

Idealogic’s Glossary

ERC-20 is a technological protocol that was designed for the implementation of smart contracts in Ethereum. It provides a set of restrictions that must be complied with to design tokens that enable interoperability in the Ethereum ecosystem. ERC-20 tokens are homogenous such that each token is equal to the other and cannot be differentiated; they best suit a host of dApps, and DeFi services, among other systems. This standard has emerged as the most popular token standard among cryptocurrencies. 

Key Concepts of ERC-20

According to the ERC-20 standard, there are six standard functions that any token contract has to include to be compatible with other contracts and services existing within the Ethereum network. These functions control the total amount of tokens, transfer tokens between different accounts, and let a user’s tokens be spent by a third party, and so on. That standardization when all tokens are adherent to the ERC 20 standard makes their creation easier and allows all the tokens to interoperate within the same environment, with compatibility across wallets, exchanges, and other DApps

Another factor that has contributed to the adoption of ERC-20, is the compatibility of Ethereum with smart contracts. In Ethereum, smart contracts refer to contractual agreements that are built into codes whereby the contract terms are embedded into the code. Based on the ERC-20 model, tokens can be integrated into Ethereum smart contacts which makes it possible to build a vast number of blockchain applications such as financial instruments, voting, and much more. Blockchain development companies use the ERC-20 standards to design proficient and essential decentralized systems to perform different functions with accuracy and efficiency.

Moreover, ERC-20 tokens are well adopted in different platforms such as exchanges and wallets. This general acceptance enables the ERC-20 tokens to be bought, sold, transferred, and used in various decentralized environments. For the blockchain app development companies, this suggests that their work is going to be much easier, and they will be able to release products, which may require tokens, much quicker. 

Key Concepts of ERC-20 | Idealogic.

Advantages of ERC-20

Another that speaks in favor of using the ERC-20 standard is the fact that it is quite popular, and tokens based on it are compatible with Ethereum. All ERC-20 tokens are similar to each other since they all adhere to standard rules and can be promptly adopted by companies that provide platforms, for instance, exchanges and wallets. This wide compatibility will make it easier for users to deal with different tokens without having to set up a specific ecosystem.

In general, these token standards are important to streamline their development for creators; for ERC-20, token creation is much easier. This can be done by following the guidelines laid down in the ERC-20 standard, instead of designing a token from the ground up, the developers can use the standard as a reference. This limits the amount of time and money that organizations have to spend in search of solutions that can be customized for their use. In the same way, Blockchain software development companies can also use the standard to deploy tokens at a faster rate and ensure interoperability.

High flexibility is another advantage of the ERC-20 tokens since they are highly interchangeable. This has made the token the most suitable one because each of the tokens resembles the other token and could be employed for various purposes, for instance, to mint the currencies or to signify the assets. This fungibility also makes the ERC-20 tokens suitable for trading in the decentralized exchanges especially where the liquidity of the tokens for their operations is highly desirable.

The other benefit is that such tokens are developed based on the Ethereum platform, security, and decentralization. Since Ethereum is one of the most secure and popular blockchain platforms around the globe, the same level of security applies to the ERC-20 tokens. Native blockchains implemented with custom blockchain solutions enable ERC-20 tokens to develop highly secure financial systems.

Disadvantages and Considerations

However, like any other blockchain standard, the ERC-20 standard has some limitations as follows; A major concern is the challenge of effectively dealing with gas fees as a part of the Ethereum protocol. Just like any other transactions that are done using the Ethereum Blockchain, every ERC-20 token transaction results in a gas fee. These fees vary depending on the number of transactions made in the network; it is quite costly to make a transaction in high high-traffic network. This means a certain kind of instability in the transaction costs, and this could be a tall order for the developers and the users.

Yet another drawback of utilizing the ERC-20 standard is that it is not compatible with non-fungible tokens. Even though ERC 20 tokens are good for ‘swapables’ or ‘fungibles, which are of equal value for every holder, it is not good for proving ownership of actual items and tangible assets. For the cases when one needs to emit tokens of a certain quality, for specific products or even real estate, there are other standards, for example, ERC-721 or ERC-1155. Blockchain development firms may have to consider some of such factors when choosing the right token standard to adopt depending on the application.

Another drawback of the ERC-20 standard is the questioned level of security. For instance, smart contracts that are based on the ERC-20 protocol have been problematic in instances where users have lost tokens through illogical code losses. This has led to some situations where tokens have been ‘burned’ meaning they are no longer in usable circulated public supply as a result of incompatible or faulty integration in some dApps or wallets. Developers need to be more careful in a way that the smart contract that they are creating is adequately tested and audited to prevent such vulnerabilities.

In addition, with the growth of projects that incorporate the ERC-20 standard, the issue of scalability is relevant. The current Ethereum, which is the main subject of this article, has problems with the number of transactions per second and its capacity during network congestion. Nevertheless, with the emergence of Ethereum 2. These concerns may be lessened in the future since other Central Bank Digital Currencies such as China’s digital Yuan, and Libra, Facebook’s proposed CBDC, have been designed with a settlement time of 0, with the potential for faster transaction settlement and lower fees. 

Common Use Cases for ERC-20

The ERC-20 standard is rather popular among developers of decentralized finance (DeFi) products that are built based on smart contracts allowing users to lend, borrow, trade, and invest in digital assets without involving traditional financial institutions. The majority of DeFi tokens are formed based on the ERC-20 standard, including governance tokens that provide the right to vote for certain decisions within the platform.

One of the main use cases is in ICOs and token sales in which projects create new ERC-20 tokens and release them for the sake of the development fund. As much as this is true, due to high compatibility, the ERC-20 is recognized and easily integrated with exchanges which has been the reason most projects that want to distribute tokens to investors have preferred using this standard.

Furthermore, the tokens of the ERC-20 standard are distinguished in the blockchain-based decentralized exchanges, in which token swaps of different digital assets occur without the participation of a centralized exchange platform. The use of ERC-20 tokens enables such tokens to easily fit into these decentralized platforms providing liquidity coupled with the ease of usability.

It is worth mentioning that many projects also utilize the ERC-20 tokens as digital assets equivalent to stablecoins, which have a value tied to fiat money. Both USDC and DAI, which are based on the ERC-20 specification, are now considered to be essential for participating in the DeFi space since it is extremely risky to deal in cryptocurrencies when there are stable alternatives available. 


It reaches a significant foundation in the Ethereum space as a standard, used as a roadmap, for launching fungible tokens. It is friendly with Ethereum’s smart contracts and widely used in different platforms, making it an irreplaceable blockchain component in the development of decentralized applications and decentralized financial infrastructures. Despite this, other advantages come with the implementation of the ERC-20 standard, including compatibility and security, but one must understand the disadvantages of such working, for example, the presence of gas expenses and possible issues with scalability. In the future, therefore, blockchain technology, with ERC-20 as one of its key protocols will open the decentralized economy to various industries to enhance advanced solutions and their uptake.