

Idealogic’s Glossary

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) – is a subset of data format for storing and exchanging data in a structured way which is human readable and machine readable. JSON has found its application in web development and other fields of software development to exchange data between a server and a client like in Web and API applications and configuration files. Because of these, it is widely used for data interchange especially if readability and user friendliness are the major concerns. 

Key Characteristics of JSON 

Human-Readable: It is also easy to understand by humans since the language used in JSON is very simple. It employs a very easy and understandable format that is based on the key-value pairs and hence does not require a lot of documentation for the developers to comprehend. 

Lightweight: JSON is a lightweight format which is used to represent data in a most efficient manner that is with minimal redundancy. This efficiency makes it suitable for use in communication of data over networks especially in web application where the performance is a crucial factor. 

Language-Independent: JSON was derived from JavaScript but it is not a language dependent, this mean it can be implement in any language. Some of the programming languages such as Python, Java, Ruby and C# have inbuilt libraries or functions for handling JSON data. 

Structured Data Representation: JSON is a text format which is used to describe data in a structured manner, mainly by using objects and arrays. This structure helps JSON to depict complex data in a form of a tree and in a structured manner. 

Text-Based Format: JSON is a text based format which provide ease in debugging, logging and transcending data across different systems. It is also important to note that it is text based hence can be easily edited when the need arises. 

JSON Syntax and Structure 

Objects: Some of the data types in JSON include; • JSON objects: These are key value pairs surrounded by `{}`, The keys of each object is a string enclosed in double quotes and the value of the object can be a string, number, boolean, null, object or an array. 

Arrays: JSON arrays are the sequential list of the values enclosed by square brackets [ ]. The values can be of any type, including objects or other arrays: it means that the values do not have to be primitives. 

Values: We can understand that JSON values can be of several types: 

  • String: A series of characters which are enclosed by double quotation marks. 
  • Number: These are the quantitative data which may be in form of integers or floating point numbers. 
  • Boolean: It is a boolean value which could either be `true` or `false`. 
  • Null: Is a special value that denotes absence of value or empty value. 
  • Object: A dictionary is an unordered, collection of objects in which each object is a key-value pair. 
  • Array: An arrangement of elements in a particular sequence. 

Common Uses of JSON 

Web APIs: JSON is by far the most popular format of data interchange in web APIs especially RESTful APIs. When a client makes a request to the server it often gets a JSON object in response which is then used by the client to update the UI or perform business logic. 

Configuration Files: JSON is widely applied for the configuration files in many software programs. It enables the developers to declare the settings and preferences in a very comprehensible and organized manner. JSON is widely used in various applications and tools for configuration and hence has become the standard in many configurations. 

Data Storage: JSON can also be used to store data in database which are known as NoSQL databases such as MongoDB where data is stored in JSON-like format. This makes it possible to have a very flexible structure of the data that can be easily retrieved and alterations made to it. 

Data Serialization: JSON is mainly used for the exchange of data between the different modules of the same application or between different applications while exchanging data in a platform-independent manner. This is especially useful in the environment of distributed systems as well as microservices architecture. 

Interfacing Between Languages: Json format is language independent and that is why it is often used for the data interchange between programs written in different languages. For instance, a Python application may pass JSON data to a JavaScript based web user interface. 

Advantages of JSON 

Simplicity: The syntax and format of JSON is quite simple, clear and manageable and thus, it is easier to learn and comprehend when compared to other programming languages. 

Wide Adoption: The JSON format is used across various technologies, languages and platforms, hence it is one of the most popular data interchange formats. 

Efficiency: This makes it take less space when being transmitted over the internet as opposed to other formats such as XML. 

Interoperability: This is because JSON’s format is language neutral thus making it easily understandable in any programming environment. 

Extensibility: This makes it possible for JSON to capture various data architectures as shown in the following examples; a simple key-value structure, an object that contains other objects, and an array containing other objects. 

Limitations of JSON 

Lack of Type Enforcement: One of the problems of JSON is that it does not enforce data types; this is problematic when the data that is parsed does not meet the expected format. 

Text-Based: This can be so since as will be seen JSON is a text based format and can therefore be more verbose than other formats, including the binary ones which may not be ideal for some uses or where one is dealing with large data. 

Limited Data Types: JSON data is strong typed, but the set of the data types which JSON currently provides with is not large and it includes String, Number, Boolean, Null, Object, Array. To tackle this issue, some data types such as ‘date’ need to be stored in a different format, for instance, in string format. 

Security Concerns: Similar to any other text format, JSON is also prone to parameterized or injection attacks and other security threats if the validation of input data is not done properly. 

Example of JSON in Use 

Let’s take an example of a web application which has to show a list of users. The client-side application (for example, written in JavaScript) would then parse this data in the form of JSON and based on this data show the list of users in the user interface. 


In conclusion, JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a light format of data interchange, which is intuitive for human’s comprehension and applied in Web development and numerous other sectors of software development. JSON is easy to use, fast and can be used across multiple languages to send and receive data and hence is widely used. It is commonly used in web APIs, configuration files as well as data storage and is very useful in helping to exchange data between two or more systems or platforms. Due to its simplicity and the fact that it is backed by a large number of developers, JSON is still one of the most important tools used in the contemporary software development.