
Global Variable

Idealogic’s Glossary

Global Variable is a variable that is declared in a program with a global level, this means that it can be used throughout the program, in any function, method or block. ” This is different from local variables which can only be used within the function or block in which they were created, global variables are used universally in the program and are very useful in situations where there is the need for shared data.

Key Characteristics of Global Variables

Global Scope

There is one main feature that stands out for a global variable and that is the scope. A global variable can be defined as a variable which is declared at the outside any function, method or class normally at the beginning of the program. Once declared it can be accessed or changed and used in any part of the program by any function or block.


Such variables are global and they exist throughout the entire course of the program’s running. These are variables whose values are preserved throughout the duration of the program and can only be accessed up to the time the program exits while those of local variables are lost once the function or block they are in is exited.

Shared Access

These are variables that are declared outside the functions or modules and does not have any restriction to where they can be accessed and are usually used when you want to have info that is to be used in more than one function or even in more than one module in the program. This can be useful in all cases when there is a need to have a piece of information, for instance, configuration parameter or shared resource, accessible across the application.

Use Cases for Global Variables

Configuration Settings

Global variables are employed to hold the information that is required by several sections of the program and may include configuration details. For instance, in a web app, a global variable may hold the connection string of the particular database, an API key of the particular service provider.

State Management

In some programs global variables can be employed in order to control the state of an application. For example, if a programmer wants to have a variable that would be available to all functions, he or she can create a global variable, and this variable can hold the information of, for example, how many times a user has used a certain feature and make it easily reachable and modifiable to all functions.

Cross-Module Communication

Global variables are rather quite valuable in massive applications that have been built in such a way that they are sectioned out in to modules or files because they facilitate the sharing in of the parts between the different sections of the software. This is quite helpful especially when there is a need to have some data being used by several modules or a value being used in several components.

Advantages of Global Variables

Ease of Access

Considering global variables can be called from anywhere in the program, the use of these variables assists in passing of data between functions or modules of the program without necessarily requiring use of arguments.


For instance, for small-sized programs, or the simple operations, the utilization of the global variable becomes convenient since it means shorter and more comprehensible code that does not require passing of parameters and which does not involve the utilization of structures or objects.

Disadvantages of Global Variables

Risk of Unintentional Modifications

The greatest weakness of the global variables is that any part of the program may alter it, which results in their frequent modification by mistake. This in turn can cause bugs that are not very easy to track especially if the program in question is large or even complicated.

Reduced Readability

Employing a lot of global variables is not very constructive because it is not very clear where the variable is being used or changed.

Difficulty in Debugging

When a global variable is used in numerous areas in the program and changed, it becomes quite difficult to identify the source of the errors or the unexpected results and hence makes the debugging process a difficult task.

Concurrency Issues

It must be borne in mind that the global variables can cause concurrency problems in the multi-threading environment when two or more threads attempt to access the said variable in order to read or write it. This can lead to race conditions and leads to unpredictability of the program and therefore other structures like locks or semaphores are used.

Best Practices for Using Global Variables

Minimize Usage

Global variables are not recommended and their application should be made minimal as much as possible. If at all possible do not use or call global variables or any other means of sharing data such as parameters in functions.

Naming Conventions

It is advised that global variables are given different names as local variables to have an easy comparison between the two. For instance, by using a special notation (for instance a ‘g’ or ‘global’ at the beginning of the variable’s name) it becomes simpler to identify which one is a global variable.


In the circumstances where this is possible, they should be declared as classes or modules so that access as well as the amendments can be controlled. This can assist in avoiding some of the problems that are associated with the use of global variables but at the same time enable the use of the same where necessary.

Thread Safety

In multi-threaded applications, avoid overwriting of the global variables to enhance the efficiency of the program. These can be achieved using manners such as the use of mutual exclusion methods or atomic process, for example.


In conclusion, a Global Variable is a variable which has a global context thus making it to be accessible anywhere in the program. These are variables which can be accessed from any part of the program and include information that is usually used to set up the program and information that may be required to be retained by the program. However, they also have the following drawbacks; One can accidentally modify the code, the code may not be as clear as the original one and it may be hard to debug. Consequently, there is a need for individuals to realize that again, while global variables may be quite helpful in some particular cases, they should, therefore, be used with a lot of considerations of the potential merits and demerits of applying the said variable.