

Idealogic’s Glossary

Git is one of the most popular systems of distributed version control that is used to track changes in source code in the process of software development. It enables several developers to contribute to a codebase of a project without conflicts and efficiently track who made what changes. Git is a very important when it comes to development since it offers utilities for version control and tracking changes made in the code, collaboration with other developers, and code versioning for the duration of the project.

Key Features of Git

1. Distributed System

This is quite different from the centralized systems of version control where all the history of the project is stored in a central server and each developer works with his or her own copy of the latest version of the code. This distributed nature benefits in the following way:


Since every developer has a full copy of the repository the chances of losing data is also minimized. If the central server fails, it is possible to use any user’s copy to come back to the system.

Offline Work

Some of the activities include: Developers are able to make commits of changes, create new branches and undertake other operations that are within the Git locally with no need of network connection. This makes it possible to use the application in environment that have low or no interconnectivity at all.

2. Branching and Merging

Git has one of its most compelling aspects in the branching model. This is a great advantage to the developers for they are able to branch off new branches for different functionalities, bugs or even “play ground” that can be made on the code without necessarily having to touch the master code. After the modifications are done in a branch, the branch can be integrated back into the main branch which is often called the ‘master’ or ‘main’ branch. Git is quite good at handling these merges and will often prompt the user with ways of how to resolve the conflict if there are any.

Feature Branches

This is largely accomplished in a manner that implies a new sub branch is created for every feature or issue to be cultivated. If the particular feature is being built and validated it may help to integrate that feature into the master branch.

Merging Strategies

There are therefore three forms of merges that Git provides and these include the fast forward merges, the recursive merges, and the rebase merges though each is suitable for some type of working paradigm.

3. Commit History

Git monitoring changes through commits that are the different versions of the code at different time. Every commit is identified by a SHA-1 hash, contains a message that describes the changes made and has other information, such as the author and time. This commit history allows developers to:This commit history allows developers to:

Revert Changes

If a new change is made and it has brought a bug with it then the developers can always go back to the previous commit that had no bug.

Understand the Evolution of Code

From the commit repository, developers are able to view, what has been done to a piece of code and why the changes were made, which is very helpful in debugging and code auditing.

4. Collaboration

Git is very handy when it comes to effective work with the team as a whole. These are GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket and through them, developers are in a position to host their Git repositories online and be able to work with other people, share codes and work on projects. Some of such platforms may be Pull Request, Issues and even Continuous Integration (CI).

5. Staging Area

Git employs a staging area which is also referred to as the index to enable developers work on commits. It is possible to stage some parts of the work done by developers before pushing the changes to the repository which gives the developer complete control on which part of his or her work to include in the particular commit. This helps in arranging and packing the commits in a meaningful way and also to make the commits to be independent (or say, each commit should contain a single logical change).

6. Efficiency

Git is developed with the attention being paid to its speed and the amount of space required by the performer. This approach allows the use of compression and the changes are stored in the form of deltas rather than copying the entire file and thus large projects with a number of contributors can be easily managed.

Workflow in Git

A typical workflow in Git involves the following steps

1. Cloning a Repository

In the first place, developers employ git to make a clone of the repository with history of the project and also the current status in the machine possessed by the developer.

2. Creating and Switching Branches

New branches are initiated to cover specific responsibilities, or functionality, and hence the developers can operate independently of the remaining code.

3. Making Changes

In most environments the developers work on the files and prepare the changes and the changes are then committed in the local repository. Several changes can be made to the branch in the course of the work.

4. Pushing Changes

After a feature is completed then the branch is to be pushed to a remote repository so that other people in the team can have access to it.

5. Merging

Subsequent to this, the branch can then be merged back to the master branch and the changes made will be done in the main program.

6. Pulling Updates

This can be done as often as possible, until the working copy of any developer in a local environment is brought in phase with the rest of the group.

Importance of Git

Git is now the most popular version control system in today’s software development mainly because of its versatility, quick operations and its compatibility with both large and small projects. It allows for group participation, and to work simultaneously and integrates a range of changes by different authors, thereby reducing the risk of information loss. With the help of Git, it is possible to control many-handed projects, track the history of the project in its entirety and if necessary, restore a previous state of the project.


Therefore, Git is a distributed version control system that is applied in tracking the changes made in source code during the development of the software. Apparently, it offers very efficient coordination; it has great version control and it allows for the relatively easy merging of two or more developers’ codes. Through learning Git, the developers can control the codebase, integrate with other team members, and develop the systems maintaining the proper structure.