
Blockchain for E-Commerce: Industry Future Predictions

Arsenii Ovsianykov
June 4, 2024

Indeed, a new up-and-coming technology has emerged in the sphere of digital commerce, which is the technology of the blockchain system. Just imagine that each and every deal is safe, clear, and as swift as it takes to blink; this is what blockchain means for the e-commerce industry! 

Essentially, blockchain is a distributed database that makes and stores transactions on a chain that is often spread across several different computers. It initially came to the public attention as the basis for cryptocurrencies using Bitcoin, but now, main concepts of the blockchain appear in numerous fields, including finance, healthcare, and now, e-commerce. 

By the way, if you have at least one question in your mind on how to select the best e-commerce development agency that will turn all your dreams into reality, we are ready to help you. Here answers to all your questions will be found, for sure. 

For e-commerce, blockchain offers a variety of benefits: contemporary protection mechanism, efficient logistics management systems, and new forms of transactions. To analyze and appreciate it's importance, consider a world of perfectly efficient supply chains. Every goods from manufacturing to delivery to the customer, safe payment processing without the fear of fraud, and no need for mediators due to the incorporation of smart contracts. 

This is not some utopia – this is the now, the immediate future, the present state of blockchain for e-commerce! 

Following is the preview of the tour through the current and potential state of blockchain for e-commerce that will be provided by our experienced blockchain development team in this article. Thus, identifying the opportunities and the challenges of the blockchain e-commerce technology is to prepare the businesses for the future when the blockchain is no longer a choice but a requirement. 

Hence, it will be interesting to find out how it will revolutionalize the e-commerce world and make it more secure, convenient, and flexible!

What is Blockchain Technology: A General Understanding 

Blockchain is increasingly getting common in our society though another form of technology it is but what is it and why is it so significant? To gauge the extent that this technology may have on e-commerce let us first have an understanding of what it is.  

What is Blockchain?  

The global blockchain market size was fairly estimated to be around $7 billion in the Gartner report. 4 billion in 2022 and plans to achieve a revenue of more than $94. 500 million by the end of 2027, in turn, envisaging a CAGR of about 66. It would increase to 2% from the fiscal year 2022 to fiscal year 2027. In addition, Gartner adopted business value of blockchain, which will expand approximately 2,300% by 2025, at $176 billion and $3. 1 trillion by 2030.

In it's simplest form, blockchain is a distributed electronic register for keeping the record of transactions that occur on the communication network. Unlike other data systems that are structured in a central server, blockchain network is distributive where everyone gets an equal view of the entire database. It is this very attribute that renders blockchain extremely safe and unadulterated, because no single entity has influence over the global network.

How Does Blockchain Work?  

Blockchain functions on a very complex mechanism that enables it to be as open and as effective as it is. Still, we will attempt to make this process easier for you at this stage.

Transaction Initiation

Transaction begins with an agreement between two parties that the particular information or an asset would be exchanged. For example, in the case of the blockchain e-commerce this could be a purchase when a buyer sends the payment to the seller. It is then published to every node in the network for validation to take place Upon this, the transaction is disseminated to other nodes and validated.  


The involved parties in a network are called nodes; they validate the particular transaction through applying consensus algorithms. Common methods include:  

Proof of Work (PoW)

They are also termed as miners; nodes solve tough mathematics problems in order to endorse the new transactions and include them in the blockchain. This process is safe but needs high computation and energy making it a resource consuming one.

Proof of Stake (PoS)

In the said method, validators are selected depending on the number of coins they own and are willing to stake. PoS is less energy consuming than PoW and is deemed to be commonly used consensus mechanism in the future.


After validation the transaction is linked to other such transactions to form a block. Every block also contains a record of all the past approved transactions and a hash, which is a code related to the previous block. This creates a series of blocks, therefore the name blockchain It also seeks to validate that through the hash any form of change in a block is likely to jeopardize the integrity of the chain.  


It ensures that all participants in the blockchain network have the newest record, which is done by circulating the adjust blockchain in the network. Such decentralised distribution does not undermine the capability and the credibility of the blockchain. 

It is always nice knowing these foundational aspects as we try to learn more about the use of blockchain for e-commerce. Now, let’s move on.

