

Idealogic’s Glossary

Functionality is the specific activities, tasks or features which a software application or system is designed to offer to the users. It also includes attributes and operations which can be achieved by a piece of software, commonly described in relation to consumer needs or business objectives. Functionality is one of the most important aspects of the software design and development because it determines the extent to which a system is able to fulfil the purpose for which it was developed.

Key Concepts of Functionality


Functionality is a characteristic of a system which specifies components of the system in terms of its capabilities. Every feature is a particular action or function which the user can do, for example, to create a new document, to send an e-mail or to build a report. These are the elements that make up the whole functionality of the software.

User Requirements

Functionality is usually derived from users’ needs which are the demands that the users make from the product. In the course of software development, these requirements are identified and understood in order to establish the various features that the system must incorporate so as to satisfy the users.

Core vs. Optional Functionality

  • Core Functionality: The following are the basic operations that the software has to carry out in order to meet its objectives. For instance, the basic operations that can be offered by a word processing system are creating, editing, and saving of documents.
  • Optional Functionality: Functional testing is one of the software testing techniques in which tester does test the application for specific functionality whether it is working or not according to the requirements. This testing ensure that each and every component of the software application is working as intended in accordance to the requirement specification.

Functionality Testing

It is a sort of software testing where the tester checks if the specific application under test performs the expected activities or not. This testing confirms that each and every object or any feature that is developed in the software application is working and functioning in the intended manner as depicted in the requirement specification document.

Usability and Functionality

While functionality is concerned with what the software does, usability is concerned with how well and easily the user can get to and use the software’s functionality. Both are crucial in development of good software but they tackle on different aspects of the design.

Integration of Functionality

In software systems that are rather large and composed of numerous components or modules, it is possible that some functionality has to be combined across different components or modules. This integration proves that every component of the system is well connected and thus gives the user a uniform interface.

Scalability of Functionality

In the course of developing a system, the system may need to be expanded to support more users, more data or more functions. Scalable functionality is intended to work with growing volumes of traffic without loss of performance or usability.

Common Use Cases for Functionality

Business Applications

In business applications, the functionality is linked with the business process and activities that are carried out in the organization. For instance, if a company is putting in place a customer relationship management (CRM) system, it will definitely comprise of sub systems like contact management, sales tracking and customer support ticketing.

Web and Mobile Applications

Web and mobile applications have certain goals and objectives which users are able to achieve, including browsing the products, purchasing something, or tracking personal fitness. The success of these applications can be attributed to the extent at which such features meet the desires of the users.

Enterprise Software

Enterprise software may contain many features and components that help in different aspects of a company, for instance, resource planning, inventory management, and financial reporting. These functionalities have to be harmoniously incorporated to enable the support of the given organization’s work processes.

Operating Systems

An operating system has the basic functions that include managing of hardware, executing applications and providing a platform for users to interact with a computer. Some of the OS functions are; File management, Memory management, and Process scheduling.

Embedded Systems

Some of the examples of embedded system include the medical devices, automotive systems and home appliances which are designed to control or monitor physical devices. The operation of these features is essential for the protection of the system as well as the dependability and precision of these features are important.

Advantages of Well-Designed Functionality

User Satisfaction

Good design and functionality that match the users’ needs increase the level of satisfaction of the users. In this case, the users are in a position to carry out their work in the time they have and with a high level of precision thus making them to have a good experience while using the software.

Competitive Advantage

Software with better or totally different features than those of competitors can be a strategic tool for competitiveness. By providing functionalities that are better or broader than those of the competitors, the software can entice more users and, therefore, retain them.


The closer the functionality is to the user’s tasks, the more it can enhance the user’s productivity, and help him or her work faster and make fewer mistakes. This holds especially true in business where time and precision of information is of most importance.

Flexibility and Customization

Applications which give their users a chance to modify or enhance the application to fit their needs will be more useful. This flexibility helps it to draw a larger audience and use or it can easily be modified to meet new future needs.

Support for Growth

Another aspect that helps in the growth of the software application is the scalability which refers to the ability to incorporate new features in the application, manage a larger number of users, or link the application with other systems. This way the software is in a position to meet the ever changing needs of the user thus making the software useful.

Disadvantages and Considerations


Some of the potential problems of including too much functionality are that the software becomes bulky and intricate, and hence difficult to use. It may overburden the user with lots of choices thus making them confused and less willing to use it.

Increased Development Time

The use of comprehensive functionality is not easily done and can be time consuming and resource demanding. One of the main problems of software development is the conflict between the demand for the high level of functionality and the necessity of its creation within the limited time frames and with the limited funds.

Maintenance Overhead

Increased functionality, in most cases, results in an increase in the amount of code used, which in turn leads to the problem of code management. New features have to be added, bugs have to be fixed, improvements made but the new version cannot make the old one non-functional.

Potential for Bugs

With more functionality comes the ability for things to go wrong and for errors to occur. To ensure that all the functionalities of the application are working as intended and also to ensure that they are integrated properly other processes such as testing and quality assurance have to be carried out.

User Training

Some software may have enhanced features and this may need the users to be taken through on how to use the software. This can be a disadvantage because it may prolong the time taken in order to get users to adopt it and this may be a problem for some users especially where the feature is complicated or not easy to use.


In general, Functionality is the set of operations and services offered by a software application or system. It includes the characteristics that enable the users to accomplish tasks, satisfy their requirements and objectives. Good functionality is one of the key factors that define the level of user’s satisfaction, productivity, and company competitiveness; however, it is not something that can be easily created or maintained, as it often results in complexity, bugs, and usability problems. This paper therefore concludes that in order to develop good software products the balance between the extent of functionality that is being offered to the user and the ease with which the software can be understood and used needs to be well tolerated.