
Audit Trail

Idealogic’s Glossary

Audit trail — a chronological record that contains minute details of all the activities or processes that have taken place; such records bear a time and date stamp. It is also known as an audit log. In matter of fact, these trails may log basic operations like virus scans or may collect information from a lot of operations. Ordinarily, a corporation will preserve far more comprehensive audit trails than, let us state, a small enterprise.

An example of an audit trail familiar to almost everyone is the receipt offered after a purchase. In a given transaction where a customer purchases something, then a receipt is a recorded or written documentation of a transaction which is helpful when tracking processes and pursing inefficiencies for further analysis.

An audit trail more commonly referred to as an audit log is an often required component of supply chain management software and inventory management system, which is used to capture and document all the actions and operations that have occurred in a particular system. These logs, which incorporate time and date stamps, are very useful for recording all the activities that take place in the process, from an ordinary stock taking operation to an essential supply chain event. For example, in automated warehouse management systems, an audit trail can capture all the activities of goods right from receipt of inventory to dispatch of orders hence making the system to be very transparent and accurate in its operations. It not only enables the accomplishment of the legal standards but also help in identifying the issues and the ongoing processes in the system.

In the context of the development of the aviation software, audit trails are equally useful in the maintenance of high safety and operational standards. These are logs of activities that are done in an organization, including maintenance checks and any flight operations; they serve to ensure that everything is done as required and that any variation from the standard can be easily detected and corrected. This is especially so if the industry in which the company is involved requires high accuracy and adherence to the laws. Therefore, integrating robust audit trails into the software solutions benefit organisations in various industries, streamline business activities, and help in making right decisions due to proper documented information.