
Analogous Colors

Idealogic’s Glossary

Analogous colors, technically speaking, can be defined as a triplet of colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. The resulting colors will be in combinations, which are harmonious and pleasing to the eye because of this relationship. An analogous color scheme typically includes:

A dominant color: This could be a primary or secondary color and is often used to set the general mood of the design.

A supporting color: This can either be a secondary or tertiary color that enhances the dominant color and gives interest to the palette.

An accent color: This can either be a mixture of the first two colors or a separate color that creates contrast and pops certain elements in the design.

For instance, in a composition where the dominant color is blue, blue-green may be the supporting color while blue-purple may be the accent color. However, the use of analogous colors is much preferred in design due to the overall unified and calm visual effect it gives, so these colors will definitely work perfectly on projects aiming for a look that is calm and unified.