
Revolutionizing Real Estate: An Overview of the Potential Application of Blockchain Technology

Alex Saiko
September 13, 2024

Blockchain technology that was once only linked to cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin is now expected to disrupt various industries and real estate is not exempted. The real estate industry has always been riddled with numerous issues such as convoluted procedures, high fees, and opacity and blockchain solves most of these problems. With this technology, there can be a secure system of recording property transactions which does not require many intermediaries, can reduce cases of fraud, and enhance the efficiency of property transfer. Real estate records cannot be tampered with once added to the blockchain, hence making the records credible and reducing on mistakes in real estate transactions.

Further, through blockchain, parties can use smart property contracts that can facilitate various aspects of property such as payment, transfer of title deeds, and lease. These smart contracts work automatically, thus eliminating the need for time and money that is required for common practices. Furthermore, the concept of tokenization enables the properties to be fragmented into specific units and sold as tokens which can be bought and sold in the market thus increasing the accessibility of the property to many investors. Unfortunately, there are some concerns including the lack of legislation, the integration with other systems, and the possibility to scale up the technology in order to make the use of blockchain more common in the real estate business.

Blockchain in Real Estate: An Overview

In simple terms, a Blockchain is a distributed ledger that contains an immutable record of transactions. Each transaction or block has a link to the previous one hence, building a chain of information that cannot be manipulated. This technology is very helpful in the real estate business given that all the processes involved are tedious, tiresome, and vulnerable to fraud.

Real estate transactions with the use of the conventional method have various issues. First, high transaction costs arise from the involvement of several intermediaries including brokers, lawyers, and banks. Also, there is often very little information and transparency, for example regarding the ownership of the property, title deed, and the valuation of the property which may lead to dalla fraud. It is also possible to have many transaction delays, which include such activities as title search, mortgage approval, and closing, which may take a few weeks or even months. Cross-border dealing is even more complicated because they are not only limited by geographical and legal aspects of business.

Integrating custom real estate software development to the blockchain can add more efficiency in the processes as pointed out above, cutting out the middlemen and increasing the transparency of the real estate industry.

A Look at How Blockchain Functions in Real Estate

Most of these inefficiencies and risks are addressed by the use of blockchain technology. It has the potential to revolutionize the buying, selling, and management of property by virtue of data decentralization, robotic execution of procedures, and providing an irreversible and easily understandable account. 

Decentralization means that there is no one who controls the data in the network. Rather, the information is distributed across several computers also known as nodes which approve the transactions. This gets rid of the brokers and other intermediaries thus creating a direct business between the buyer and the seller. Also, the property records are made to be unalterable and can be accessed easily with the help of blockchain. It also means that once a transaction is done, the other cannot be altered, thus cutting down on cases of title fraud while at the same time offering reliable information.

Another benefit is smart contracts which are self-executing contracts that trigger the performance of the contract once certain conditions are met. This has a way of simplifying many aspects of property sales, rental agreements as well as escrow services thus improving the business process, making it quick, secure, and less prone to risks. Working with a smart contract development company will help in the right implementation of these contracts and improve real estate transactions.

Tokenization: There’s a New Way to Invest in Real Estate

Another use-case of blockchain in the real estate sector is tokenization where property is broken down into smaller shares and each share is represented by digital tokens. These tokens can be purchased, exchanged, or traded for on blockchain websites and this makes real estate investing easier.

Conventional real estate investment has been considered as a preserve of wealthy persons or companies. However, tokenization makes it possible for investors with limited capital to buy parts of expensive properties and thus increase the number of investors in the market. This also helps improve liquidity as owners of the tokens can sell their property shares in the secondary market thus creating more flexibility in the investment market.

Blockchain in Real Estate: An introduction 

Initial applications of the blockchain were in supporting cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and the technology is currently being considered as having an application in other industries including in real estate. In brief, blockchain can be defined as a distributed ledger which records transactions in a completely new manner. Each transaction or block is linked to the previous one forming a chain of data that cannot be changed. This innovation is designed to address some of the problems that have always been associated with the real estate industry, which is known to be rather slow and complicated as well as prone to fraud.

