

Idealogic’s Glossary

The term defect in software development is defined as an error, a fault or a failure in a software product or system that makes it behave in a wrong or undesirable manner. Defects are of different types depending on the extent of the impact they may cause to the user interface; they may be small which only affect the user experience to some extent or large that may cause system failures. Defects are one of the most important aspects of any software since they affect the overall quality of the software.

Types of Defects

There are various ways through which software can be categorized based on the type of defects it contains. There is what is known as Syntax errors which are generated when the code written violates the rules of the programming language. These errors are common and they usually make the software to fail to run as expected and they are easily seen and corrected since they appear during the compilation or execution of the software.

Another type of defect is the semantic errors which are also called as logic errors. These are errors that happen when a code is written in a correct manner and is in a position to be executed but it does not work in the way that is expected. The second type of errors is the logic errors which are quite tricky because the code seems to be working fine but the results obtained are wrong due to improper reasoning or implementation of the logic.

There is also specification errors that occur when the design of the system does not match the intended use of the system. These defects are usually caused by incomplete or mis-specified requirements which result in undesirable behavior when system components are integrated. This is especially the case with specification errors since they can only be noticed once the software is in use or in the course of system integration.

Causes of Defects

The software defects can be injected in the course of the software development life cycle. Coding errors are defects that are introduced during the coding phase and are usually caused by human factors such as errors, confusion or omissions. Also, lack of testing can lead to the presence of defects that may not be easily detected especially in systems that have several components that must work harmoniously. Some of the defects of software testing may not be identified during the testing phase and can be realized only after the software is released to the users.

Impact of Defects

Defects can be damaging if they are not dealt with and addressed accordingly. In extreme cases, defects can lead to system crashes which means that the system is no longer usable and may affect processes that are very vital such as the health, finance or infrastructure sectors. It is also important to note that defects can lead to data loss or data corruption and this can be disastrous especially in situations where data must be protected at all costs. In addition, the defects that impact the system performance or result in system failure can also result in monetary loss for businesses and harm to their image.


Software development issues can be classified as defects that are an essential concern that may involve simple coding mistakes or larger system failures. To avoid and correct them it is crucial to know the various types of defects that can happen and the possible reasons for their occurrence. If not well handled, defects can cause disastrous effects such as system crashes, data loss, and or financial losses. Hence, detecting, controlling and correcting the defects is an important process in the development of the software to make the final product reliable, fast and effective as required.