The Present-day Use of Blockchain in e-commerce 

High competition is a major factor in the e-commerce industry, businesses are always in search of new means that could make them unique. In this case, the best idea is to enter blockchain for e-commerce since it is an emerging technology that starts to attract attention. 

That’s the time, which let's learn how blockchain is used right now and challenges the e-commerce world!

The increased usage of Blockchain in e-Commerce businesses 

Using of blockchain in e-commerce is progressing, and one can easily understand why that is the case. Several large retail chains and young companies are considering the possibilities of using blockchain to change the model of online shopping. From the safe handling of payments to the clear and proper supply of the goods, blockchain is starting to reinvent e-commerce.  

Secure Transactions

Another major aspect which makes blockchain attractive for the e-commerce business is the possibility to make transactions ultra-secure. This is so because with the advancement in technology, there has been high risks in cyber violations hence the use of blockchain in the e-commerce platforms to guard against frauds and data violations. For example, the IBM's Blockchain Pulse indicates that thirty-five percent of the companies are either implementing or have plans to implement blockchain to address security challenges.

Transparent Supply Chains

This is a huge advantage, especially in supply chain where blockchain shines through the ability to contribute to transparency of transactions. To the consumer’s surprise, one can now follow the full process of the product beginning with production and ending at the consumers’ door steps. This makes customer satisfaction to be achieved and they are usually assured of the originality of the products sold in those paque outlets. In view of various surveys, it has been found that by the year 2023, about 30% of the manufacturers having an annual turnover of $5 billion and above will employ blockchain technology to enhance the get visibility of their supply chain.

Some of the companies that have embraced blockchain technology for e-commerce are the following:

As you know, this is not just a theory because now there is a trend of using blockchain services for e-commerce, and several large companies are already involved in this process. These firms are showing how blockchain can take traditional industry structures and make them more secure and transparent.  


Transparency in the supply chain is other areas where Walmart is applying blockchain. The ‘paperless, delta-registered’ retail giant manages to use blockchain for tracking the origins of produce and food safety. For example, if there is a recall on a batch of spinach, by use of the … blockchain system, Walmart is able to identify the specific farm where the spinach was sourced from at least than a few seconds as compared to days. Recalls can thus be managed efficiently with the help of this quick traceability; it also increases consumer confidence. 

Frank Yiannas, Walmart’s Vice President of Food Safety noted that the use of the Blockchain cut the time it took to trace produce from 7 days down to 2. 2 seconds.


As it will be recalled that the online giant Alibaba employs the eСommerce platform to fight the challenge of fake products in the online market. By adopting the blockchain e-commerce system, Alibaba is able to monitor all the products right from the point of production to the delivery point. Each produced item is marked with a code that is engraved in the blockchain where the consumer can check the legitimacy of the product.  

This technology is especially useful in areas such as fashion accessories, drugs, and foodstuffs since the impacts of fake products can cause harm. The said initiative also benefits consumers while enhancing the reputation of the Alibaba marketplace.  


Currently, Amazon is investigating many of the opportunities and use cases of blockchain e-commerce technology but is admittedly still in the preliminary stages. This online retailing titan has displayed interest in blockchain particularly in areas of payment systems and several of it's services including supply chain through Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS has blockchain templates that can be used to easily design and launch secure blockchain systems. 

Such a decision demonstrates Amazon’s awareness of the innovative capacities of blockchain technology in optimizing working processes and enhancing the level of protection. As Amazon’s blockchain e-commerce efforts are not quite new, but evolving, their entry in this vertical can set up new benchmarks. 

In conclusion, it can be stated that as interest in blockchain increases, it will only give an even stronger effect on the e-commerce segment. It is already used to ensure security in e-commerce, and in other ways such as building trust by being transparent, blockchain for e-commerce is already poised to become the structural framework of this industry. 

Watch this space as we take a look at further potential of this kind of technology and it's advantages in the future.

Advantages of Blockchain on e-commerce 

Blockchain for e-commerce is not just a trend or a hype; it is the outlining of ideas that, if implemented, can bring lots of changes that will be more effective in making the overall e-commerce experience better for the business and for the end-users. So, let us consider the major benefits obtained through the use of blockchain in the sphere of online shopping!

