

Idealogic’s Glossary

FTP / File Transfer Protocol - one of the most common protocols that are used for transferring files between computers. It allows a client to access a server and perform various file operations - downloading and uploading of files, creation and modification of directories or files. FTP is one of the basic protocols used in the field of networks and is used to transfer files from one system to another.

Key Features and Functionality of FTP

FTP operates by establishing a connection between two computers. The primary functions of FTP include:

  • File Transfer: FTP enables file transfer from client to server or from server to client in form of files. This is very helpful in cases where one wants to share files or dataset.
  • Directory Management: Users are allowed to create, delete or modify directories on the server thus providing a way of filing the files.
  • File Permissions: FTP has features that enable users to set file permissions, they determine who can access the files or have a read, write or execute privilege.

FTP is known common interface that makes it easy to work with files no matter the platform used. FTP can be used through command line or through FTP client applications, and in some operating systems it can be accessed through the file browser, which means that it is easy to use.

Security Concerns with FTP

Despite its widespread use, FTP has notable security vulnerabilities:

  • Plain Text Transmission: FTP sends user’s credentials and other info, which means that a hacker can easily get this information. This absence of encryption makes FTP vulnerable to what is commonly known as the man-in-the-middle attacks where the attacker can intercept the data in transit and manipulate it.
  • Password Attacks: FTP is prone to password cracking or brute force attack whereby an attacker tries various password combinations until he or she gets the right one. This enhance the probability of the system being invaded by the unauthorized person.

FTP is often used with other more secure protocols including FTPS which is FTP Secure and SFTP which is Secure FTP. These protocols include encryption which enhances the security of transferring information as the information cannot be tampered within the process of transmission.

FTP in Software Deployment Processes

FTP is widely used in software deployment processes as it is used to transfer software artifacts, for instance, code, configurations, images, among others, from one environment to another. For example:

  • Development to Testing: FTP is used by developers to transfer code from development server to testing server so that test team can start testing on latest copy.
  • Testing to Production: When the software is ready with the testing phase then the final version of the software can be deployed on the production environment using the FTP.

FTP is used in deployment processes since it is simple to use and is quite flexible in its application. It provides a way of transferring files from one server to another or between a server and a workstation and this makes the deployment process very fast. Also, most of the deployment tools have FTP as the default mechanism for file transfer and hence the process is easy.

To reduce the security threats of FTP, the enhanced versions of FTP like FTPS and SFTP are usually used. These protocols guarantee data transfer with the aim of enhancing security during the deployment process of the information.


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is one of the most important tools used in transferring files across the networks as it provides a convenient and efficient way of managing files between the server and client. Although it offers a lot of advantages such as flexibility and simplicity particularly when it comes to software deployment, it has several security loopholes that should be considered. The standard FTP does not encrypt data in the course of transmission and this makes it vulnerable to data interception and password hacking thus exposing confidential information to the wrong people. To meet these issues, safer versions such as FTPS and SFTP are employed to ensure that data in transfer is secure. Despite the flaws that have been discussed, FTP continues to be used in a number of applications in software development and release to help manage files and organize them for various systems.