

Idealogic’s Glossary

An exception in the context of software development is a situation that happens in a software application that is not expected to occur when the program is being executed. There are many reasons for exceptions, including: input errors, hardware malfunctions, network problems, and software errors. When an exception is thrown, it diverts the normal flow of control to a certain part of the code which is called as the exception handling block.

Why is Exception Handling Important?

Exception handling is very important in the sense that it helps to control the stability of software applications. Through controlling exceptions, the developers can avoid the situation when the program crashes or behaves incorrectly during the execution. Rather it can gracefully handle the error and may either proceed with its execution or gracefully come to an end.

Managing exceptions properly also helps in writing robust and easily extensible code as well. Reliable code is the code that is capable of handling errors and still continue to run without affecting the whole system. While scalability refers to the ability of the software to accommodate increasing work load or complexity without collapsing, then scalability is the ability of the software to handle increasing load or complexity without breaking down. Important to both of these objectives is exception handling.

Exception Handling in Programming Languages

Almost all the contemporary programming languages offer a standard way of dealing with exceptions. These mechanisms help the developers to identify an error, handle it in the right manner, and also, make the program capable of coming out of an error state. Generally, this is done with the help of ‘try-catch’ or ‘try-except’ blocks where the code that may result in throwing an exception is enclosed within the ‘try block’ and the code that handles the exception is enclosed within the ‘catch’ or ‘except block’.

For instance, while working in languages such as Java, Python, and C#, exceptions are trapped by using try-catch blocks. If any exception happens in the “try” block then control is shifted to the “catch” block where the error can be handled by logging it, displaying an appropriate message to the user or by performing some action to rectify the error.


To put it in simple words, exceptions are events that are not planned and can cause interferences with the regular course of a program. Exception handling is a critical aspect when developing software since it helps to design good quality, reliable, and scalable applications. Through the use of the exception handling that is offered by programming languages, the developers can be able to design their applications in a way that they can be able to run without failing in the event that something goes wrong. This not only increase the quality of the software but also increase the user satisfaction by avoiding crashes and making the software run more efficiently