

Idealogic’s Glossary

JIT (Just-In-Time compilation) – it is a technique for code execution which implies that the code is compiled when the program is running, that is during runtime. While in the traditional Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation, the code is pre-compiled into the machine language, JIT compilation is the process that takes place during runtime. This technique is especially relevant to the languages that are executed on the virtual machines like Java with Java Virtual Machine (JVM), C# with Common Language Runtime (CLR) in . NET.

Key Concepts of JIT Compilation

Dynamic Compilation: JIT compilation is a type of compilation where a part of the entire program is compiled into the native code of the machine on which the program is being executed as the program is in the running state. This enables the program to be fine-tuned according to the actual usage that the program undergoes, and this can be better than the performance of an interpreted or statically compiled language.

Hot Spot Detection: JIT compilers use certain strategies to identify hot spots, that are parts of the code which are executed frequently. These hot spots are targeted to be compiled thus making the most important sections of the code to run as effective as possible. This selective compilation approach therefore assists in reducing the cost of JIT compilation while at the same time improving performance.

Intermediate Representation: Before JIT compilation the source code is first compiled into an intermediate code or bytecode. This IR can be used with any platform and the code can be interpreted or compiled by the JIT to machine code during runtime. For instance, in the case of JVM, the Java code is translated to bytecode, which is then done to convert the bytecode to the machine code.

On-Demand Compilation: The JIT compiler compile code as and when required during the execution of a program, that is when code is required to be executed. This is less than the startup time than the ahead of time compilation where the whole code is compiled at once before the execution begins.

Code Optimization: JIT compilers have the benefit of runtime information which means that they can do certain optimizations that cannot be done during static compilation. Some of the possible optimizations that can be made are to inline methods that are called often, to unroll loops and to eliminate code that is not needed in the actual runtime.

How JIT Compilation Works

Initial Interpretation: At the very beginning, the code may be first interpreted or executed in the form of the so called intermediate code (e. g. , bytecode). This makes the programme to start running immediately without having to wait for the entire compilation process.

Identification of Hot Spots: During the execution of the program, the JIT compiler keeps the track of which part of the code is used most often. These hot spots are good to be compiled with JIT because they are the most likely to gain from it.

Compilation to Native Code: The JIT compiler translates the hot spots into native machine code which is specific to the CPU of the host machine. This native code is then stored in memory and is directly executed by the processor and not requiring further interpretation or compilation of that code segment.

Execution: It is interpreted directly and may produce better performance for the hot spots after the compilation of the native code. It can keep on compiling the code as the program is running and use more runtime information to improve the compiled code more.

Garbage Collection and Memory Management: Like any other runtime environments, memory management as well as garbage collection are usually performed by the virtual machine so that the program can allocate and release resources on its own without the need for the programmer to do it.

Advantages of JIT Compilation

Performance Optimization: JIT compilation is a process which can enhance the performance of the program by converting the frequently used code into the native machine code. This make it possible to run certain parts of the code faster than when using interpretation or static compilation that is not optimized.

Platform Independence: JIT compiles the code at runtime and this is done to enable the programs to be written in platform independent intermediate language such as Java byte code and then translated to the best format that is suitable for the hardware which the program is being run on. This enables the writing of applications that can be capable of running on multiple platforms while at the same time not having to compromise efficiency.

Dynamic Adaptation: JIT compilers can compensate the changes in runtime. For instance, if the flow of a program alteration is identified over time then the JIT compiler can recompile as well as re-optimize the code according to the flow.

Reduced Initial Load Time: This is because to compile code is done on demand, thus the time taken to start running a program can be less than when using the ahead of time compilation where the whole code base needs to be compiled.

Disadvantages of JIT Compilation

Compilation Overhead: The dynamic compilation of code at the runtime takes time which leads to performance degradation of infrequently used code or for applications that have short lifetimes. This is very much evident especially in the early phases of the program execution.

Increased Memory Usage: It also employs storage for the treatment of the intermediate representation (bytecode) besides the compiled native code. This may lead to uses more memory, for example, than interpreted or statically compiled code Inother words it may be less efficient in certain ways.

Complexity: That is why the development of an efficient JIT compiler is a challenging task as it deals with the issues of compile time, runtime and memory management. This is especially a problem in the case of debugging and profiling of applications that use JIT compilation.

Variability in Performance: The compiled code performance also depends on the runtime environment and task that you are going to address. For example, a program may run well in one machine and yet be slow in another because of difference in CPU implementation or the distribution of other resources.

Examples of JIT Compilation

Java Virtual Machine (JVM): The JVM employs JIT compilation that is the process of translating Java bytecode to machine code during running of Java program. Java bytecode is executed by the JVM when a Java application is run; however, because of this, frequently used methods are compiled into native code by the JIT compiler.

.NET Common Language Runtime (CLR): The . To run applications written in languages such as C# the NET framework employs a technology called JIT compilation. The CLR translates Intermediate Language (IL) to native code and executes it at run time thus allowing a written application to run on different hardware.

V8 JavaScript Engine: It is used in Chrome browser & Node. js, developed by Google, V8 JavaScript engine. js, uses JIT compilation in order to enhance the performance of the JavaScript code. V8 engine converts the JavaScript into the native code before its execution, which helps in improving the speed of the JavaScript applications mainly used in the web browsers.


Thus, JIT (Just-In-Time compilation) is a dynamic approach to execute the code that implies the code compilation during the program running. Some benefits of JIT compilation include the following: improves the codes performance by compiling it according to the usage and usage pattern, has the capability of being implemented on any platform, and reduces the initial loading time. However, this also generates some issues like the runtime overhead, memory usage augmentation, and the enhancement of the complexity of its implementation. Nevertheless, JIT compilation is ubiquitous in today’s runtime environments such as JVM, . NET CLR and JavaScript engines where it is a key factor in improving the quality of the applications.