
Agile Software Development

Idealogic’s Glossary

In the fast-developing world of technology, the ways of developing software should be as dynamic to capture the dynamics of the changing market. Agile Software Development as a methodology comes to the fore that is most suitable for this context as it focuses on flexibility, incremental and iterative working, customer involvement, and frequent and fast releases.

Understanding Agile Software Development

Scrum as one of the most prominent agile software development frameworks encompasses principles that should help teams to use a more loose approach while developing software. Agile was formed in 2001 with the help of seventeen software developers with the basis of the Agile Manifesto which comprises the values and principles that in fact are targeted at the working interaction of things like a team, working software, customers, and response to change more than documentation.

Agile principally raises the size of major tasks into one or more smaller, achievable chores or sprints, which usually last for a week to a month. Sprints are also planning, building integrating and reporting phases as the aim of agile sprints is to deliver functioning software to the stakeholders as early as possible in the development cycle to allow them to improve it.

Agile and its functionality and advantages

Agile promotes cross-team communication in a project and team members co-operate throughout the project lifecycle. This comprises integrated communication between developers, testers, and designers with stakeholders with some of them being daily stand-ups sprint reviews, and retrospective meetings that assist in making others aware of problems and hence have them rectified.

List of benefits of Agile Software Development

A key advantage of Agile is related to work change management. As opposed to other IAD approaches where changes are costly and time consuming, with Agile application for alteration is possible at the end of the sprint which is closer to a better client alignment. Furthermore, working with an iterative and incremental cycle that includes testing and feedback means that, in the early stages, defects are immediately recognized and, therefore, the reliability and stability of the product are improved. It also creates team morale and cohesiveness, thereby turning a group of people into a unified team with the synergy to work towards common set objectives with a tendency to achieve targeted objectives, which in turn motivates the team.

Diverse Agile Frameworks

Agile comprises many frameworks that are prevalent in the modern business world such as the Scrum framework, which is preferred due to its strictly defined roles and the fact that the process is very organized to the extent that the flow of the project is not disrupted. Kanban is based on the principles that involve the use of maps to identify bottlenecks in the work processes and provide quantitative constraints to work. XP is very keen on embracing best practices like pair programming, Test Driven Test Development or continuous integration to improve the quality of the developed code and at the same time minimizing on risks.

We claim that Agile software development is fundamentally about merely one factor – customer value. This is done through the incremental improvement of the product backlog – a list of features and tasks of the upcoming releases with priority based on the feedback and changing needs, thus, the team constantly focuses on the improvement of the highest-value components of the project.

A comparison between the Agile and Waterfall methodologies of software development

Waterfall is the model of software development that is logical and rational with each stage being followed by the next such stages as requirement gathering, design, implementation and testing, deployment and maintenance, etc. This is a very understandable and easily replicable method, but it is rigid in response to changes or in the emergence of new conditions.

The main distinctions between these two models are the following:

One of the biggest differences between the two lies in their attitude to change. Agile is intended to engender responsiveness and flexibility through its SDLC cycles and provide for change at the completion of each cycle. On the other hand, Waterfall sees the changes as interferences that could alter the whole plan of working.

Stakeholder participation also differs a lot as well. Agile supports the integration with the stakeholders as they can be involved at any stage of the development. It shows that there is a very active participation to ensure that the last deliverable meets the expectations of the interested parties. While in the Waterfall model stakeholders are only involved at the beginning and at the end of the project, it may happen that the end result is different from what people initially expected, so the result may make some people dissatisfied.

Secondly, Agile takes less time to deliver value since products are developed in smaller and easily manageable segments such that parts of software can be released to help the customer as early as possible. Different from other methodologies, in Waterfall a phase is usually followed by others where no software components are initialized.

Suitability and Conclusion

Ideally, Waterfall may be suitable when the need for the project is well understood, and the amount of alteration that is required is marginal but Agile has to be implemented when a project has many interfaces and is likely to be changed often. This characteristic and this process of recomposing and repeating Phases allow for Agile to integrate the change and to improve the product.

Consequently, Agile software development is one of the sophisticated and current paradigms of constructing and designing a software product. It uses flexibility, working integrated with stakeholders, and iteration as methods necessary for handling new requirements and providing high-quality products in a short time. An Agile Transformation is more or less the organizational culture that moved from the traditional way of working and an actual step towards Agile principles such as communication, collaboration, etc.

Due to globalization and the advancement of more modern technology, the flexibility of Agile makes it even more important in software development. Agile should be implemented for either a new startup introducing a product in the market or a firmly set organization seeking improvements in its processes to best operate in the rapidly evolving market. When presenting Agile as a contrast to other methodologies such as Waterfall the basic nature of Agile is easily highlighted as customer customer-centric and dynamic approach that enables businesses not only to produce better products but to do so faster.