

Idealogic’s Glossary

JUnit: It is possibly one of the most used frameworks that are available in the current market for the purpose of unit testing of Java programs. It allows for the use of a quick and effective method of testing a specific function at a go, most of the time a function of a given class. JUnit is used mainly in TDD and in CI to check the correctness of the code written by the developer and to eliminate the possibility of appearance of bugs at the early stages of the project.

Key Features of JUnit

Annotations: For the similar reason JUnit also employs the annotations for defining as well as for controlling its test methods. Some of the most commonly used annotations in JUnit include:JUnit provides a number of annotations with the following being the most commonly applied;

  • @Test: Initially it was intended for a developer to be able to mark a method as a test method or to exclude some sets of methods.
  • @BeforeEach: Admits that the method being annotated should execute before each test. It is used in setting up of the testing environment.
  • @AfterEach: This means that the annotated method should be executed each and every time after a test has been performed on the framework. It is also used to clean up after a test.
  • @BeforeAll: Should be placed in the prepPosition of any of the test method in the class and should be executed only once. As for the last note, it is used in one-time setup and other pre-defined jobs only.
  • @AfterAll: Executes only once after all the test methods in the class being tested has been executed. This is the kind that is applied where one wants to achieve a certain task and this is the only task to be done.
  • @Disabled: If a marking is made in a test method or the entire class making it inactive for certain time then it can not be executed.

Assertions: When an assertion fails then the test case fails and the assertion methods that are available in JUnit include: If an assertion fails then it means that the test has also failed in some way or the other. Common assertion methods include:

  • assertEquals(expected, actual): If there are two values only as inputs it will be true if the two values are equal If one of the inputs is zero then it will be false.
  • assertTrue(condition): It is employed to stop a procedure when a condition is met or not met.
  • assertFalse(condition): Serves the purpose of verifying if there is a condition which should not hold true.
  • assertNotNull(object): It was found to be useful in verifying if an object is not null.
  • assertNull(object): Determine if the received object is null.
  • assertThrows(expectedException, executable): This works by thinking, whether the exception predefined in the code takes place at the execution of the given code portion.

Test Runners: Other than that, there were also some test runners through which test cases can be executed and the results shown in JUnit. However, the most common and preferred test runner is JUnitCore, it runs the tests and gives the results in form of logs indicating the tests that have been passed and those that have failed.

Test Suites: JUnit means you are able to write more than one test case and those test cases can be kept together and can be run as one test suite. This is more helpful for a group of people in order to plan and implement such a type of test.

Parameterized Tests: Naturally for parameterized tests, JUnit provides the possibility of executing a certain test method with different sets of parameters. It is especially effective in checking those interactions that should occur normally with respect to a set of values.

Integration with Build Tools: MAVEN and Great being the build tools that have been integrated with JUnit since its inception in 1997 along with the continuous integration tools such as Jenkins. It also enables the tests to be done on the application every time the application is built and compiled, thus enhancing early detection of the defect.

Advantages of Using JUnit

Early Detection of Bugs: The practice of running unit tests often allows the developers to get rid of some of the bugs at a very early stage and hence limiting the extent of damage that the bugs could do if not fixed at this stage.

Improved Code Quality: Writing tests forces developers to be more particular on how the code should be written and how it should perform in the future hence cleaner and better code.

Facilitates Refactoring: Thus, using a set of unit tests, developers are undoubtedly in the position when they can easily refactor the code without consequences – any development issues, such as bugs, will be noticeable in the tests.

Supports TDD: JUnit is one of the main aspects of TDD that is a testing approach which stipulates that the tests of the specific piece of code should be developed prior to the code implementation. TDD is advantageous because it makes the developers write only the necessary code that will enable the tests to work and hence good code is produced.

Automated Testing: JUnit tests can be integrated with Build Automation and or CI frameworks in a way that the tests are run on their own and not by some individuals hence reducing the chances of human generated error.

Documentation: Other developers can always refer to the well written, proper documentation which should be availed alongside a set of tests to know how a method or a class is expected to behave.

Disadvantages and Considerations

Time-Consuming: Although it may also take much time to develop saturated unit tests and this is mainly true for large projects. But it is usually done in order to gain some advantages in the future like for instance, better quality of code and the code that can be easily maintained.

Test Maintenance: As code changes sometimes tests can also change or tests may have to be altered in a way that makes tests capable of testing new code. This has one more level of management to it.

Not a Substitute for Other Testing: Hence, it is possible to do unit testing with JUnit only in combination with other styles of testing including integration testing, system testing and so on.

Overhead in Simple Projects: If there are one or a few very small classes, all the work connected with the use of JUnit tests can be excessive, but it is better to use it in any case.


In conclusion, it can be said that JUnit is quite versatile and is among the most popular frameworks for unit testing in Java programming. It is mainly used for writing as well as for executing tests for individual piece of code and to tell the developers how the code behaves. This include the annotations, assertion, parameterized testing and also integration with build tools that has made JUnit one of the most useful tools in the current industrialized world. JUnit is very useful in detecting bugs early and is very helpful in TDD; it also enables test automation and therefore has a very big role in enhancing the quality of the code. Of course, there are certain issues concerning if to use JUnit: for instance, the creation of tests may take a while, for instance, a rather long time, However, the use of JUnit is mostly required in most of the Java development processes.