In the conventional real estate system, the buyer and the seller do not have a way of confirming the authenticity of a transaction on their own. These intermediaries make the process longer and costly and the information flow in the system is not very clear. In this regard, the use of blockchain can be of great assistance as it removes the intermediaries, decentralises the process and allows for direct P2P transfer. This not only improve the flow of transactions but also reduce the time and cost of the process and also increase the security and reliability. Blockchain can minimize the fraud and errors observed in property transactions by designing an unalterable and highly transparent system and thus offers a better solution for both buyer and sellers. Furthermore, collaboration with a blockchain development company will also increase the chances of a proper and successful adoption of the blockchain technology in the real estate industry.

Real estate has many problems that can only be solved by the use of blockchain

First of all the high transaction costs stem from the involvement of the brokers, agents, lawyers and banks. These intermediaries charge fees and also slow down the process of transaction hence making it costly and time consuming. Secondly, there is a problem of data accessibility because property ownership records, title deeds and other appraisals are not centralized and are not easily accessed. Such lack of clear information may result in mistakes and fraud.

Delays are also an issue of concern because real estate deals are sequential processes that involve title search, mortgage processing, and closing, which could take days, weeks or even months. Also, cross-border transactions are beset with legal and currency constraints, which lead to added risks and expenses.

Such challenges demand a more efficient and simple approach that is also more comprehensible. Custom blockchain development will help in increasing the efficiency of real estate processes and minimize costs and maximize trust.

The Procedure of Using Blockchain in Real Estate Business

Real estate has many problems that can only be solved by the use of blockchain.

First of all the high transaction costs stem from the involvement of the brokers, agents, lawyers and banks. These intermediaries charge fees and also slow down the process of transaction hence making it costly and time consuming. Secondly, there is a problem of data accessibility because property ownership records, title deeds and other appraisals are not centralized and are not easily accessed. Such lack of clear information may result in mistakes and fraud. 

Delays are also an issue of concern because real estate deals are sequential processes that involve title search, mortgage processing, and closing, which could take days, weeks or even months. Also, cross-border transactions are beset with legal and currency constraints, which lead to added risks and expenses. 

Such challenges demand a more efficient and simple approach that is also more comprehensible. Custom blockchain development will help in increasing the efficiency of real estate processes and minimize costs and maximize trust.

Tokenization: The Latest Method of Investing in Real Property

Tokenization can be said to be one of the most revolutionary uses of blockchain in real estate. Tokenisation is a process which entails the division of real estate into tokens whereby each token represents a share of the property. These tokens can be purchased, sold or exchanged for other tokens on the blockchain platforms as they perform same way as shares in a company.

Real estate investment has been in the past preserved for only those who have plenty of money to invest as property ownership is very costly. Tokenization reverses this situation by giving investors an opportunity to buy parts of expensive properties. For instance, rather than acquiring a real estate property of an office building, an investor can buy tokens that are equal to the percentage of that specific building’s value. This allows the real estate market to have more investors which include those who could not afford to invest due to the high costs of the properties.

Tokenization also solves one of the key problems of real estate, namely the lack of liquidity. Real estate has always been a highly illiquid asset class; this implies that once an investor puts his or her money into property, the asset may be difficult to sell in a short period of time, say weeks or months. Tokenization offers a solution in this regard since property tokens can be sold in secondary markets. This is because it allows investors to purchase and dispose off shares of real estate investments in a very convenient manner thus enhancing flexibility and liquidity in the investment process.

In the same way, tokenization can also be seen to contribute to the expansion of ownership by transforming geographical restraints and enabling people from around the globe to purchase shares of high-priced properties. Thus, investors have an opportunity to invest in tokens that represent real estate properties in various countries and do not need to worry about these countries’ legal systems or currency exchanges. This process makes it easier for a common man to invest in real estate and at the same time presents new investment avenues for international investors.

Live Applications of Blockchain in Real Estate Industry

Some of the companies and governments are presently employing blockchain in real estate deals.

For instance, Propy, an international platform, sealed the first property sale through the blockchain in Ukraine in 2017 and employed Ethereum in the entire process and no intermediaries were involved.

Lantmateriet the authority in charge of land registry in Sweden, is currently using blockchain to digitize the registry of land. Initial work has shown that the transfer times have been dramatically reduced and the process has become more transparent.

