
Top 10 Emerging Technologies to Watch in 2024

Alex Saiko
August 21, 2024

When the clock ticks into the year 2024, the advancement in technology is still rising at a very fast rate. The world is still to witness new innovations that can greatly transform business industries, enhance the quality of life for the people and address the challenges of the new millennium. From artificial intelli-gence technologies for healthcare to advanced composite materials, these are the ten most promising emerging technologies of the year 2024.

1. Generative AI

Generative AI is a new type of AI that is revolutionizing the creation and the process of how things are done. AI that are rule-based are termed as traditional while the new Generative AI model has the ability to come up with new outputs that were not put into the model. Coming into 2024, we will continue to see generative AI especially in art, entertainment, architecture as well as in healthcare.

For example, generative AI is already applied in the process of drug discovery, in the creation of individualized digital content, and even in the generation of synthetic data for training other generative models. This capacity of thinking and generating ideas similar to a human but faster and with higher accuracy makes generative AI as a breakthrough for the following years.

2. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing has been a buzz word in the last few years , but 2024 may well be the year that true quantum computing starts to make a difference. A quantum computer are computers that use quantum mechanics to compute and analyze information in a way which is much more efficient than the current classical computers.

Quantum computing technology and hardware and algorithms are expected to improve further in 2024 and bring the technology to the real world. New frontiers of quantum computing have the potential of revolutionising industries by improving computational power in areas ranging from supply chain management to chemistries of drugs.

3. 5G and Beyond

The 5G technology has already been launched all over the world but the technology is expected to advance more by 2024. 5G is anticipated to offer much higher data throughput, lower latency and greatly increased device connectivity and therefore provide a platform for new applications in IoT, autonomous vehicles, smart cities etc.

Not only 5G but also 6G is under study at the moment. 6G is still a nascent technology but it already suggests the possibility of even faster communication with the incorporation of such features as AI in network management and quantum networking. Future 5G and beyond technologies will provide the means of new levels of connectivity and smart infrastructure.

4. Biodegradable Electronics

Due to global concern on environmental concerns, there is a rising concern of green technologies in the market. Biodegradable electronics are becoming the possible solution to the issue of electronic waste. These devices are fabricated from materials which can bio-degrade thus minimizing on the pollution from e-waste.

By 2024, we are likely to find the use of biodegradable electronics in various fields, for instance, self-destructing implants for medical use, environmentally friendly consumer electronics, and many others. It can be viewed as a step change in the process of evolution of an advanced environmentally sympathetic and eco-focused technology industry.

5. Advanced Energy Storage

One of the great tasks of the present and future is the transition to the sustainable energy sources and the further development of the energy storage systems is crucial for this process. In the year 2024 the availability of better batteries and other energy storage devices is likely to be one of the keys to stabilizing the power supply, to supporting electric cars and to the widespread deployment of renewable energy.

Some of the new generation batteries include the solid-state batteries and the flow batteries which have higher energy density, faster charging, and longer cycle life than the lithium-ion batteries. These advancements will assist in mitigating some of the constraints that are prevailing with renewable energy sources and thus foster the future of renewable energy.

6. Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology is the study of biology and invention of new biological components, devices and systems through engineering. This technology has the possibility to bring great change in professions like medicine, agriculture, and protecting the environment through the use of organism designed to meet certain requirements.

In 2024, there will be much improvement in synthetic biology especially in the formulation of new therapies, production of biofuels, and engineered organisms for the environment. The genetic engineering of life forms in an attempt to bring to life creations that were hitherto seen only in movies.

7. Edge Computing

With the increasing number of devices that are connected to the internet today, there is the demand for faster and better ways of handling data and hence the development of edge computing. Unlike the conventional cloud computing, which operates through the data center model, edge computing performs the computation on the data at the edge in order to reduce the latency and bandwidth utilization.

It is predicted that by 2024 the edge computing will be significant more than ever due to the rise of the number of IOT devices and the need of processing data in real time. It will be useful in such areas as automotive, urban infrastructure and manufacturing systems where fast actions are vital.

8. AI-Driven Healthcare

Artificial intelligence is already being integrated into the healthcare industry, but in 2024, this will be even more conspicuous. AI-based solutions in healthcare will change diagnostics, treatment and approaches to the patient due to their increased accuracy and individual approach.

AI is being used in healthcare to improve imaging techniques that can diagnose diseases at an early stage, or predictive analytics that can help to foresee the needs of a patient before the need arises and this is already having a positive impact on healthcare. It is possible to predict that by 2024, AI will be at the heart of the tendency towards precision medicine and value-based care.

9. Smart Materials

Self sensing materials, on the other hand, are materials that are able to alter their behavior depending on certain stimuli that are in the environment for instance temperature, light, or pressure. It is not difficult to imagine that these materials can be used in manufacturing industries such as construction, consumer electronics, to produce adaptive and responsive products.

By 2024 the use of smart materials will become even more common in the objects like self-repairing structures, adaptive textiles and energetic efficient constructions. The consequence of such materials is that they can be programmed to alter their properties in response to the conditions under which they are applied and this has opened up new avenues for development of new products in most sectors.

10. Metaverse and Virtual Worlds

The idea of the metaverse, a reality that is available for people to experience and interact with, parallel to the real one, is also gradually gaining more and more popularity and is expected to grow even further in 2024. The development of virtual and augmented reality, and blockchain technology is promoting virtual environment for work, entertainment, and communication.

Thus, the metaverse is a promising space, which can change the way of people’s interaction with digital objects and with other people. Looking towards the year 2024, one can only imagine how more and more businesses and consumers will turn to virtual worlds as a way to work, play, and shop and so on.


The technologies that are becoming available in 2024 will promise to reinvent industries and enhance the human condition and solve some of the world’s greatest issues. From changing industries with artificial intelligence and quantum computing to changing how we deal with waste through bio electronics to enhancing energy storage for the growing needs of the world, these are innovations that are the future. As these technologies remain to advance, it will be crucial for organizations and people to watch the developments to be in a position of identifying the trends.

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