Blockchain implementation in e-commerse.

1. Building Trust

Another advantage of using blockchain in e-commerce is in relation to the attribute of transparency. Each transfer of funds is in the public domain open for everyone to see in the network. This makes customers to be in a position to have trust with the sellers since they could be assured of the past history of the product.  

For instance, the consumer who purchases fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, is able to follow where the produce was grown, and remains calm if it is certified organic. Such level of transparency can be a strong mechanism of persuasion, and this gives customers some level of assurance to buy a product.

2. A High Security Level

Helping to reduce the centralized control of organizations, Blockchain along with its sophisticated cryptographic methods is highly secure. Every transaction is recorded and connected to the previous one; this results in a record or a chain that cannot be easily manipulated. It is crucial as fraud and cyberattacks entailing finance are some of the most significant issues in e-commerce. An illustration in this case is an online retailer that adopted blockchain for the processing of payments can better protect its users’ data by minimizing the occurrence of cyber-attacks.

 3. Lowered cost of operation and efficiency of the processes involved

Legacy solutions require several layers of PSPs, every of which takes its own commissions and requires some time to process transactions. The following are some of the ways that blockchain can enhance this process; direct P2P transactions eliminating the middlemen and hence cutting down on cost. Thus, blockchain in cross-border payment for business can greatly reduce the fee for transactions and the time taken for the same so making international payments much faster and cheaper.  

4. Supply Chain Management

An area that is rather powerful in e-commerce concerning visibility within the supply chain sphere is blockchain. It facilitates monitoring of the products in real time thus minimizing counterfeit products in the market. For example, a grocery vendor selling apparels can incorporate food e-commerce to provide history of the product right from the raw materials to the final apparels.

5. Customer Experience  

Thus, the application of blockchain in e-commerce contributes to serving customers and gaining their trust. They are self-executing contractual agreements written on the code of the data sharing network; they can minimize the time spent, or errors made in, contract execution. An example of using smart contracts for an e-commerce platform can entail order processing and shipment of the products as soon as the payment is made hence will result in a generalized client satisfaction.

6. Empowering Decentralized Marketplaces  

E-commerce using blockchain ensures that consumption markets are developed that have no relay centers bringing together buyers and sellers. One of the effects is that it brings about increased prices and variety of products for the consumers. Companies such as OpenBazaar employ blockchain to provide peer-to-peer markets where consumers can directly purchase and sell products without having to rely on several middlemen to provide their services hence incurring more costs and being unable to access the market.  

 The applications of blockchain are numerous for the e-commerce industry as the technology provides answers to the main issues. That is why, as more and more businesses observe these advantages of using blockchain it can be safely stated that it will become an essential tool in the sphere of e-commerce.

Blockchain for E-commerce: The prognosis or forecast as to what is going to happen in the future

With growing advancements in the application of blockchain technology, the impact will only increase in the future on e-commerce businesses. Below are some of the future probabilities that our team has envisioned on how blockchain will influence the online shopping of the future.

Blockchain for e-commerse.

1. Improved Security Measures  

Thus, in the future, blockchain shall act like a benchmark when it comes to the safety of transactions. Due to the levels of encryption and decentralization, blockchain can greatly minimize instances of fraud and cyber threats in the e-commerce business. 

As we approach 2030, the majority of the transaction in the pipe will be protected by blockchain technology, meaning the purchasing process in the e-commerce sites will be more secure. According to Juniper Research, such an e-commerce adaptation of blockchain has many potential benefits, including a potential reduction of e-commerce fraud expense by $31 billion by 2024.

2. Widespread Adoption of Cryptocurrencies

Despite the current roller coaster trend of the prices of most cryptocurrencies, it's stable favorable forms will have a significant involvement in e-commerce. Payments regarding such blockchain systems will be faster, cheaper and more secure compared to the traditional methods of payments. 

Cryptocurrencies will become a regular feature of the e-commerce, major stores will accept digital money along with other kinds of payments by 2030. Statistics also show that, by the end of the decade, the number of users of cryptocurrencies will be a billion, which will also contribute to this, according to Statista.

