of containers, also known as pods, on the different nodes depending on the resources, directives and restraints.

3. Worker Nodes: The worker nodes are the ones which contain the containerized applications. Each worker node includes the following components:

  • Kubelet: It is an agent that runs on each worker node and checks whether the containers are running inside a pod or not and also communicate with the master node.
  • Kube-proxy: It controls the network rules on the nodes and allows services interconnect between different nodes of the cluster.
  • Container Runtime: The other the software that is used to manage the containers like Docker, Containerd or Crio.

4. Pods: Pod – the most basic and the smallest unit of the Kubernetes which is a collection of one or more containers sharing the same storage, network resources, and instructions on how these containers should be run. Kubernetes has a concept of deployment and pods are the components of deployments.

5. Services: Kubernetes Service is an entity that provides a way of defining a set of pods and rules for reaching them. Services provide the possibility of load balancing and provide stable IP addresses and DNS names for the sets of pods, while individual pods can be created or deleted.

6. Namespaces: Namespaces are a way of organizing resources in a cluster to be used by different people or groups of people. It is especially helpful to arrange resources into big groups to maintain such resources separated from each other and manage their sharing.

Use Cases for Kubernetes

1. Microservices Architecture: Kubernetes is an excellent platform for microservices-architectures where every service is running inside of a container. Such a set of microservices benefits from Kubernetes’s ability to help manage their deployment, scaling, and maintenance.

2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Kubernetes has provision to support CI/CD pipelines where Kubernetes automate application deployment and scaling. It can be connected with tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI and many other tools for the purpose of testing and deployment.

3. Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Deployments: Kubernetes enables you to run applications in any environment whether it is on-premises or in the public or even the hybrid cloud. This makes it easy for instance to manage applications that are deployed across the different environments.

4. High Availability: Kubernetes can guarantee high availability of applications for the reason that it can redistribute workloads in case of node failure. It also involve failover and disaster recovery cases.

5. Big Data and Machine Learning: Kubernetes is being used more and more for big data and machine learning applications that require the management of tools such as Apache Spark, TensorFlow and other tools through the use of Kubernetes as an orchestrator.

Advantages of Kubernetes

1. Scalability: Kubernetes provides a simple way to manage the scale-up and scale-down of applications depending on the need and on the load that the application is expected to handle.

2. Portability: Kubernetes gives a unified environment for applications regardless of whether they are running on a private cloud or on a public cloud or even on a hybrid cloud.

3. Resilience: Some of the features that Kubernetes provide for self-healing include the ability to automatically restart the failed containers, the ability to reschedule the containers on different nodes and the ability to check that the containers are always running in the desired state.

4. Community and Ecosystem: Being an open-sourced project, Kubernetes has an incredibly active community, which is shown in the large number of manuals, instructions, and useful utilities. This ecosystem is quite rich in terms of integrations and extensions that can be used in this ecosystem.

5. Automation: Kubernetes provides the automation of several tasks, such as deploying applications, scaling, updating, and managing, thus, relieving DevOps teams and increasing the system’s stability.

Challenges of Kubernetes

1. Complexity: Kubernetes is known to be a highly powerful open-source platform for running containerized applications but it comes at the cost of being difficult to set up and manage for smaller teams or those who are new to container orchestration.

2. Overhead: Pod management in the Kubernetes cluster is heavy and can consume many resources and offers a load on the control plane, networking, and storage.

3. Security: However, the security measures offered by Kubernetes are quite commendable but the problem is that the configuration of these security measures can be quite complex. Some of the configurations that may be wrong can pose a security threat and hence should be done rightly.

4. Management and Monitoring: This is an issue because managing and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster at scale is difficult, and requires particular instruments and knowledge.


Last but not the least, Kubernetes is an extensible, portable, open source platform for managing containerized applications that are the building blocks of today’s cloud services. It offers a reliable and scalable way to host and execute applications in a distributed manner by leveraging a collection of nodes while also handling tasks such as scaling, healing, and update perfusion. Kubernetes has become popular in today’s cloud-native environments especially for orchestrating microservices and enabling continuous delivery. Despite these benefits which include scalability, portability and automation, Kubernetes like any other technology has its downsides such as complexity, management and security issues which makes it best to adopt it with proper information and tools.