

Idealogic’s Glossary

Accident - an event bound by flaws in the system causing an unusual ending of an executing sequence and leading to an undesirable state of retry. The changing of the program or developing it is an aspect of software engineering whereby the occurrence of an accident is one of the many unpleasant incidences that may occur. Other consequences that may be associated with an accident may be in the area of data, system, security, and among others.

They are conditions that may prevail before or after coding, designing or testing of the software or part of it, or at any other development phase; coding errors, for instance, are likely to occur during the coding phase. To avoid these risks and for the purpose of stabilizing the software development, there are some managerial measures to minimize the extent of the count of accidents.

Software development mishaps can be traced to such factors as bugs in the system, wrong code writing, or wrong integration of the automated testing systems and error control mechanisms. These are incidents that may cause the disruption of program flow and may lead to what may be termed as crashes or failures that would require the attention of the program. For instance, in the coding phase, a wrong use of an algorithm or wrong data structure in coding can lead to big failures where the program goes to the wrong state that one may not desire. Such accidents can affect the integrity of the software hence causing data loss, confer vulnerabilities to the systems, or make the system Frozen.

To avoid these problems, the developers usually include the sophisticated debuggers and the continuous integration strategies. These techniques help in finding out that whether there is a possibility of a defect that could have caused a significant issue. Also, code review and static code analysis are used to prevent problems to appear during the execution of the code, thus minimizing the occurrence of any accident. By applying these software engineering principles, it becomes possible for the teams to reduce the incidents of accidents to an extent that the software does not experience instability, vulnerability, or breakdown in its functionality in the course of its use.