

Idealogic’s Glossary

Consistency is an important property of software systems especially in the field of databases, distributed systems and concurrent computing. It means that data is consistent, valid and remains the same throughout the operations and transactions in the system as to maintain the credibility of the system and its users.

Importance of Consistency in Databases

In the database systems, the consistency is one of the key aspects of the so called ACID properties that describe the characteristics of the reliable and atomic transactions. There is a concept known as consistency in a database, when a transaction is performed in the database it should only change from one valid state to the other while obeying all rules and constraint. This means that any change that is made during a transaction must not affect the integrity of the data; if a transaction is to fail for some reason then the database must be rolled back to its original state to avoid data corruption.

For instance, in a banking system if a transaction requires moving money from one account to another, consistency will guarantee that the total amount of money will not change. In the event that the transaction is unsuccessful, the system has to ensure that the amount which has been debited is restored to the original account and the overall data remains unaffected.

Role of Consistency in Distributed Systems

In a distributed system, where data is copied at different nodes or locations, consistency is the requirement that all nodes contain the same data. This is very essential because in a distributed system, operations are carried out at various locations at the same time; and if there is a contradiction in the data, it can cause several problems like wrong output or loss of data.

This is where consensus algorithms such as Paxos or Raft come into play as they help maintain consistency in the distributed systems where all the nodes have to agree on the current state of the data before any new changes are made to it. This is very important since data has to be consistent and synchronized in these systems especially where users depend on information that is current and timely.

Techniques to Maintain Consistency

Several techniques are employed in software systems to maintain consistency:

  • Locking Mechanisms: These control access to data in that only one process or transaction can alter a specific piece of data at any one time. This minimize conflicts and enables changes to be done in a systematic and systematic way.
  • Versioning: This means that one keeps records of different versions of data while making sure that the users always get the right version as per the most recent update.
  • Consensus Algorithms: In distributed systems it is necessary to use consensus algorithms to make all the nodes or replicas identical and to prevent differences.
  • Data Validation: This is done to maintain the consistency since before the changes are committed, several validation checks are conducted to verify that the change conforms to all the constraints and rules.

Challenges and Trade-offs

Despite the importance of having a consistent state in distributed systems, it is usually done at the cost of other properties such as availability and partition tolerance as stated in the CAP theorem. At times, systems may have to compromise on consistency in an effort to achieve high availability or due to occurrence of network partition. This has given rise to different consistency models for example the eventual consistency model where the system assures that at some point in the future all the replicas will have the same value.


Coherency is one of the important features of software systems which help in maintaining integrity and correctness of data while performing a number of operations especially database operations and distributed systems. By using techniques such as locking, versioning and consensus algorithms, the developers can be able to maintain consistency of the system that is being developed in order to make it reliable and trustworthy. Although there are difficulties, particularly in distributed systems, the role of consistency in preserving the data’s credibility cannot be overemphasized and is thus one of the basic principles in software engineering.