The St. Regis Aspen Resort in Colorado was one of the first luxury hotels to tokenize in 2018, the property sold shares of the property to accredited investors using blockchain to democratize real estate investment.

Real Estate: Challenges to the Adoption of Blockchain Technology

However, there are some challenges that hinder the implementation of this technology in the real estate industry as follows. Several issues need to be discussed in order to reach the point where blockchain will be widely used in the industry.

This is mainly due to one of the biggest problems faced by the company, namely the lack of regulatory clarity. Real estate is a totally governed industry and the use of blockchain technology that is based on decentralized and distributed systems is a subject of legal issues regarding compliance with the existing laws of the country and international laws. There are also differences in laws that govern ownership of properties, taxation and securities across different countries, thus making it difficult to have a standard blockchain solution. It will therefore be important for governments to develop and provide legal guidelines on the use of blockchain in real estate to correct this.

It is also important to note that security is also one of the biggest factors that hinders the adoption of blockchain. As the primary strength of blockchain is security, it cannot be considered protected against cyber threats. This paper also identifies that smart contracts flaws, unauthorized access, and hacking attacks are threats to the blockchain system. These are some of the risks that are associated with blockchain implementation; however, the use of secure encryption techniques as well as permissioned blockchains can go a long way in reducing these risks.

Another problem is the ability to integrate with other systems and platforms. Most of the real estate firms still use conventional systems in transactions, title management, and property records. Moving from these old systems to blockchain-based systems needs capital, personnel, and time to change the infrastructure.

The issue of scalability must be discussed. Real estate deals with large volumes of data and thus blockchain networks must be in a position to process a large number of transactions. Existing blockchain systems can be unable to provide the necessary throughput to accommodate real estate industry use cases on a global scale.

Blockchain Application in the Real Estate Industry of the Future

Nevertheless, blockchain has the ability to revolutionize the real estate sector. We may witness the emergence of new decentralized real estate platforms that will enable the buying and selling of properties directly on the blockchain without the middleman and thus increase the efficiency of the market. 

Another area where blockchain can also be instrumental is in the creation of smart cities where property, energy use, and maintenance of infrastructure are integrated through the use of smart contracts. Also, since blockchain can process cross-border transactions, it opens the possibility of a more integrated real estate market where investors from all over the world can engage in property transactions across the globe.


This paper therefore concludes that the real estate industry should adopt blockchain technology in a bid to solve challenges such as transparency, security and inefficiency in property dealing. This is due to the fact that blockchain is a distributed and wild ledger and it can decrease the involvement of intermediaries, cut off frauds and facilitate undertakings like the transfer of title deeds and escrow. This promotes the integrity in the real estate market because property documents and all the associated dealings are well secured, correct, and readily available to everyone who needs them.

Another great advantage of blockchain is tokenization through which ownership of real estate properties can be segmented. This allows more investors to be able to invest in high value properties thus increasing liquidity in a market that was initially rather illiquid. Tokenization when combined with smart contracts that automate the transaction process can reduce cost and time and can dramatically change the way people interact with real estate investment and management on the global level.

Nonetheless, there are some issues that block the adoption of blockchain in real estate, for instance, legal issues, compatibility with other systems, and scalability. The governments and industries will require some set of rules in regards to the property transaction using blockchain. Still, the chances of the blockchain in the real estate sector are apparent, and the existing problems will not hold the technology back. It is therefore expected that with the advancement of technology, real estate will be made to become more efficient, transparent and accessible to everyone. Also, it can be pointed that the use of blockchain development services can contribute to the integration of blockchain in real estate and the elimination of technical limitations and enhancement of industry processes.

Idealogic—Your Dedicated Blockchain Development Partner 

In the blockchain development industry, you can rely on Idealogic to become a reliable partner focused on transforming your visions into sustainable, protected, and efficient applications.

Idealogic has proved to be abreast of blockchain technology and has worked hard to develop a number of excellent projects to boost businesses around the world. Whether you are focusing on optimizing your business processes, increasing transparency, or interested in entering the blockchain sphere, Idealogic has all the knowledge and commitment to accompany you through the entire journey. 

For your blockchain project, do not go for a below-average experience—go with Idealogic and bring your ideas to life. Get in touch with us now or book a quick free call with our CTO to build the future that is based on the blockchain.


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