3. Smart Contracts for Automation  

Smart contracts shall be used to enable the automation of certain functions of e-commerce such as order fulfilment and customer relations. Savvy self-executing contracts cut down on the middlemen and less human embodiment results in more efficient outcomes. 

By 2027, it should be noted that smart contracts will become popular in e-commerce, which will positively affect such activities as order processing, returns, and dispute procedures. According to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, 10% of GDP might be stored using blockchain technology; smart contracts will be of utmost importance.

4. The idea of integrating IoT or Internet of Things was also included

A transition to greater interconnectivity will occur in e-commerce due to the integration of blockchain and IoT. IoT devices have the capacity to conjure a lot of information, and blockchain for e-commerce has the functionality of safely archiving all this information, thus resulting in more efficient e-commerce platforms. 

Blockchain integrated with IoT will be mainstream by 2030. Update inventory status in real time to enhance automated replenishment and optimize the supply chain and the whole e-commerce ecosystem.

5. Tokenization of Assets  

Tokenization means the process of converting existing tangible and intangible items into ERC-20 tokens: This can change how assets are shared and exchanged in e-commerce ranging from real estates, luxury products, digitized art, and ideas/ patents. 

Tokenization of assets should become common place by 2028 in e-commerce as consumers will be able to purchase, sell, trade various tokenized assets freely, which should create additional streams of earnings for enterprises and investment possibilities for consumers.

6. Micro-Payments and Subscription Models  

The fundamental change that blockchain’s building of micropayments can cause is the complete disruption of subscription-based services and even the monetization of content. There will be true consumption where consumers use their money to buy only that which they want thus a possibility of making many services cheaper. 

Note the ubiquity of blockchain encouraging micro-payments by 2029, overcoming stiff business models of e-commerce, media, and several software services.

Data Privacy and Ownership

Blockchain thus provides an opportunity to decentralize and control the personal data, giving consumers the upper hand. This shift can enhance the privacy aspect and specific regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. 

By the end of 2025, social commerce is expected to become a dominant trend, and by applying blockchain technology, many e-commerce applications will enable clients to control their data and the ways it will be used. 

In sum, if your business takes these future characteristics into consideration, it will have a bright future that is safe, reliable, efficient, and consumer-oriented!

How to Implement Blockchain for E-commerce Business

Blockchain integration for the e-commerce business can then be simply defined as a planned process that begins with identifying the problems that can be solved with it. 

Firstly, one should define problem domains where blockchain can provide the most impact: security, supply chain, and faster payments. 

Thus our key guidance is to consult with blockchain experts such as Idealogic for the creation of the road-map choosing the right blockchain platform whether it is public as in Ethereum or business’s specifically designed private blockchain. Blockchain cannot be implemented independently of the current systems; it needs some kind of adapting to the current infrastructure to accommodate dApps and smart contracts. 

The biggest asset in this process will be the training and educating of the employees on the use of blockchain technology. It also includes the managers and other relevant people, who must be aware of the tactical advantages of the strategy as well as the alterations to the business. 

Pilot implementations can also be very useful when it comes to functional implementations of blockchain on limited scale prior to mass implementation. 

Step by step, you can gradually introduce blockchain into your e-commerce processes, and ensure a smooth transition, thus you can begin to enjoy all the advantages of the new technology that can revitalize your business and boost it's performance, enhance the protection of your clients’ data, and, therefore, gain the trust of your consumers!

Idealogic: Your Preferred Development Company For Blockchain Enterprise 

At Idealogic, we pride ourselves in being able to offer you a ready made blockchain solutions that fits your e-commerce firm! 

Our highly qualified specialists will be happy to assist in conducting all the possibilities of the blockchain, guaranteeing security and a transparent work schedule. Whether you’re interested in solving information security issues with the help of blockchain for payments, redesigning the supply chain process or developing decentralized markets — with Idealogic you will get efficiency and creativity at once! 

Choose to work with us and revolutionize your e-commerce solution and outrank your rivals! 

Looking for a significant turn around?

Get in touch using the form below or schedule an instant call with our CTO to find out how Emerging ME can help transform your business with our innovative blockchain technologies!


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