

Idealogic’s Glossary

Heap is a tree-based data structure that is quite similar to a regular tree but has some special properties to it which make it quite useful in most computational tasks such as Dynamic Memory Allocation, Priority Queue Implementation, and Algorithm Optimization. The heap data structure is of special interest in the field of sorting algorithms (for instance, heapsort) and in the optimization of memory usage in systems.

Key Characteristics of a Heap

Heap Property

Heap property is one of the factors that can be used in order to explain how the elements in the heap are arranged:

- Max-Heap: For a max-heap every element determined for the heap must conform to a certain condition; that is, the value of the node in the heap is greater than or equal to the values of its child nodes. The maximum element is always at the root of the heap thus if we are to find the maximum element in the heap it will be at the root.

- Min-Heap: In a min-heap is such a way that if a node i occupies a certain position in the heap then the value of i is greater than or equal to the values of its child node. A minimum element is always the first element which is located in the root of a given heap.

Complete Binary Tree

A heap is generally a complete binary tree, all the heights of the tree are filled except the last level a tree is as far filled from left to right as possible. This structure allows one to add and also remove elements, search through the structure as well as perform various operations.

Array Representation

However, in real implementation, heap is a tree in concept but actually it is an array since many methods of the heap are much easier to implement from an array point by view and easier space management. In this array representation:

- The root element is at index 0.

- To find the left child of any element at index i, it is at index 2*i + 1. On the other hand the right child is at index 2i + 2.

- The index of a parent of an element at index i is (i-1)/2.

Types of Heaps

Binary Heap

A kind of heap in which every parent node has at most two children for example binary heap. In priority queues, binary heaps are used and they are the basis for the heap sort.

Fibonacci Heap

A different and more complex heap structure in which an improved average time complexity with respect to specific operations such as, for example, decrease-key and delete can be obtained. Fibonacci heaps are applied in algorithms such as Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm and the Prim’s minimum spanning tree algorithm.

Binomial Heap

A set of binomial trees for which all the books in the tree are Heaps. Binomial heaps are employed in applications where Fibonacci heaps are employed but they are not as effective.

Min-Heap and Max-Heap

In this case, heaps are of two types: min-heaps and max-heaps depending on the type of heap property that is being satisfied. Min-heaps are used in the algorithms where the smallest element is needed and max-heaps are used on the other hand when the greatest item is needed.

Applications of Heaps

Priority Queues

A priority queue is a list that associates with each element a priority and where elements can be removed only if no other element has a higher (or lower) priority in max (or min)-heap. Heaps can be used in implementing priority queues because insertion and extraction of elements from heaps, whether it is the maximum heap or the minimum heap, is done with great ease.


Heapsort is a sorting work that uses the comparison technique and it belongs to the heap family of work. Algorithm is an insertion sort implemented where the time required is O(n log n) time complexity. It first constructs the max-heap for the input data and then at times recovers maximum element in order to sort the data.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

Heaps are used in the low level language programming as well as in operating systems to manage the dynamic storages. Heap memory area is that part of the memory where dynamic memory allocation and deallocation takes place while stack memory follows the last-in-first-out (LIFO) logic.

Graph Algorithms

Heaps and specifically Fibonacci heaps are used in a lot of graph algorithms such as Dijkstra’s single source shortest path and Prim’s minimum spanning tree. These algorithms depend on the efficient control of the priority of the nodes in the process of traversal.


In operating systems heaps used in the job scheduling algorithm where jobs scheduled in different priority. The heap is also used in order to guarantee that the task with the highest priority will be the next one to be executed.

Heap Operations


To insert a new element into a heap you place the element in the next available position in the array representation of the heap and then you have to “bubble up” or “heapify up” the element.


Deleting the root of a heap structure such that it entails eradicating the largest element of a max heap or the smallest of a min heap entails exchanging the root with the last node and then deleting the root. To restore the heap property, the element is sent back down the heap by a process known as “bubbling down” or “heapifying down”.


If an element is accessed without removing it from the stack is called peeking. This operation is used frequently in priority queues to find out the greatest or the least priority in the structure of data.


The transformation of a general given binary tree into a heap. Heapify can be done on individual sub trees when inserting or deleting nodes or an entire array that is used to construct a heap.


Therefore, a Heap is a tree based data structure, which conforms to the heap property to fulfil various objectives such as dynamic memory allocation, priority queues and sorting. Heaps are very useful in situations when the most important element has to be found and they are widely used in many algorithms and systems of computer science. The flexibility of heaps with the aid of the efficiency is a key data structure in both the