
Why ChatGPT Is a Game Changer in Software Development for Startups?

Artem Zaitsev
March 9, 2023

Startups are hard. They are risky and need the total commitment of the team’s resources and time. Startups operate under financial constraints from the fundraisers or owner’s money trying to meet the critical stages of the startup’s growth. There are three of them that startups may go through in their life cycle: 

  • Seed 
  • Stage B
  • Release (or Stage A) 

Seed and Stage B are the most demanding in terms of development and product design. Stage A focuses more on marketing and promotion when the development team prioritizes product support and maintenance during the scaling and active user acquisition. 

Startups’ roads from the Seed to the Release stage are difficult. But, there are many instruments to cut expenses, boost product deliverability, and minimize the time to market. ChatGPT is one of such tool. Do not fool yourself with news about “How ChatGPT will kill/steal…”. Stay with us in this article to discover more about how your startup can win its lucky ticket to the Unicorns by being more agile and efficient, using ChatGPT in all development stages for your product. 

Using ChatGPT to create the startup from a concept or idea

Startups are built around the idea or the concept of doing something in a new way. Or about revolutionizing the industry as it is. You have to research the market and possible competitors to validate this idea or concept. 

For this part of the article, we’ve discussed market research with Oleh Henaliuk, our Head of Business Analytics. His team research and consult startups in the seed stage to help them with their strategic perspective in the market. Oleh’s team also tries to foresee potential drawbacks for the startups on Stages B&A. 

Here are his words about how they worked without ChatGPT and how they are doing it now. He also suggests some tips for the startupers:

This tool helps a lot with the research of the niche and key players. Yes, it can not be used as an only tool for a team, but it greatly cuts down the time needed for the research and primary data collection, allowing us to focus right on the business model and positioning of the competitors in the market.

How to use ChatGPT for front- and back-end development

Startup development requires successful planning and product architecture. If you lack experience in planning the product development process, ChatGPT may be a helpful tool for open questions and expertise build-up. You may get the right idea about the product development lifecycle (PDLC) and constant improvement & continuous delivery (CI/CD). 

From the development perspective, ChatGPT is a comfortable tool for code tasks. When you or your team works on repetitive code elements that require little qualification but a lot of time, ChatGPT will help you to automize this process. For years before, startups practiced free (or with symbolic reward) internships, trying to hire junior specialists to perform low-expertize tasks. Though this approach has obvious benefits, your team and experienced developers still put some time and effort into freshmen’ education and onboarding. 

ChatGPT may provide the functions of the junior developers at the Seed and B stages, effectively substituting them in your team. At the same time, it is a great help to your developers. ChatGPT provides even more functionality for code revision and rewriting from the AI than Visual Studio Code or any other alternative. 

Our development team tested the ChatGPT for front and back. Our Head of Blockchain Development Arsenii Ovsianykov and his team gave us this comment:

ChatGPT has great knowledge and delivers a lot of needed information. But on a practical level, it is more like a Junior Development Specialist; we send an instruction with the code, and they deliver it. We send more precise instructions with the next interaction, gradually improving the parts of the code. We run 3-5 interactions before we get a formidable result to work with.
  • ⁠Please, write a smart contract for Solidity that allows users to make deferred payments and charges a commission for the operation.⁠
Chat GPT smart contract
  • Please, redesign the contract to allow users to pay with any token and not only with the national currency.⁠
Chat GPT smart contract erc-20
  • Please, redesign the contract and add two functions.Function 1 is for the user. There are such requirements:1. User enters data about which token and in what quantity he wants to send or native currency…2. The platform commission must be charged in native currency; the user pays the commission in native currency when requesting a deferred payment.3. This function has to contain receiver data and the time stamp of the moment when the payment should be sent.Function 2 is for the manager. This function has to allow you to start a custom payment if the current timestamp is greater than the one specified by the user when creating an order in the first function.⁠
Chat GPT smart contract payment
  • As a bonus, ChatGPT can help to prepare code documentation. It is unlikely that it will be impeccable. However, it helps with the basics, and it is easier to double-check and improve than to write from scratch.⁠
Chat GPT explanation smart contract
  • Please, write security tests for this contract using Hardhat.⁠
Chat GPT smart contract java script

The final point from Arsenii: 

In general, its work can be estimated as qualitative for 70-80%. What is left usually is to refactor the code in certain places and add minor details that AI missed. So, I would compare its abilities with a diligent trainee who may not understand the whole picture. Still, they show a pretty good result once they have proper guidance and precise commands on what to redo. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is network congestion which is instead an unpleasant factor. Sometimes, the AI may interrupt a response in the middle of a conversation and may not always continue accurately. Although, in most cases, it manages to do so.

ChatGPT is a helpful tool for startups in Stage B when you need to automate the creation process and free up experienced coders from the routine work with documentation and recurring development tasks. However, this tool requires the exact knowledge of the product architecture, as it only helps with code creation. 

ChatGPT makes your QA and documentation creation easy

Seeds B and A require an MVP or a release version of the solution. It means that the team has to make sure their product works efficiently and has no breaches in the privacy and security of the system. Our QA team applied ChatGPT to have a helping hand in manual testing and brainstorming before designing the tests. Here is what Pavel Konoshchenko, our Head of QA, said about the experience of their team with ChatGPT: 

It is a great tool. Sure, I would not trust the actual writing of the automated tests. Probably, I will learn to do it later. But it operates with a huge amount of data and information we can not cover. So, we ask it to create scenarios for testing, naming the module or element we have to test. ChatGPT provides ideas for 8 of 10 tests we would run and also tries to comply with the ISO standards of a specific niche. It was constructive for our last project in fintech.

ChatGPT is also helpful for document creation and writing manuals. It saves up to 40% of working hours for our Junior Specialists and helps us to focus on custom software development achieving more significant results. 

Did we tell you everything we could about ChatGPT?

Sure thing, no. You can use ChatGPT for even more things for the Stage A and postrelease tasks. From the perspective of our Marketing and Business Development Departments, we think you may use this tool for:

  • Content creation
  • Proofreading, text adaptation to a specific style
  • Writing cold emails, white-papers
  • Brainstorming and concept testing
  • Efficient knowledge base 

We still advise you to use the tool with caution. AI-generated texts can be traced and marked as such. If you decide to use it for SEO content, you better focus on some low-quality and technical articles (quest posts, FAQs), but try to write the landing pages, product descriptions, and critical messages to your clients on your own. Although ChatGPT is booming now, we still do not know what changes in the role of content Google will present in their upcoming updates for the search engine. So, balance your automation and manual work, prioritizing high-quality content to spamming out tens of articles per week. 

Rapping it up

Often, new technologies scare people. The same happened with ChatGPT, and instead of explaining how it can help, we receive frightful messages that ChatGPT will steal our jobs. As you can see, the reality is different. ChatGPT may help startups to grow and become more efficient. It is a help in every stage of startup development. Our business analysts approve of its performance in research and data collection, mentioning it significantly cuts the time spent on it. Developers appreciate ChatGPT’s ability to automate repetitive tasks and create code documentation, which is mundane. Testers appreciate the ideas for testing received from AI. Every chance to cut expenses and speed up market entry is a blessing for startup owners.

ChatGPT’s functionality truly amazes and inspires people to incorporate it into the work on the project. Everyone underlines the importance of giving precise instructions to ChatGPT. Maybe, it may create a demand for employees who will write proper requests in the future. As It turns out, ChatGPT is not a villain. It is a promising instrument that will change the way we work.

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